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Vandaag laten we Hilda de Windt Ayubi aan het woord
IS the Light
of drawing people
from here and there
on the trail of Spirit’s Pilgrimage
is when all our children,
our sisters and brothers,
even the lost ones,
reunite for a while
at daytime or at night
To share dinner or a drink,
for we have come to realize
that each one of us can rise
until he reaches the highest sky
or fall unto the deepest depths
That hence,
in high and low tides,
in prosperity and adversity
we have to reach out our hand to men,
because is it not after all about the Lord’s
Forgiveness and Love?
So at Christmas
the bells will rhythmically ring,
ting a ling, a ling, a ling,
that we just forget sorrow and pain
merrily dance and sing,
share dinner or a drink …
For today is Christmas,
the creation of a New Beginning
as the petals of the temple
start to unwrap again
showing us the Inner Spirit’s Gifts
that lie Therein
Christmas is
The Hand of Hope
that cures body and soul