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• maandag 1 juli 2024

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Ingezonden: Kura Hulanda dicht

HomeMediaIngezonden: Kura Hulanda dicht
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Uw ingezonden brief in de Knipselkrant Curaçao?
Stuur uw brief voor 17:00 uur naar emailadres: INGEZONDEN

Wij publiceren uw brief zonder deze in te korten.
De redactie van de Knipselkrant Curaçao is niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud.
Ingezonden stukken die beledigende of discrimeneerende taal inhouden worden door ons niet gepubliceerd.

Vandaag klom ”  Werkneemster Kura Hulanda” voor ons in de pen…………..

,,I usually don’t share personal emotions of Facebook. But today I feel I need to do so. With lots of pain in my heart and tears in my eyes I, me, us, we were forced to leave our job with a couple of hours of advice today.

Working at Kura Hulanda for the past 2 years was the best job I ever had.

  • I’ve learned,
  • I cried,
  • I smiled,
  • I spend more than 12 hours,
  • I grown up as a person,
  • I met new people in my life etc etc.

I enjoyed it. When I arrived at work I was happy and I blocked all negativism surrounding me out. Because I was and I’m a happy, jolly girl with a big smile always on my face.

I’m pissed off yes… for the fact that we got the message today.
But happy because this was a journey and we all go through shits in our lives.
I’m not the first and I’m not the last.
I knew the truth and I new what was coming.
And it was hard to see my colleagues in their face and say: ‘We have some days left’.
But I kept a positivism and I have faith that everything is going to be alright. Everyone including myself needs a day of fun and distraction from this sadness.
Reason why today I’m on vacation.
I’m not on Curaçao. I know my phone would be red hot so I turned it off.
So please … do not text me. Do not call me. As I know and I knew what was coming. Plan B is on his way. God is in control.
I’m open for everything and everyone that knows me, knows that I’m hard to break.
I’m now bending but I did not and will not not break.”

Deze getuigenis van een werkneemster van Kurá Hulanda werd eergisteren op Facebook geplaatst.


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