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• zaterdag 8 februari 2025

Blog Jorge Sulbaran - Laatste Nieuws

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Blog Sulbaran | Curacao small island, big problems (part 8) – The real reason behind the Sanction law

Right now Refineria Isla, a mainstay of Curaçao’s economy, is refining Russian Crude. The acceptance of the Sanctions laws basically means closing of Isla Refinery. Case in point, they...

Blog Sulbaran | Curacao small island, big problems (part 7) – The cypo caper! . . . ....

The existing concession with Curaçao Port Services (CPS), a company headed by Fernando da Costa Gomez, would have ended since 2011. Wiels refused to extend the monopoly held by...

Blog Sulbaran | Curacao small island, big problems (part 6) – WHO WANTED TO DESTROY HELMIN WIELS ?

While Wiels continued to make enemies at home and abroad, denouncing everything from local corruption to the presence of the US Military installation, which he believed was used to...

Blog Sulbaran | Curacao small island, big problems (part 5) – THE INTERSECTION OF UPPERWORLD AND UNDERWORLD

Recently the Minister of Justice Nelson Navarro looked very distressed when he said; “Organized Crime has penetrated in all levels of our society. The Underworld has penetrated the Upperworld....

Blog Sulbaran | Curacao small island, big problems (part 4) – The ties between politics and the underworld

There are Indications that Helmin Wiels was misled by his own party members! There was a proposal from a group of “investors” interested in acquiring property and obtaining a...

Blog Sulbaran | Curacao small island, big problems (part 3) – War against drugs. . . or the...

It is known that DEA agents infiltrate legit business in all sectors, to control businessmen with lucrative deals, as compensation for their participation in the lucrative Narco trafficking. Obviously...

Blog Sulbaran | Curacao small island, big problems (part 2) – U.S. intelligence infiltrates Curacao

Meanwhile the formality to endorse the agreement with USA State Department for the presence of the US Military base, known as FOL (Forward Operation Location) had to be confirmed by...

Blog Sulbaran | Curacao small island, big problems (part 1) – The real story behind curacao’s politics

It was 10.10.10 the day Curaçao became an autonomous nation in the Dutch Kingdom, NOT everybody was happy but there was optimism from the side of the “NO” party’s....

Blog Sulbaran | Curacao small island, big problems

Bron: MIR icm Curaçao Chronicle. Blog van MFK-politicus Jorge 'Palu Djo' Sulbaran (tevens bestuurslid Hustisia Sosial Kòrsou en Movementu Independentista Revolushonario (MIR)) met zijn visie over de moord op Helmin...

Steun Knipsel Curacao

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