30 C
• zondag 30 juni 2024 09:52

DH | Two more deaths, positive cases jump to 37

Note to Daily Herald readers: “Due to the 24-hour curfew and closure of St. Maarten stores, it’s regrettably no longer feasible to make a daily newspaper (the printed or electronic version) at this moment.”

PHILIPSBURG–Two more persons died from coronavirus COVID-19 in St. Maarten, while the total number of positive cases has increased to 37, said government in its update on Sunday, April 5.

The jump to 37 is an almost 50 per cent increase on Saturday’s numbers, with 12 new positive cases being confirmed on Sunday. Of these 37 cases, 26 are male and 11 are female.

Two persons succumbed to COVID-19 on Sunday, bringing the total number of deaths to six. All of these deaths have been within the last week.

Eight tests are currently pending and 60 have come back negative. There are currently one positive case and three suspected cases hospitalised at St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC). Three persons were discharged from the hospital as they are in good condition, said government.

Bron: Daily Herald

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