31 C
• woensdag 11 september 2024 10:02

Ingezonden | Open letter to Oliver Arrindell: A silly barking dog

Ingezonden brief

Uw ingezonden brief in de Knipselkrant Curacao? Stuur uw brief voor 17:00 uur naar emailadres: INGEZONDEN. Wij publiceren uw brief zonder deze in te korten.

De redactie van de Knipselkrant Curacao is niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud. Ingezonden stukken die beledigende of discriminerende taal bevatten worden door ons niet gepubliceerd.

Vandaag laten we M.I. Leito aan het woord

DEAR MR. Oliver Arrindel,

I’ve been following your posts from a distance regarding your continued fight plan to obtain an economic permit to start an airline. I’m trying not to mingle in the ongoing public discussion you created against the minister of Traffic and Aviation, but I want you to know this.

Take it as an advice even though you pretend to be the most selfmade man on the beautiful island of Curaçao. You are a ‘businessman’, not a politician. If you want to talk bad about our ministers, parliament and our government you will never change it until you present strategic and pro-active solutions at hand not for the minister but for our island.

The way you are conducting this discussion is simply like a bad looser, who still holds the right to go to court in a democratic country, but chooses to be the ignorant barking dog.

There is a Dutch saying: ‘blaffende honden bijten niet’, and that’s why I think that the minister isn’t afraid of all the things you are saying about her lately. Besides her, you always had an agressive defensive reaction and attitude every time someone or the local media had another point of view about your integrity, businessplan and aviation-project.

I remember how you attacked both minister Balborda and minister Jardim, journalists of Radio Direct, public servants, Insel Air and headlines in our local newspapers. What kind of investor does this at all time, with which purpose and why? I mean literally everybody is that bad except you? Please look at yourself in the mirror and focus on what you want to achieve with your project.

A streetfight-attitude will not help you at all, neither the people who you supposedly are trying to give a job. You are showing your true self after all as a ceo as to how you will treat your own employees if your project will succeed. Bon manera ta siña na kas. I wish you the best of luck and be blessed.



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