According to the Police Force of Curaçao, Van Thijs, was driving in the Plasa Hariri/Retonde Palu Blanku community last evening when his car was blocked and he was shot.
Police officers responded to the scene and found Van Thijs, who was a native of Curaçao dead in his car.
KPSM has sent condolences to the family of their former colleague, who resigned a few months ago to return home.
KPSM added it is monitoring the investigation.
Bron: LoopNews
Intussen zijn er drie 19-jarige verdachten opgepakt. Nou minister van Justitie! Tijdens welke internationale conferentie heeft u dit nieuws vernomen? Dat conferentie bezoek staat weer mooi op je CV he?! Totaal nutteloos.
Vreselijk. Schokkend. Qdep.
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