32 C
• zaterdag 7 september 2024 18:05

DH | Driver escapes uninjured after vehicle accident on Belair Road

BELAIR–In the early hours of Wednesday, at approximately 1:45am, a vehicle veered off Belair Road near a local school. The incident, precipitated by the actions of another vehicle, led to the car ending up in a roadside ditch.

“Thankfully, the driver emerged from the accident unscathed,” police said. “However, the event serves as a poignant reminder of the paramount importance of safe driving practices. By adhering to safe and controlled speeds, drivers can significantly mitigate the likelihood of accidents and maintain the ability to navigate their vehicles safely in unforeseen circumstances.”

In light of this occurrence, St. Maarten Police Force KPSM urges all drivers to exercise caution on the roads, comply with speed limits, and remain vigilant at all times. “Such measures are essential in preventing similar incidents from unfolding in the future,” police warned.

Bron: Daily Herald

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