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• zondag 30 juni 2024

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Open Letter to the Consular Corps of Curacao

HomeMediaOpen Letter to the Consular Corps of Curacao

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Open Letter to the Consular Corps of Curaçao

 from Venezolanos en el Mundo and Venex Curaçao

Curaçao, February 21, 2014

Ms. Helga Mensing
Dean of the Consular Corps of Curaçao Honorary Consul of Finland
Schottegatweg Oost z/n Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean

Dear Ms. Mensing,

Venezolanos en el Mundo and Venex Curaçao, on behalf of the People of
Venezuela and particularly our students, would like to ask for your support to
Venezuela and its people from all consular representatives in Curaçao.
Violence in our country, through the government´s armed repression to
Unarmed civilians,has become extreme and basic human rights are
permanently being violated; especially during the last nation-wide events that
have been taking place in the country since February 12, 2014 which have
already left 6 confirmed deaths and hundreds of people wounded.


As Venezuelan citizens residing in Curaçao, we are very worried about our
country and the absence of formal and strong pronouncements from
international leaders rejecting violence, death, and terror in Venezuela. We
believe in freedom of speech, peace, tolerance, diversity, and the development
of people and countries; values that are shared by all democratic countries.
Unfortunately, many of these democratic values are currently non-existent in
our country. Therefore, we kindly ask you for your attention and support to the
People of Venezuela in these harsh times of grief and sorrow.

It is known and public that many international human rights organizations
have expressed concern about the brutal attacks against students, journalists,
and unarmed civilians in general.  What Venezuela is experiencing today is

critical enough for the international community to react and voice their
concern. Venezuela is part of the jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court of
Human Rights but the international support and strong voice defending
Human Rights in Venezuela are essential to echo the fear that many
Venezuelans share.

We thank you in advance for your attention and trust you understand our cry
for much needed international support due to the current extremely violent
situation that has left civilians defenseless within their own territory.


Venezolanos en el Mundo
Venex Curaçao

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