28 C
• zondag 16 juni 2024

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CC | “We must work together to combat domestic and sexual abuse”

HomeLandenCuraçaoCC | “We must work together to combat domestic and sexual abuse”

WILLEMSTAD – On the occasion of the opening of the conference week on sexual education and sexual violence, Minister of Social Development, Labor, and Welfare, Ruthmilda Larmonie-Cecilia, emphasized the importance of addressing domestic and sexual violence collectively.

Sexual abuse is something that affects all of us without discrimination based on race, color, or gender, which is why it’s crucial to work together in combating it. Therefore, the “No Mas, No More” platform is essential.

Minister Larmonie-Cecilia pointed this out at the beginning of the conference, explaining that it offers professionals in the field the opportunity to find effective ways to support victims. Over the past week, professionals in the field exchanged insights on domestic violence and children’s rights and discussed necessary actions.

The Ministry of Social Development, Labor, and Welfare said she is honored to host the conference and receive representatives from various countries within the kingdom. The conference’s goal is to continue working towards effective and lasting solutions to combat domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Bron: Curacao Chronicle

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