Uw ingezonden brief in de Knipselkrant Curacao? Stuur uw brief voor 21:00 uur naar emailadres INGEZONDEN. Wij publiceren uw brief zonder deze in te korten. De redactie van de Knipselkrant Curacao is niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud. Ingezonden stukken die opruiende of dreigende taal bevatten worden door ons niet gepubliceerd.
Vandaag laten we Luigi Faneyte aan het woord.
Since September 28, 2022, when the Colon tanker anchored at Bullenbaai to deliver 496,000 barrels of fuel oil, I have indicated that completely questionable things are happening that may have consequences for Curaçao, its companies, its government, and its people.
Starting from the week of November 17, 2022, and in my first public interview on TvDirect during Notisia13 on November 19, 2022, I indicated that the tanker Colon, arriving in Curaçao with the fuel oil entering Curaçao, is actions to avoid sanctions imposed by the U.S. government on PDVSA and the Venezuelan government. The interview is archived, and everyone can follow it on my Facebook.
Today, after one year of disseminating information about this incident that ended in the termination of the contract with CPR and the sale of the fuel oil in tank 9099 at Bullenbaai, I am warning in advance that this dark drama will not end with the sale of the fuel oil in tank 9099 at Bullenbaai, regardless of how this sale will happen (e.g., auction). There will be repercussions for RdK/CRU and the government of Curaçao due to the simple fact that this involves the smuggling of products from PDVSA through pirate intermediary companies and, moreover, contraband. This is to avoid sanctions imposed by the still-effective U.S. government.
The first information I disclosed about this case involving contraband products was on November 17, 2022. The first information I published indicating (beyond the fact that the product is contraband) that this also involves smuggled products from PDVSA was on November 20, 2022.
Today, local PRESS, after one year, is confirming everything I indicated for the past year based on various documents in my possession that I made public on July 16, 17, and 18, 2023.
Many in the political world see informing and raising awareness of the people based on accurate and objective information as a political attack against the government, depending on whether the information aligns or does not align with the line in which that government is “doing politics.” Reality is always loose and parallel to “doing politics”; there is a reality that is absolute, without your version, my version, his version, and their version. That is the absolute reality. The reality that nothing and no one can alter.
I can elaborate extensively on the contested case in this publication, as I have done on several occasions before, but again, this does not change anything about the situation of the group I constantly think about and to which I connect myself both in words and thoughts, which is the group of former employees – non-pensioned and pensioned – who are still at home waiting for concrete action from the government and RdK/CRU to start working again, as promised to them. In the case of the pensioners, so that they can receive their pensions.
With this, I want to conclude and return to the topic of the sale of fuel oil. What now? I want to conclude by saying that, based on documents in my possession, with every attempt, in whatever form, to sell the fuel oil in exchange for money, there will be consequences for both the buyer, the state-owned company RdK/CRU, and the government of Curaçao (e.g., loss of OFAC license, prosecution in court, and being designated as a country in violation of sanctions imposed by the US government). The banks also know this. Here, I am only referring to the 24 questions that Stern Bank asked on July 3, 2023, to both RdK/CRU and CPR, at the time when I made them public on July 17, 2023. The main questions regarding “who owns the fuel oil? and the origin of the fuel oil?” were not answered.
My free advice to both RdK/CRU and the government of Curaçao – to completely emerge unscathed from this adventure – is to contact PDVSA and negotiate for the fuel oil to return to them. And if RdK/CRU does not want to risk losing its OFAC license, do not charge PDVSA money for its own product… in any way.
Luigi Faneyte
Economist, Consultant, Auditor, Financial Analyst, Political Analyst, Educator
One thing I know I will never use this consultant. This is such a stupid advice. P.s by now the whole issue has been solved or almost solved.Money will be soon on the account of RDK