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Column Jacob Gelt Dekker - Laatste Nieuws
Curacao.nu | 600.000 euro postuum naar Gelt Dekker
Willemstad – Verzekeraar Avéro Achmea moet de kankerbehandeling van Jacob Gelt Dekker in 2018 volledig vergoeden. Het gaat volgens de Telegraaf om een bedrag van bijna 600.000 euro.
Ingezonden | In memoriam Jacob Gelt Dekker
Uw ingezonden brief in de Knipselkrant Curacao? Stuur uw brief voor 21:00 uur naar emailadres INGEZONDEN. Wij publiceren uw brief zonder deze in te korten. De redactie van de...
Ingezonden | In memoriam: Jacob Gelt Dekker
Uw ingezonden brief in de Knipselkrant Curacao? Stuur uw brief voor 21:00 uur naar emailadres INGEZONDEN. Wij publiceren uw brief zonder deze in te korten. De redactie van de...
AD | Jacob Gelt Dekker is niet meer
Willemstad - Jacob Gelt Dekker, de grondlegger van Kura Hulanda Hotel en Kura Hulanda Slavernijmuseum waarmee het daarvoor zwaar verloederde hartje Otrobanda een ware gedaantewisseling onderging, is niet meer.
Meer - Column Jacob Gelt Dekker
NU | Ondernemer Jacob Gelt Dekker (71) overleden in Florida
De Nederlandse miljonair, ondernemer en filantroop Jacob Gelt Dekker is overleden, bevestigt uitgever Liesbeth Heenk van Amsterdam Publishers zondag na een bericht van de NOS.
Volgens haar is Gelt Dekker...
Telegraaf | Zakenman Jacob Gelt Dekker overleden
Amsterdam - Ondernemer, schrijver en filantroop Jacob Gelt Dekker is op 71-jarige leeftijd overleden. Dat bevestigt zijn uitgever na berichtgeving van de NOS.
Gelt Dekker was opgeleid als tandarts, maar...
NOS | Zakenman en filantroop Jacob Gelt Dekker (71) overleden
De zakenman, filantroop en schrijver Jacob Gelt Dekker is overleden. Zijn uitgever heeft dat bekendgemaakt. Gelt Dekker was 71 jaar en was al enige tijd ernstig ziek. Hij overleed...
Column JGD | From a patient’s log book
Interior designer Marcel Wanders put in rooms, lobbies and restaurants of the Kameha Grand Hotel of Bonn, Front Moooi’s Pig tables, at Euro 3,000 apiece, in the stunning wing-shaped...
Column JGD | Three strikes and you are out
My lymphoma that developed in June 2014, has relapsed for the third time, and this time with a fury. A 10x20 cm large tumor grew into the lower right,...
Column JGD | British invasion on Statia
Statia’s delusional political leader, Clyde van Putten, insists that St. Eustatius is an easy prey to be ransacked by Dutch Marines. The incident of 1780, was for van Putten...
Column JGD | Clean up
Six months after the van Putten-Statia incident, financial mismanagement, abuse of power, fraud, theft, embezzlement of public funds, widespread corruption and favoritism, personal intimidations, threats and insults, and extensive...
Column JGD | Caribbean micro and mini states
Hurricane Maria of 2017 posed a tough question to Caribbean islands, to rebuild or not to rebuild. And a far more intriguing dilemma, can Caribbean mini- and micro-States continue...
Column JGD | GreenTown or PDVSA?
Only after a D.D. (due diligence), Guangdong Zhenrong Energy (GZE), as main investor for the Oil Refinery (RdK), was disqualified. The D.D. showed that the company did not have...
Column JGD | “People ask me what to do to improve Curaçao’s economy”
My recommendations are: Since top-down government for the last 50 years, does not work, I propose to start a bottom-up regime. Measures needed, and easy to implement.
1. Deregulation of...
Column JDG | Independence
“My name, my reputation, and determination to do more for St. Maarten are constantly covered in fog, a fog not of my doing. The fog is created by the...
Column JGD | Happy Holidays
It is the end of yet another year, and time to celebrate, time for great happiness with your loved ones. I wish you the very, best, whole-heartedly and thank...
Column JGD | What is next?
“CRUISE lines plan to steer their ships away from major Caribbean ports after Hurricane Irma ripped through the paradise islands, dealing an extra economic blow to the region ravaged...
Column JGD | Poverty’s frustration
The poor see their chances of social and economic mobility eroding; they have become second, or even third choice. The new elite of wealth formation is exclusive, locking out...
Column JGD | Dear Anansi
Dear Anansi, I was about to tell you the Battle of Nevis, but now you say that you are sick and tired of all my sea battles and pirates...
Column JGD | Duppy
On a little island in the Caribbean where nobody lived, I anchored my boat in a half circular bay. Nights, I stared at the millions of diamonds in the...
Column JGD | A Professor
On a little island in the Caribbean was a Professor. He was all alone, and I decided to visit him.
When I entered his library, a spacious room that doubled...
Column JGD | How to fight poverty
Mr. Eugene Rhuggenaath, the new PM of the Island State of Curacao, said that his priority is fighting poverty.
”We will be training the unemployed, so they can eventually work...
Column JGD | Almost
A friend came to visit and told me the following story. “ I came to see you in the hospital, but when I got to your room, you were...
Column JGD | Pomp and circumstance
Pope Benedict XVI had a love for wearing 18-krt golden, Medieval vestments, which weighted so heavy that he required the assistance of two or even four helpers.
Followed by a...
Column JGD | Canal nudity
"Sorry, my attention is distracted," I wrote, "there is a stark naked person on the bench in front of the house." Oh, well, I thought, no fuss! It's the...
Column JGD | Migration from the Caribbean and South Africa
“At the time of independence, in 1975, Dutch subjects living in the colony of Suriname were given the choice of Dutch or Surinamese citizenship. Amazingly, 220,000 out of a...
Column JGD | Negritude is dead
Negritude or pan-Africanism do not show up in the Afro-American and Afro-Caribbean political debate.
Edward Blyden (1832-1912) of St. Thomas made it his life's achievement to repatriate Africans to Africa....
Column JGD | Politics
While electorates around the world get ready for ballot boxes, politicians like traders in smoky tavern rooms at farmers’ markets, eager to strike secret deals.
“The room where it
No one...
Column JGD | Independence dreams
National liberation and socialist change under “working class leadership” was a dream of many islanders but in fact created the biggest problem for Caribbean Island States.
Working class leadership’s...
Column JGD | Hundred years misled
“The secret of the proletariat, “ Karl Marx once said, “ is that it bears within it the destruction of bourgeois society.”
But the destruction of the bourgeoisie by the...
Column JGD | POTUS and Pinocchio
Geppetto, an Italian woodcarver, and clockmaker created the marionette Pinocchio and gave the world the archetype of truth. But “graven images” can be very dangerous.
Try to figure it...
Column JGD | Muddling through
When asked about his general policy in WW II, Churchill answered that he followed the K.M.T policy.
“And what Sir, may that K.M.T-policy be?” asked the visiting general.
“It is this,”...
Column JGD | Anti-aging
Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, was born in 1755, on the Caribbean island of Nevis, at that time, a tropical hellhole...
Column JGD | Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, was born in 1755, on the Caribbean island of Nevis, at that time, a tropical hellhole...
Column JGD | Jonas
Jonas---the Prophet who spent three days and nights in the belly of a giant fish--- set up shelter on a hill slope overlooking the city of Nineveh. Jonas waited...
Column JGD | Truthiness
“Truthiness (Stephen Colbert, 2005) comes from the gut,” not from facts—“the truth we want to exist,” that feels right. Truthiness is alternative facts, fake news.
“Pizzagate,” was such a fake...
Column JGD | De-skill and re-skill the skill of the unskilled
For decades, doomsday thinkers bombarded the world with the future role of robots. Authors forecasted that robots would take over in the world from human workforces, especially leaving the...
Column JGD | Competitive victimhood
Exploitation of victimhood is still a prevailing mentality in many Afro-American and –Caribbean communities. It was Louis Farrakhan, the leader of Nation of Islam, who set the tone in...
Column JGD | Costly punishment
Populist politicians are eager to capitalize on this thirst for retaliation.
Populist politicians tapped new sources of young voters by rekindling smoldering hate against long bygones, like colonialism, slavery and...
Column JGD | Elections again
Curaçao chose to govern itself as a democracy, but its constitutions and institutions turn out to be weak and not very popular. Participation in formal and informal institutions is...
Column JGD | God, the One and Only
In our world of radical uncertainty, the religiously faithful are certain. Devotees of any God believe in their Almighty Divine Entity and whatever related gospel that Entity may preach....
Column JGD | Money
“A Mark, a Yen, a Buck, or a Pound
Is all that makes the world go round.”
(film Cabaret: Kit Kat Klub, 1930, Berlin)
“ The love of money is the root...
Column JGD | Risk and uncertainty
On 25 January 2017, between 9: 30 and 10: 00 o’clock, the Dow Jones Index crashed through the 20,000-ceiling by jumping from 19,994.48 to 20,000 ++. On 6 March...
Column JGD | ‘Remember the good old times?’
But was life really better in the good old days? Blaming the present for the mishap of today and admiring the past seems firmly rooted in human nature, even...
Column JGD | Untrimming
The road to economic growth starts with investment in education. But more than just passing on useful knowledge is needed; training and drilling are essential parts of the package.
Column JGD | Fake news
When fake news hit the global stage of politics, and the results were undesirable, political leaders went up in arms. “When you open FB or Twitter, fake news is...
Column JGD | Fidel
The ceremonial funeral of Fidel, today, marks the end of communism. From the Bolshevik Revolution, in November 1917, to the death of Castro, in November 2017, nearly exactly 100...
Column JGD | The Restoration Economy
Those who get to tour around the island on their own, or with visitors, always come back to one end conclusion: “What a beautiful island but why is everything...
Column JGD | The Curacao economy
Democratic elections are a means to give the electorate some form of control over what is happening today and tomorrow. Politicians who abandon the charter and platform, they were...
Column JGD | The myth of Curacao
The myth of Curacao as an independent, or autonomous nation, a shared imagination of its population, is faltering.
After its formation on 10-10-10, political leaders called for nation building, which...
Column JGD | Work and wealth
Rapidly changing technologies, its economies and job markets pose new challenges for all workers. Special wisdom is required of today’s politicians who are supposed to shape the future wealth...
Column JGD | Power slip
The proposed new government coalition is a mirror image of similar administrations, ten, fifteen and twenty years ago. Even some of the faces of the past, aged and well...
Column JGD | Gay loving hurricane Matthew
Curacao’s PS-politician, Winnie Raveneau informed the Community that she had communication with her God. Supposedly, Hurricane Matthew blew over the island and the effects, or lack thereof, was her...
Column JGD | From Consumption to Production
The new Cabinet has a very simple and straightforward task; to increase the wealth and well-being of the people of the island. Unfortunately, for the last 25 years, none...
Column JGD | Sacrificing a few good men
Demonization used to be the reinterpretation by the Church of polytheistic deities as evil and lying demons.
Characterization as evil, of individuals, groups, or political bodies, is the new meaning...
Column JGD | A time to love and a time to hate
The USA-November elections appear to be all about whom you hate. “Do you hate Trump more than Hillary, vote Hillary!”
The UK preceded the USA in this way with its...
Column JGD | About wagons and horses
Will it be, nation building that pulls the wagon of economic growth, or economic growth pulling the wagon of nation building??
With elections coming up in one month, ambitious politicians...
Column JGD | Hired hands
Ooh’s and aah’s clouded Curacao’s blue skies when 21 political parties registered in the Parliamentary elections scheduled for September. But what can be so negative about political exuberance amongst...
Column JGD | Popularity contests
The identities of conspirators who put out a rich murder contract on PS-political leader, Helmin Wiels, three years ago, will be made public before the upcoming parliamentary elections in...
Column JGD | Abolish income tax
A reader was so kind to post the following observation. “In the period 2000 – 2010, the GDP of the island of Curacao grew nominally from Ang. 3795.7 million...
Column JGD | Victimization
“I have done nothing! Look at what they did to my ancestors,” said A.S., a juvenile delinquent, serving a prison sentence for armed robbery and violence in Leeuwarden Juvenile...
Column JGD | Span of attention
The outcome of the US-presidential elections in November will be determined by "span of attention" of the electorate.
Presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders put it so eloquently when he stated in...
Column JGD | Dutch marketing
Dejima and Frederick Coyett’s role in the Nambu affair. In 1643, ten members of the crew of the Dutch merchant ship “Breskens,” including the skipper Hendrick Corneliszoon Schaep, were...
Column JGD | It hardly matters who is in power in Venezuela
President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela is still in power in spite of all speculations, forecasts, and predictions. Under a veil of institutional legality, he and his junta managed to...
Steun Knipsel Curacao
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