WILLEMSTAD- The popular comedian, public figure and show host, Steve Harvey during these last years has positioned himself at the top of television programming. Recently, during an edition of the Steve Harvey Show, the Curaçao Tourist Board gave away a stay in Curaçao to Jackie and Matt.
The fragment “Their Love Brought Back His Memory’ in the Steve Harvey Show caused a major impact when the story came to light of a recently married couple whose life have changed when the husband lost his memory during a car accident. Thanks to Jackie’s love, Matt was able to regain his memory. They never had the opportunity to go on a honeymoon. At the end of the interview, Steve Harvey surprised the couple with a 5 night stay at the Papagayo Beach Hotel. A gift from CTB.
The show has an audience of approximately 2.6 million viewers every day, this is also why it won an Emmy Award in 2014 and 2015 in the category Outstanding Talk Show Informative. A great majority of the audience is women between 25 and 54. These women watch the show on a daily basis. Steve Harvey’s website has an average of 1.155.250 views per month and 876.000 visitors per month. CTB is pleased with the coverage Curaçao has received during the Steve Harvey Show.
Bron: CuracaoChronicle