If Curaçao’s government does not put an end to the planned budget cuts and proposed austerity measures, then labour unions will take to the streets.
This is what “Solidaridat Sindikal” told the Rhuggenaath Cabinet during a meeting.
The spokesman for this conglomeration of 10 trade unions is strike action veteran Errol Cova. “Monday is around the corner,” he said. The unions also demand, among other things, a bigger say in the “flanking” growth strategy to revive the economy.
Bron: Daily Herald
Het is te hopen dat die panden aan de Handelskade goed verzekerd zijn.
Paul de Geus (UTS en CETX/Dataplanet) nafls 1.144,274 (2019)
Philip Martis (SVB) nafls 1.125.666 (2015)
Yamil Lasten (Curoil) nafls 827.704 (2019)
Franklin Sluis (Bureau Telecommunicatie en Post) nafls 747,306 (2015)
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