30 C
• zondag 16 juni 2024

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CC | Minister: Reports of stray animal deaths on Curaçao “touch my heart”

HomeLandenCuraçaoCC | Minister: Reports of stray animal deaths on Curaçao "touch my...

THE HAGUE – The Dutch Minister of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality, Piet Adema, has instructed his officials to inquire about the plan to capture and euthanize stray dogs and cats in an ‘inhumane’ manner in Curaçao.

The minister expressed that the reports deeply affected him, as stated in a letter to the Second Chamber today. Adema also mentioned that, due to negative publicity, the trapping operation has been abandoned.

In his letter to the chamber, Minister Adema stated that the standing committee on Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality had asked for his response to the received petition ‘Stop the killing of dogs and cats in Curaçao.’

The minister mentioned that Curaçao is responsible for its own animal welfare policy, and questions about this policy should, in principle, be directed to the government of Curaçao.

“However, I have read the petition. In that petition, I read that many stray dogs and cats in Curaçao would be killed in an unpleasant way. As the Minister of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality, this naturally touches my heart. In response to the request from the Chamber, there has been official contact with the Ministry of Health, Environment, and Nature in Curaçao. Inquiries were made about the trapping operation and the animal suffering mentioned in the petition. Based on this contact, it appears that the Curaçao Animal Protection Foundation ultimately decided against the trapping operation after negative publicity and contact with the Curaçao Ministry of Health, Environment, and Nature,” said the minister.

Furthermore, the Curaçao ministry indicated that the Veterinary Service of Curaçao maintains good contact and collaboration with animal welfare organizations there. They also stated that euthanasia of dogs only occurs when the animals are seriously ill, and euthanasia is the only solution.

Bron: Curacao Chronicle

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