Openbaar Ministerie Sint Maarten/ Public Prosecutor’s Office Sint Maarten
PRESS RELEASE – In the case of the 40-year old woman J.R. the Judge of Instruction followed the request of the Prosecutors Office to suspend the pre-trial detention again.
The Prosecutor’s Office dropped certain special conditions, which means J.R. is no longer obliged to cooperate with the Probation Department, neither with a psychologist or psychiatrist.
The remaining conditions are that she is still not allowed to contact the people that pressed charges against her, that she needs to be available for police and justice and that she cannot commit new crimes.
J.R. is summoned to appear in court for the two most recent crimes on the 21nd of October. The other cases are still under investigation.
Bron: Openbaar Ministerie Sint Maarten
There are two charges. 1) That I called a police officer a scunt “kut” and 2) I made a figurative speech, that I would bend a lawyer over, with no Vaseline. Those are their two ridiculous charges against me. That I alleged used ‘insultive language’ whatever that means.
“J.R. is summoned to appear in court for the two most recent crimes on the 21nd of October”
The crimes: ‘Suspected of offending an attorney and a police officer’
It is rather unclear what exactly the charges seem to be. This is a grave omission in penal law. Apparently the lady is to be persecuted ruthlessly. She seems to present an unknown danger to the vested interests? But if everyone is as clean as driven snow, as they say they are, the lady with her fountain pen cannot possibly present a loss of reputation to anyone in high places. She only muddies the waters with the stick of precaution. The red mists of anger impair the view of the officialdom perhaps? That is no way to acquire merit in this short life. Justice must be served in a civilized manner. She is a lady of charming manners and infinite resources. In short a dispenser of delight. We do hope the public prosecutor; his staff, the judge and all involved will use logic and the law accordingly and not lose their reason in torrid emotions.
What are the 2 most recent crimes? Clearly the court hearing on 21st October is public so why don’t we know what she is accused of?