Blogger Judith Roumou arrested tuesday morning at her house – Items confiscated – Animal welfare was called to rescue cats, according to prosecutor mr. Tineke Kamps | Last update: July 12 (bottom page)

PHILIPSBURG – Well known SXM blogger and satirist Judith R. Roumou was arrested at her home early Tuesday morning. According to Sint Martin police spokesman Ricardo Henson on ‘several charges of verbal and written public defamation, stalking and insult’.
These are the last words and Facebook post of of Roumou (VanDam is a police chief, red):

Who is Judith Roumou?

Sint Martin born and raised citizen Judith Roumou (40) vlogs about carnival, jouvert, dance, yoga, pilates, and calypso’s in Sint Maarten, promoting the island as a tourist destination for cruiseships and stay over tourism.
As a former teacher and social media specialist aiding in the winning Barack Obama campagne in the USA in 2008, the blogger returned to her native island in 2009. Roumou currently singlehandeldly manages the #1 biggest social media network in the Caribbean, promoting Sint Martin and several other islands as tourist attractions to the world with more than 700 websites and social media pages dedicated to the Caribbean islands and St. Martin.
Roumou also covers parliament meetings and courthouse sessions in Philipsburg, blogging about local issues regarding corrupt politicians, police abuse, and political journalists who, in her opinion, should be working for the people instead of for themselves and political funders. See also Prime minister Theo Heyliger and his political funder, the Sicilian maffiaboss Francesco Corallo (video).
Roumou is loved by the people of Saint Martin (video), as she keeps them better, more straight foward and independently informed than the tree main local newspapers, who are political dependent. In bloggging Roumou is both outspoken while using her natural good sense of humor and satire talents (video) at the same time.
Roumou is hated by corrupt politicians, several political journalists and the SXM police for her raw criticsm and satire exposions (video). Ex-prime Minister Theo Heyliger told her Judith’s video’s and blogs (video) have costed him already tens of milions of dollars. Underneath an example of one of Heyliger video’s:
The 2013 public, painful and humiliating beating of Roumou by parliamentarian Leroy de Weever, encouraging others to do the same and threatning her, whilst destroying her digital equipment, most likely costed the politician and his aspiring familymembers more than a million dollars for not passing the screening to become Minister.
Roumou herself makes little money promoting the island as a tourist destination. However her poverty doesn’t seem to bother her as long as she can feed her pets. Roumou’s peers regard her as a genius, who lovingly takes care of wounded, traumatized non-adoptable stray animals, while welcoming and firmly supporting whistleblowers, who come well documented and honestly motivated, supporting them in a non-bribable, honest and unique fashion.
“She was one of my students, very honest, smart and outspoken. A person to respect.” Willem Heisterkamp
Here is a link to a quick overview of Roumou’s recent activities and curriculum.
systematic Police harrasment
Roumou gets regulary harrased by MP’s, political journalists, their maffia connections and the Sint Martin Police. Two months ago, the police tried to harass, maybe even plant something in her backpack while she was vlogging during Jouvert celebrations. Roumou was held up ans searches 3 times in a row that day (video) by the police for gunpossesion, based on many false charges, submitted by Sicilian Francesco Corallo, Roy Marlin’s and SXM police journalist Bibi Hodge Shaw.
Few years ago, Judith’s house was raided by the police whitout a warrant. The blogger was arrested on no charges at all, to be held for a week in a mental institution during a big government crisis. Roumou came out after 5 days, released by the clinic itself, stating they could’t diagnose any mental disease at all so there were no reasons to keep her any longer. Roumou complainted about this illegal type of detention to the Sint Martin police, who has, so far, not responded to the allegations.
Since that incident, Roumou gets regulary harassed by the police at home (video) or while working covering Sint Maarten carnival (video), meanwhile bravely continuing blogging about corruption in politics and police abuse in Saint Martin, putting evidence on Youtube and Facebook while having no protection of any sort, other than her Ipad and her mouth. As a result, corrupt SXM politicians and police regulary damage Roumou’s digital devices.
Timing of arrest
Judith’s arrest on the 29th of June comes at a moment the Integrity Chamber of The Netherlands (integriteitskamer) deadline (June 30th, 2015) became due, while the SXM goverment is on the verge of collapsing on several other issues. The establishment of the Integritychamber by the Netherlands has come from a long way. The indeep corruption on the 40.00 inhabitans island comes at the cost of its citzens, being the result of 60 years of indeep corruption after Claude Wathey and his political funder Sicilian mobster Rosario Spadaro, and, more recent, Whatey’s cousin Theo Heyliger and his funder Sicilian mobster Francesco Corallo, basically were/are ‘managing’ Sint Maarten.
The interesting thing however is, Roumou holds many, many incriminating documents and video’s and photo’s on her digital storage devices about many corrupt MP’s and Ministers. Particulary about the wide spread corruptions within the Police department as well as within the government owned Kadaster, utility company Gebe and the Saint Martin Housing Development Foundation (SMHDF). Usually substantiated with evidence from whistleblowers who – for reasons of endangering family and income – don’t dare to speak out themselves.
Corrupt SMX criminals might wanted to shut Roumou up, but what they really should be afraid of is what the police is about to discover on her many harddrives about themselves. Roumou could just prove to be the unofficial Intelligence and Integrity Service of SXM. However, it’s the general feeling the police is aiming to seize and ‘unintentionally’ destroy Roumou’s gathered information.
media coverage:
- 2015 06 30 – KKC | Sint Maarten files charges against anti-corruption blogger – information update page
- 2015 06 30 – 721news | Judith Roumou was arrested this morning and charge with verbal and written public defamation, stalking and insult
- 2015 06 30 – St. Martin News Network – Blogger Judith Roumou Arrested Tuesday Morning on Several Charges – Items Confiscated | Bibi Hodge Shaw (PDF, original version)
- 2015 07 01 – DutchCaribbeanLegalPortal | Sint Maarten blogster Judith Roumou arrested
- 2015 07 02 – Youtube | Calypso #freejudithroumou (video)
- 2015 07 02 – Daily Herald | Request to Prosecutor Kamps: ‘Do not hold Judith on trumped up charges’
- 2015 07 03 – St. Martin News Network – Blogger Judith Roumou Arrested Tuesday Morning on Several Charges – Items Confiscated | Bibi Hodge Shaw (PDF, same URL as 30/6, altered content after 03/7)
- 2015 07 03 – Daily Herald | Blogger to appear before Judge of Instuction today Judith Roumou | Daily Herald
- 2015 07 03 – 721news | Blogger J.R. remains in pre-trial detention for a couple of days
- 2015 07 03 – PBC | Blogger tegen corruptie Sint Maarten aangehouden
- 2015 07 03 – Few of Roumou’s Supporters camped out at Prosecutor’s Office holding posters (UPDATED) Pretrial Detention Extended
- 2015 07 30 – NOS | Sint Maarten houdt populaire blogger langer vast
- 2015 07 03 – Original pressrelease Public Prosecution SXM (PDF, English and Dutch)
- 2015 07 03 – Pressrelease from Public Prosecution Curacao and SXM | Blogger J.R. remains in pre-trial detention for a couple of days
- 2015 07 03 – OM | Blogster J. R. blijft nog een aantal dagen in voorlopige hechtenis
- 2015 07 04 – PBC | Sint Maarten verlengt arrest internet blogger
- 2015 07 04 – Beijum Blogger | Handen af van Judith Roumou op Sint Maarten!
- 2015 06 06 – NTR/Hilbert Haar | Blogger nog een paar dagen vast
- 2015 06 06 – NTR/Hilbert Haar | Voorlopige hechtenis blogger opgeschort
- 2015 07 06 – Original pressrelease Public Prosecution SXM (PDF, English and Dutch)
- 2015 07 06 – Beijnum Blogger | Judith Roumou komt vrij!!
- 2015 07 06 – PBC | Voorlopige hechtenis blogger Judith Roumou opgeschort
- 2015 07 07 – Daily Herald | Wat did Judith really do?
- 2015 07 07 – OM | Voorlopige hechtenis blogger opgeschort
- 2015 07 07 – 721News | ‘Circumstances surrounding Judith Roumou arrest extremely bizarre’
- 2015 07 07 – NTR | Voorlopige hechtenis blogger opgeschort
- 2015 07 07 – PFM | Blogger Sint Maarten op vrije voeten
- 2015 07 07 – PBC | Sint Maarten blogger is weer vrij
- 2015 07 08 – The Post Online | Sint Maarten – Kritische blogger gevangen genomen en geintimideerd
- 2015 07 08 – TPO | Sint Maarten – Critical blogger imprisoned and intimidated (in English)
- 2015 07 09 – Daily Herald | Critical blogger imprisoned and intimidated – Opinion by Ronald van Raak
- 2015 07 11 – Opinion Hilbert Haar/Today | MP Van Raak’s apples and oranges
- 2015 07 11 – 721News | Bary requested to question several witnesses in Judith Roumou case
- 2015 07 11 – Sint Maarten News Network | Press Prosecutor Karola Van Nie Denounced rumors that charges against Blogger Judith Roumou has been dropped. — Roumou remains a suspect even though released from pretrial detention on conditions.
Most recent updates at bottom of this page
Update JunE 30, 3 Am:
This is what told, and this is wat SMN News few hours after reported about the incident:
PHILIPSBURG — Well known blogger Judith Roumou was arrested at her home early Tuesday morning. A police report from Police Spokesman Ricardo Henson states that on Tuesday June 30th at approximately 08.25 a.m. a 40 year old female suspect was arrested at her home in St. Peters on several charges of verbal and written public defamation, stalking and insult.
During the arrest a search at her home was conducted and police confiscated numerous items ranging from computers, video cameras, external hard drives and other items. The suspect was taken to the Philipsburg Police Head Quarters where she is held for questioning. The investigation is being done by the Detective Department.
Press Prosecutor Tineke Kamps identified the suspect as Ms. Roumou who she said was arrested at her home in St. Peters after several complaints were filed against her. Kamps said Roumou was arrested for threat, insult, stalking, defamation and slander. Kamps further explained that after the arrest a house search took place and several data carriers have been confiscated for further investigation.
Eyewitnesses told SMN News that at least two police vehicles visited Roumou’s home to make the arrest and conduct the search. The eyewitnesses said that police also had to call in the Animal Welfare when they found animals in the home. Kamps also confirmed that the Animal Welfare was indeed called in.
PS: The content of this article, written by Marlin/Corallo/De Witte journalist Bibi Hodge Shaw (who was one of the 4 who filed charges against Roumou), was completely altered few days later. Here is the original (PDF), and here is the new one (PDF). Mark the same URL’s.
Update JuNE 30, 04 Pm:
On Facebook a storm of protest broke loose, there were several posts:

“Today is a really sad day for SXM :( ‘Written public defamation, stalking and insult’ Are you kidding me??? Citizens of St. Maarteners, stand up for our most bravest citizen, best SXM blogger and vlogger and friend: Judith R. Roumou. Where is the the law of Freedom of Expression and the love for Satire??
Does Saint Martin prefer to be informed by the truth of its People? Or by corrupt politicians/criminals through their agents and journalists? Demonstrate TODAY in front of the Public Prosecutions office !! Against taking everthing from integer bloggers who have nothing else on the heart of telling the thruth. Yesterday, they took her pets, all her possesions and working equipment, her human rights and above all:……. Judith’s freedom !! The public prosecutors SXM say the have limited resources to catch criminals but now they work against bloggers, freedom of expression and satirists, instead of catching the real criminals?
Please make sure Judith feels welcome and appriciated in her own country: demand her pets, possesions, human rights and her Freedom of Expressions. St Maarten Daily News Hourly Updates, Knipsel Krant Curacao, Curacao Dagelijks Nieuws-Hourly News Updates, Caribbean News Network, SXM Bobol List.
Please stand up, demonstrate or at least tag and share !!”
Update JuNE 30, 6 Pm:
Second Chamber and Member of Parliament Andre Bosman (VVD) from the Netherlands reacted on Facebook:

“So when a judge gives the task that an important party donor, who donated 3 million dollars, should be investigated for vote buying, that takes a lot of time because of personnel shortage.
But a critical blogger who sharply follows government and state, there is enough time for that? I will assume that nothing and absoltuely NOTHING will be lost or erased from her hardware when it is returned to her. I will personally see to it!!”
Update July 1, 22 Pm:
Day 1 detention Judith Roumou
Emancipation Day.
Today Lady Grace and Badejo got awards from Voices. When accepting her award Lady Grace said she dedicate the award to Judith who is arrested to be kept silent.
Lady Grace is one of the longest running radio djs on the island, a local icon. Apparently Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs was shocked and started whispering to the governor, trying to ignore Lady Grace’s words.
Update July 2, 07 am:
Day 2 detention Judith Roumou
On Facebook pages initiatives of a small gathering today seems to appear, as Judith Roumou has been detain for more than 48 hours now, as it appears without a lawyer:
“The People’s Voice Judith Roumou has been detained for more than 2 days now on suspicious charges
Friends and supporters for Freedom of Speech SXM are hereby cordially invited to join a peaceful gathering. Today, Thursday July 2, from 5 pm in front of the Public Prosecutors office @ Vineyard Building
#freeJudithRoumou “

Update July 2, 11.35 am:
Day 2 detention Judith Roumou
Time of gathering starts one hour earlier: at 4 pm. Because Prosecutions office will be closed at 5. Here are directions of the Vineyard Building:

It appears Judith Roumou has been added a lawyer according sources. A name is not provided yet. She is currently more than 55 hours held in detention.
A to-the-point statement was made by Saint Martin free speech activist and journalist Gromyko Wilson/ to yesterday’s comment of Dutch MP Andre Bosman:
“I said the same thing before in a early post 2 to 6 boats leave with illegals and we have problems with Guns, drugs on the island many other suspicious money transaction is been taking place but we never has the time to start investigating but to arrest someone who speaks out his mind according to the right of freedom of speech we have time to go harass and waste valuable time….. Hmmmmmmmmmmm #FreeJudithRoumou”

Update July 2, 06 Pm:
Day 2 detention Judith Roumou
Facebook Page SXM Bobol List Today wrote:
I was with a dozen people in front of the prosecutor’s office to protest the arrest of Judith. We had placards and banners with text like Free Judith, Freedom of Speech, Je Suis Judith, etc. One of us went to the police station to ask where she is kept and if we could give her some basics like clean clothes , writing paper and pen etc. We was told to bring it tomorrow morning as some police officer had to bring it “up”, meaning she may be kept in Point Blanche prison. We all hope for her immediate release.

Update July 3, 02 Pm:
Day 3 detention Judith Roumou
Judgement Day
Rumours start cirkeling that Judith is detained in Point Blache where she is getting beaten and abused and staff treatend with suspension if they speak to anyone.
Day 3. Judith Roumou is still detained. There was a gathering held outside the prosecutor’s office yesterday as a protest to her arrest and to get answers. The prosecutor and staff looked down on the people without any single regard. They completely ignored them and gave no answers.
Inside sources revealed Judith Roumou was beaten/ roughed up and because of possible bruising they won’t release her. That way they can always call her a liar if she says she was beaten.Pre-trial detention is only 48 hrs. What is going on here on SXM? Why is there is no official press statement from the prosecutor’s office as to the reason of an extended detention.
We have NO confirming information that these allegations are true. Here is a critical recent report (in Dutch, by the Raad van Rechtsbescherming) about about the notorious and dangerous Point Blanche prison.
Public Prosecution remains very silent about giving any information about Roumou’s detention and charges at all. According to those present, Head Attorney of Prosecution’s Office SXM mr. Taco Stein came in, arriving from Aruba. He said hello but moved on quickly, trying to ignore adressing the questions and gathering of friends and supporters of #freejudithroumou.
Judith Roumou had been detained now fromup Tuesday 7.25 am. We were told that according to the law for ‘felonies’ (Roumou is not in for any crimes), she can be held maximum 2×24 hours. This is an explanation which we were told by reliable sources for this apparent delay to be brough before an investigating judge:
“Normaly is 2x 24 uur but the Prosecutor is smart, they use the official off day july 1st in them favour. So it gives them a extra day. This is a very technical reason why they use these crap moments to arrest somebody. Sometime they use it on fridays and then with the weekend in the corner they gain two extra days and the suspects hours start running on Monday.”
Which basically should mean if the Public Prosecutor does not bring her before a investigating judge by 7.25 am this morning (Friday, July 3), Judith should be set free immediately. This is were we will notice if Judith has indeed been added a political independent and capable attorney. Aren’t we curious about Judith’s experiences with SXM police and Prosecutors treatment. Stay tuned.
Something awesome going on too: A calypso “FREE JUDITH ROUMOU” was created, dedicated to #freejudithroumou (video)
Creator: The famous Calysonian dr. Andrew Baker Jr Richardson and mrs. Catz Boston. Complimentary cartoon was provided by Curacao cartoonist Pa Stechi.
Update July 3, 09 Pm:
Day 3 detention Judith Roumou
We just learned from 2 reliable sources that Public Prosecution added ‘threatning’ to the charges. Apparently they have been investigating Roumou for 1,5 years, but didn’t came up with ‘threathing’ so far. Overnight they did. Now Public Prosecution SXM has a alleged ‘crime’. Roumou – with her small and fragile posture – is know to be against carrying arms and weapons and only carries a Ipad, camera and mouth along. She herself gets threathened – and even beat up by MP and politician Leroy de Weever – every day again for years now for blogging and vlogging,. Even when covering carnival (video).
So this new charge seems quite ‘farfetched’ and still never carries arms. The twisting and changing of initial alleged charges suggest prosecution desperately want to keep Roumou in detention for another 8 days. Stay tuned.
Update July 3, 10 Pm:
Day 3 detention Judith Roumou
According to our source in the couthouse nothing is going on there. Judith should have been brough before the investigative Judge at 7.25 am (see post), the time she was arrested in her house. That means Judith had to be set free. But nothing. Another remarkable thing is that the Prosecution- till this moment – doesn’t want to name Roumou’s alleged lawyer to the press, although they are obliged to by Dutch law. Like the police, Prosecution SXM refuse to answer phonecalls since yesterday.
Update July 3, 01 Pm:
Day 3 detention Judith Roumou
We got the word that SXM Prosecution is awaiting verdict and has a press release ready to publish soon after the verdict is in. The benefits of being first and free for the Prosecution. Seems strange because how do they know what the verdict will be? No lawyer name is released, neither the time of the appearing before the judge, which should have been before 7.25 am this morning according to the law.
Apparently today ‘extortion’ was added to the charges too, after ‘threathing’. Roumours are now that Roumou broke a mediation agreement she had with … (?), according to our close sources, to keep silent about something, which she eventually didn’t. Hence the new charge of ‘extortion’. That is suppose to be the core off all this according to the ‘other side’. Aren’t we curious to the other side of the medaille, Roumou’s side of this remarkable story, that is :)
All of this may could mean that the initial charges might not have sticked and they used that to find evidence for other crimes. It appears there was a courtsession after all, but in silence. And also that Prosecution has a statement ready even though the verdict is not yet in. But above is all speculation as the Prosecution is remaining extremely silent and off line, we dont know anything yet. Maybe there is a perfectly clear explanation to all this. Because so far, we can’t make neither bread or butter of this all, we hope to have some clarity soon with the press release. And off course, last but not least, the story of Roumou herself.
Update July 3, 02 Pm:
Day 3 detention Judith Roumou
We just learned SXM press prosecution officer Tineke Kamps is no longer on SXM island and Norman Serphos from Public Prosecution offices Curacao has taken over the public relations. That is a relieve, some-one more straight forward, since we are still completely in the mist.
Note: Judith was seen leaving courthouse today. Words from observer:
” She was upbeat, she put her two peace finger in the air she was shackle on one hand with a next girl”
Update July 3, 03 Pm:
Day 3 detention Judith Roumou
Pressrelease recieved from Public Prosecution Curacao:
“Blogger J.R. remains in pre-trial detention for a couple of days
The 40 year old suspect J.R., who was arrested at her home in Sint Peters, last Tuesday, June 30, 2015, had to appear before the judge of instruction this morning. The judge of instruction judged the arrest and pre-trial detention as lawful insofar as it relates to stalking. According to the judge of instruction there is no reason to release the suspect immediately.
The blogger was arrested after several person pressed charges against her for various offenses in the period from January 2014 until now. The reports cover not only slander, defamation and insult, but also threat, harassment (stalking) en extortion. These offense were committed both through social media and in person (“face to face”).
Given the particular circumstances in this investigation, namely the activities of the suspects and the limited resources and manpower of KPSM to conduct an investigation into “cybercrime”, a mediation process, rather than a criminal investigation, was iniated.
During this mediation officials from as well KPSM as the Public Prosecutors Service spoke to the suspect, amongst to others.
After several months, it has shown that the agreements made during the mediation were not respected by the suspect. Above that, new statements against the suspect were done. Eventually, the Public Prosecutor was forced to proceed to arrest J.R.
After her arrest, on June 30, a house search took place in her home in Sint Peters. Various data carriers (such as phones, laptops and computers) were confiscated for further investigation. Animal Welfare was called in to provide care for the dog and cats of the suspect.
During the pre-trial detention of J.R. it turned out to be very difficult to find a lawyer, who was available to assist the suspect. Ultimately, the judge of instruction had to appoint a lawyer. This measure was necessary since J.R., just as any other suspect in pre-trial detention, is entitled to legal assistance.
The Public Prosecutors Service expects that the investigation of KPSM needs a couple of additional days to interrogate the suspect on all charges against her. During this investigation J.R. remains in pre-trial detention. Finally, no abuse of J.R. took place during her detention.”
Source: Public Prosecution SXM
2015 07 03 – Official Press Release blogger J.R.
So being detained basically without a lawyer (lawyer added before Investigation Judge – too late). Charges altered. No word on the hours of detention. No location where she has been detained. It must have been complicated for Prosecution SXM, thats for now what we can judge from their pressrelease. The last minute appointed lawyer by the Court is completely unavailable for anyone.
According to Salduz arrest of the European Higher Court, a suspect should have immediately acces to a lawyer. It appears that the SXM Public Prosecutor has a history of denying that right. See also:
The People of SXM can’t wait to hear the story from Roumou’s side ;)
Update July 3, 04 Pm
Day 3 detention Judith Roumou
It looks like this is the violated ‘mediation’ agreement she had with the SXM police, paying for damages they caused Roumou early this year, suggesting buying her silence on police abuse. In here it also becomes clear the police themselves filed charges for insult and all while harrasing Roumou for years as we have pointed out in video’s and photo’s.
2014 01 09 -Damages paid to Blogger Judith Roumou by SXM police
So, where it all comes down to: the sxm police is now investigating the insulted sxm police. Another charges come from her competition: the political and Police aka the Corallo/Marlin journalist Bibi Hodge Shaw:

This is the video of what happend that day. So the police who are not able to deal with crimes but do know how to make life of bloggers difficult, feel insulted and extorted and threathend by their native blogger. And now they have to further investigate their own alleged ‘slander, defamation and insult, and the -after her arrest- added threat, harassment (stalking) en extortion’ inside her laptops etc.
Update July 4, 06 am
Day 4 detention Judith Roumou
Post on Facebook:
“So Judith Roumou walked shackled with a next girl to the court house. Her crime: her mouth.
Police officer Richmer York walked WITHOUT shackles to the courthouse. His crime: MURDER.#classjusticeSxm
Another post on Facebook of her peers after an alleged burgelary this night into Roumou’s house in St. Peters:

“It is my understanding young man seen climbing out of Judith’s window was called by her lawyer along with Unbreakable Leonard to go and feed her outside cats that were not taken to shelter.
This message was relayed by Unbreakable Leonard today. It is still good that Judith’s neighbors have her best interest at heart and reported the entry of her home. To young man who is allegedly there to feed the rest of her cats, thank you as well.”
Update July 4, 05 Pm
Day 4 detention Judith Roumou
Judith’s peers sent the Knipselkrant Curacao a quote that could very well be true to the core. According to a reliable sxm insider source:
“Judith was – according to some people – too much on top of several scandals in the light of the Dutch Integrity Chamber coming any day now. Corruptions she was blogging about included the SMHDF scandal, Kadaster scandal and – off course -: the GEBE bobol, which is likely to make our instable Marcel Gumbs government tumble. So Judith simply was causing too much heat. That’s why several persons wanted to silence her quickly, and discover from where her information came from plus what information Judith exactly possesses.
Now, Police/Prosecution want 2 things, aside from the fact that they won’t turn this into a trail:
1) A strong signal to Sint Maarten politicians, police and Bibi (both filed almost all complaints and lobbied for this to have Judith prosecuted) Prosecution / Police they are still in charge and won’t accept everything. Hence housearrest and shackles.
2) Police and Prosecution want to view all evidence Judith gathered. Plus they want to copy all of it. And, after that, ‘accidently’ erase what she’s holding on her harddrives and laptops.
But we all know Judy, she’s brilliant and too smart. They might discover a few unexpected things, but she’s extremely protective of her sources. She felt there was somthing boiling and made extra sure all whistleblowers were protected in every way. The prosecution did alter her charges last minute, because they were indeed shocked at what they discovered so far on the laptops and hard drives. So the detectives decided they needed more time to interrogate Judith. But she’s such a strong spirit, police might have her information now, but they wont make reveal her sources within that 3×24 hours + 8 extra days. As a satirist and anti-corruption blogger she’s not legally obliged either according to Dutch media law. She is aware of that.”

Update July 5, 11 am
Day 5 detention Judith Roumou
A legit question from a some Dutch reporters who are taking an interest in the Sint Maarten anti-corruption blogger Judith Roumou arrest:
“Most Sint Maarten prosecutors are from the Netherlands. Are they going corrupt when they start working in Sint Maarten?”
The Knipselkrant Curacao blogger team asked Roumou’s inner circle, as her peers are the most critical and outspoken, where most sxm people remain silent. They came back with the following explanation:
“This question touches the core of Sint Maarten corruption. The answer is a bit different than the Dutch might expect. Dutch prosecutors fly into SXM usually young, inexperienced and with idealistic motives.
Most of them fall into the same scheme as the young and inexperienced politician that was voted into office. They start out clean and uncorrupted and realize they are a little fish in a big pond, the corruption is so deep they too must make a decision to keep it the way it or fight the stystem. Usually they choose to keep things that way because they are outnumbered. Everyone, politicians, prosecutors, lawyers, police officers, teachers, media houses, government workers are involved in the corruption schemes. The politicians with the most money control how things are ran.
So yes, the new Dutch prosecutors sent to SXM compromise their ethics and values after they get settled and see how things really done on the island. They fall into a trap and love the beach, sun, sea, beer and treat their judicial experience as a mini-vacation. The prosecutors allow the corrupted police to “run things” while in Sint Maarten.
The SXM police have their “own way” of dealing with local issues, which is usually through bribery and outside of the legal system. If they have a personal vendetta (e.g. Bada Bing) to settle, or if the client comes from a “non-influential or non-political family” you will be thrown in jail without any legal representation.
In the meantime, the Dutch prosecutors never intervene because they are very intimidated by all the resistance around them and are guilty of keeping the corruption on St. Maarten the way it is. Sadly, Dutch prosecutors don’t do the St. Maarten legal system any justice. They simply make the Netherlands look bad. This is not the “Dutch way” because in Netherlands things don’t work like that, there there is a process for everything. Not here.
Over time, the prosecutors find themselves influenced and instructed by the police and important political figures. After one year of their stay on SXM a prosecutor can be found having drinks and regularly being entertained by St. Maarten most corrupted politicians and police. That is a serious conflict of interest, but it happens to every prosecutor that is sent to sxm. They get into the relax environment of the island and forget their roles and what they were sent here to do, uphold the laws.
St. Maarten citizens know that the prosecutors are useless. Puppets. That’s why Sint Maarten people usually demonstrate in front of the police station. Not at the prosecutor’s office. The SXM people know police are the ones really in charge. And very much instructed by the corrupt politicians and media, yes. Ultimately, it is the police department that decides who to investigate and whether they want to prosecute the person. The police in St. Maarten follow no laws, they do what they like, real bandits.
A perfect example which made headlines in Caribisch Netwerk (English version here, red) was the Bada Bing case in 2013. After the lawyer was denied access to his client by the police, former prosecutor turned lawyer mr. Cor Merx was straight to the point when he said he will file charges to the police instead of the prosecution. If police makes intentional ‘mistakes’, the prosecution steps in to troubleshoot, covering police ‘mistakes’. Filing a complaint to SXM prosecution might ultimately result in a quick instant change within an individual case, but won’t change corrupted practices in general. The police and corrupted officials still do as they wish.
It’s like the opposite in Curacao and the Netherlands. One needs to think the other way around here in Sint Maarten.
So to cut a long history short: The public prosecutor might look Dutch, but in reality has very limited influence in the SXM Justice department. Sending Dutch prosecutors to SXM and keeping them there longer than 2 years just makes situations worse. In two years they are just as corrupted as every politician in parliament.
Here in Sint Maarten the police is the law. And whoever “controls” and “pays” the police, is in charge of the Island justice. The legal system appears to be Dutch and suppose to be based on Dutch law, but it’s not Dutch at all. Sint Maarten is a lawless country. That’s what’s Judith is up against.”

It looks like this view on things fits the devasting 2014 PWC Integrity Report of the SXM system, from a pespective of it’s citizens precisely. Meanwhile, the statement above is the take of Roumou’s peers on how the anti-corruption blogger was victimized and basically left without legal representation. They think the blogger should have been able to get her out immediately if added a lawyer according to the law, right after her arrest.
The reasons why Roumou got arrested were explained by both the public prosecution of Sint Maarten, by a independent SXM insider in yesterday’s last update (above) and today by her critical peers. We leave it up to our readers what to think. The Knipselkrant blogger team is awaiting the reaction and responses by Juditn Roumou herself as soon as she comes out, because no-one has yet spoken to herself (yet) and/or the court-appointed lawyer.
Update July 6, 04 Pm
Day 6 detention Judith Roumou
The Knipselkrant Curacao blogger team just learned the best news! JUDITH ROUMOU IS COMING HOME TODAY !! It was ex-parliamentarian PETRUS LEROY de Weever, his cousin ex-minister CORNELIUS de Weever, Leroy’s daughter GIOVANELLA de Weever and Francesco Corallo/William Marlin/police journalist Bibi Hodge Shaw who filed the 4 complaints.
As noted earlier: The recent public beating of Roumou by parliamentarian Leroy de Weever, witnessed by Cornelius and Millicent de Weever, whilst destroying her digital equipment, most likely cost the politician more than a million dollars for not passing the screening to become Minister.
Public prosecutor Mr. Tineke Kamps apparently dropped all charges. Judith will be picked up by friends shortly. Hoping to hear her side of the story from the blogger soon on her Facebook wall!! We keep you all updated here too.

The release has been confirmed, repotor Gromyko Wilso picked up the popular blogger along with some of her friends. Here is a pressrelease of the Sint Maarten public prosecution, who according to our resources were forced by her lawyer to release Judith. But apparently needed to add some last moment character assasination. Statement sounds quite revengefull, in our humble opinion off course ;)
“Suggestive and unprofessional”
were words, used by a lawyer who took a look at it.
“Solid grounds for a damages claim”
Sounds true to us. But for now: party!
Update July 7, 02 Am
Day 7 Judith Roumou released
Now here we finally see a glimps on Roumou’s side of her story: 721News/Gromyko Wilson spoke to mr. Zylena Bary, Roumou’s court-appointed attorney: ‘Circumstances surrounding Judith Roumou arrest extremely bizarre’:
*** EXCLUSIVE *** Mr. Zylena Bary:

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – got this EXCLUSIVE statement from Ms. Zylena Bary who is Judith Roumou (JR), Lawyer:
My client, Ms. J.R., wishes first and foremost to thank all of her family, friends and supporters for their unwavering encouragement during this unfortunate time. As her attorney, I must say that I find the circumstances surrounding her arrest extremely bizarre.
First of all, of the four (4) persons mentioned in her case file, all persons have motives for insisting that this matter was taken to the extreme of arresting my client. Secondly, my client too, has complaints filed against at least two (2) of these persons [between 2013 and 2014], yet inexplicably, no one was detained to my knowledge.
This is peculiar considering one of the charges filed by my client was for assault. In other words, and without any real explanation by the Public Prosecutor’s office, (among other things) a physical attack on my client by an assailant turned complainant was not deemed reason enough to lead to an arrest, but my client blogging about her horrific and painful experience was somehow (a year and change later) enough to justify arresting my client, seizing her computers, etc (coincidentally and simultaneously effectively disarming my client from being able to defend herself against these same charges) and detaining her for several days.

There are many more seemingly lopsided interpretations of this case that deserve mentioning, but I choose to save those observations for a trial, if and when the Public Prosecutor decides to let it go that far.
Coincidentally, the position taken by the Public Prosecutor’s office to not object to a suspension of (or release my client from) a pre-trial detention which was requested by the same Public Prosecutor’s office; a pre-trial detention that was not needed but conveniently rids my client of her laptops, etc, only raises more questions.
Equally convenient in this light is the fact that now that my client is suspended from pre-trial detention, the Prosecutor’s office can attach certain conditions, which could be construed as placing a muzzle on the mouth of understandably upset person.
Finally, I do see a need for bloggers and satirists in a country that claims to be based on democracy, freedom of speech and equality.
At its core, this case is as much about these last mentioned fundamental issues than anything else being alleged by the Public Prosecutor’s office.”
The KKC bloggerteam learned from reliable sources, all charges circulate about Roumou’s tutorial of december 17, 2014: HOW TO LOSE A MILLION DOLLARS THE FAST AND EASY WAY: TUTORIAL BY CORNELIUS AND LEROY DE WEEVER. If removed accidentally, here’s an other link plus PDF. According to SXM police and prosecutors this appears to be stalking, extortion, threathing, slander and defamation. Take a look who need to be prosecuted (instead) … :).
First a beer and KFC (foto Gromyko Wilson). Have a laptop, cellphone and/or Ipad to spare? Police and Prosecution kept all of her communication devides, please contact Gromyko Wilson on Facebook.

Update July 7, 10 Am
Day 7 Judith Roumou free
The Day After
First words from Judith Roumou on her Facebook wall:
“Good morning this is an appeal. The Police LIED about my animals being safe. The police allowed my six cats to starve for seven days, this was used to get me to cooperate during the interrogations. Gerard Van Dam and the police KNEW that my animals were starving at home, but used that as psychology to get me to ‘confess’. Rightnow I have SIX starving cats/kittens to take to the vet. The police have my phone, I cannot contact anyone. I tried calling my lawyer. NOTHING. I need someone to come to my home st peters #13 RIGHT NOW!!!! To help me get these animals to the vet. RIGHT NOW. I had to come to town to write this message. I have no other way to communicate. I stayed with my dying animals all night. They need immediate medical care. I came to PJD2 to use their computers to appeal for help. I need my animals rescued now. I need a cell phone and laptops…. ASAP. I will now return home to st peters 13 to wait for someone anyone out there to come and get me to get my babies to the vet. Once I have my animals at the vet – i will post the TRUTH. 1) I need assistance NOW!! to get to the vet 2) I need a cell phone 3) I need a laptop!! 4) I AM AT PJD2 SO IF YOU WANT TO HELP ME CONTACT PJD2 OR COME TO PJD2 AND SPEAK TO Angela L. Gordon Rebecca M. De Riggs Don Liburd 5) do NOT give anyone ANYTHING for me!!!! Only contact pjd2 Tell Gromyko and my lawyer Bary that i have to return home now to wait for assistance. I will be back home in 15 minutes i will sit on mty porch st peters 13 and and wait for anyone to assist me with my 6 dying animals.. i will be on the porch… i cannot say or do anything until my babies are safely with a vet!!!! Let me handle the vet then i will talk…..i will be home 15 minutes!!!! thank you”
Everybody know her cats are Judith Roumou”s children. Sounds to the Knipselkrant Blogger team, the Police and Public Prosecutors SXM not only lied to the public in their pressrelease, but are using mental torture AND animal abuse to breaksomebody to confess .. that would be a whole new level. And then we found this post of Judith Roumou:
” (..) everyone.. I dont have a device to communicate with you guys fully yet. I’m trying to get 100 dollars to buy a new tablet. I am waiting for someone to help me get a device to connect with you guys online. i am using other peoples computers to communicate with you, thats why i can’t say much as soon as i have a safe connection I will contact you. Also I slept with my front door wide open last night, alone in the house, because the police removed my sliding glass door, so i have NO FRONT DOOR!!! I have no security when in my house. The police TRASHED my house, they went into my laundry, threw my laundry all over the house, my floors covered in oil and sugar. We have photos. silly stupid childish shit… My house is destroyed, wrecked and of course there were six animals that did a lot of destruction. I will talk when I have my own device to communicate with. Out of spite!!! They have thrown my underwear, personal belongings all over the place, probably took photos. I don’t care. They have sunk to new levels.. My house is trashed out, and it was not this way before. Before the cats had their own room. But they were forced to survive no food, not catbox, so my house right now is a mess, and I have NO FRONT DOOR!!! the police left a big gaping, wide open front door, and I can’t put it back together… Thank you, when I can i will contact u guys”
And this is the way this blogger blogs. All happening within the Kingdom of The Netherlands. Our impression is that although it may sound surreal to the normally so civilized Dutch, its is actually going on in Sint Maarten as we speak right under the responsability of the Dutch Public Prosecution.
Update July 8, 04 Pm
Day 8 Judith Roumou free
Recovery day
Today the matter has been brought to the attention of Kingdom Minister Plasterk. He promised the Second Chamber informed about the matter regarding the detention and intimidation and possible polical motivations of Blogger Judit Roumou, by Mr. Ronald van Raak, Dutch parlematarian (SP): The Post Online | Sint Maarten – Kritische blogger gevangen genomen en geintimideerd (English translation here).
Meanwhile, also Sint Maarten supporters raised some critical questions in public:
“No water, no door, devastad house, no working equipment to work, no means to earn money.
Supporters want to know why is Judith R Roumou’s passport and Identification Card is being held by the Public Prosecutors Office of St.Maarten although she has been released from detention? What crime is she accused of that makes her a flight risk?
What is the purpose of not returning her ID card? If she does not have an ID how can she get into her bank accounts to obtain funds for food, and basic necessities that is needed to survive?
Since when is probation placed on someone who has not been prosecuted of a crime? If there has been no ruling, then there isn’t a sentence so how can a person waiting for a trial be given probation? Probation is a punishment that is established after a judgement by a court is passed down.
It appears the Prosecution Office is establishing all kinds of infractions against Human Rights to save face in this debacle they have created. By not giving Ms. Roumou the right to survive has infringed on the most basic rights of any human, and this should call for outside International Intervention.
Yesterday and currently Ms. Roumou is without water or electricity. Although the bill came due yesterday, since when is electricity and water cut off the exact day they are due? We figure the probation was what they put on the table forcing Ms. Roumou with no other choice but to sign so she can obtain her freedom to take care of her animals and the destruction of her home. How many toes supposed toes stepped on by Ms. Roumou had those rights denied by anything she put out?
So as far as is seen the Prosecutor is just as crooked as the authority and government. When you prevent someone from being able to get help medically (need ID for that), obtain sustenance needed to survive (nee ID to get to accounts), and to obtain basic personal hygienic items (needed for personal health) then you are no better than the criminals you try to prosecute.
Did the assumed baby killer have her Passport and ID taken? Supporters want to know. The precedences are being set people. You are next.
Probation (According to legal definition)
A sentence whereby a convict (sentence passed by judge after a trial) is released from confinement but is still under court supervision; a testing or a trial period. Probation can be given in lieu of a prison term or can suspend a prison sentence if the convict has consistently demonstrated good behavior.
The status of a convicted (again must have had a trial and convicted by a court) person who is given some freedom on the condition that for a specified period he or she act in a manner approved by a special officer to whom the person must report.So all a person has to do is file a charge against another person and without a trial they become a convict in St.Maarten?”
Update July 9, 04 Pm
Day 9 Judith Roumou free
Recovery day
Today a opinion of mr Ronald van Raak, Member of the Second Chamber of The Dutch Parliament for the Socialist Party, supporting freedom of Speech and blogger Judith Roumou’s f ight against corruption in Sint Maarten in the Daily Herald: Critical blogger imprisoned and intimidated:
Opinion by Ronald van Raak

Mafia figures can have their way, politicians seem to get away anywhere, but a critical blogger intimidated and put in prison. Judith Roumou says what she thinks. And that’s not good — for politicians and other leaders in St. Maarten.
Sometimes rash, rarely nuanced, but always with conviction and humour, she sketches the abuse of power in this part of our Kingdom. Now she is possibly herself the subject of abuse of power. Roumou was arrested last Tuesday for libel, insult and slander. Monday she was released from custody. But she is not safe. Her phone and computers are taken, her home is ransacked — and her door is removed, leaving her scared at night.
Here there seems to be intimidation. I fear for the safety of this blogger. And I’m afraid that information she has collected about corruption and bad governance is in the wrong hands.
Notable priorities
St. Maarten is a small island, but also home to some major criminals, among whom Francesco Corallo. He’s a big casino and gaming boss and, according to the Italian Government, connected with the Sicilian Mafia. After made revelations about the funding of politicians in St. Maarten and Curaçao through Corallo, this Curaçao blog was directly sued for libel, slander and insult by the lawyer Gerard Spong – who also sent me a warning.
The way Roumou is tackled seems to fit into this pattern of intimidation, thereby enabling the police and judiciary in St. Maarten remarkable priorities. A big case of vote- buying by Theo Heyliger, a major politician on the island – and a good friend of Corallo – continues for years on the shelf. But a critical blogger gets thrown into prison.
Hands off Judith Roumou
As a Member of Parliament in the Second Chamber, I have to be cautious when it comes to ongoing litigation, especially when playing in another part of the Kingdom. But as an MP, I also wear a responsibility for good governance on the islands. This includes the protection of people who criticize politicians and other leaders.
How the trial will proceed further and Judith Roumou or sentenced for something, we just wait. But in the meantime I want to make sure there is no question of a political process, be assured that the information collected from Roumou does not get lost and to make sure that this blogger remains safe.
I have therefore asked Minister Plasterk to keep a close eye on the situation and the Chamber of Parliament closely informed. Let the Public Prosecutor in St. Maarten quickly come up with evidence. Otherwise: Hands off Judith Roumou. Hands off the freedom of press within the Kingdom.
The work of Judith Roumou and other critical bloggers on the island also seems to have effect. More and more people of Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten dare to speak out. For example, the imprisonment of Judith Roumou led to a beautiful Calypso ‘Free Judith Roumou!’ by two well-known musicians in St. Maarten.
Ronald van Raak
Member of the Second Chamber of The Dutch Parliament For the Socialist Party
Source: TheDailyHerald.
Update July 10, 06 Pm
Day 10 Judith Roumou free
Cleaning house
So we found this intersting post on Judith Roumou’s Facebook wall:
Today my priorities are getting a SIM card for a phone, and getting a ton of Cleaners to start to clean my home properly. Joey Priest please tell Hotty, I can’t reach him because Babylon still has my phone and ID. Tamisha Priest please tell Hotty to come by and finish the back yard today.. Please, please. Because the Police and Prosecutors have still not returned my ID- I’m being told that that is illegal, but as usual, even if i cannot go to the bank, I will get some money. There are many people truly helping me behind the scenes. Because of who I am, and the sensitivity of the situation NOBODY wants me to name or thank them and of course I respect that. I THANK the people who have been helping me since this latest ordeal start, and THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE! When an entire group/organization decides to destroy your life, and peace of mind- the only thing you can do, is slowly put the pieces back together, That’s what I’m doing. Gromyko Wilson was kind enough to get me a little cellphone, but when it fell into the toilet……. There was nothing I could do. I couldn’t even get upset. So today, I’m working on that. The police took everything of value in my home, and then trashed my home, I guess that was to demoralize me. I call it ‘cheap’ psychology.
yesterday I had to walk by the Police Station, I saw them. The ‘big boys’, the “Top Brass’ like Dirty, Corrupt, Criminal police officer Felix Richards and the rest of the “Dutty Dutch Boys” Criminal Police Force. They tried to DUCK, and HIDE THEIR FACES! I stood there and said one word, repeatedly, defiantly. PROUD! PROUD! Here I am walking with my head high, and here are the very same people who rushed into my house, tried to intimidate and degrade me. These are the ‘respectable’ officers’ who dug through my laundry bag, and threw my underwear all over the house. These are the officers who felt the need to sprinkle and throw marijuana (Ganja) all in my bed, all through the house. They even went into the second bedroom and threw Marijuana and ashes all over the bed. Now they are trying to DUCK me, as I’m walking down E. Camille Street- as usual, with a smile on my face, and my head held high! Why not? I’m not the criminal! I did not VIOLATE Felix and his colleagues… They were so used to running into my house illegally with no warrant, to search and harass me.. They have done it over 10 times in six years, they thought that they would always get away with it. It will take a while to get everything together. Don’t wait for my latest, hard hitting blogs…. No, my health and well being is my priority, and the well being of my pets.
The only statements that you can expect will be from my lawyer. That’s her job… I know Corrupt Prosecutor Tinneke Kamp has been SUBPOENAED!!! Criminal police Chief Peter de Witte- Who is famous for being involved in the cover up of the death in Aruba of teenage American tourist Natalee Hollaway… He has been SUBPOENAED!. Gerard Van Dam, the Officer who sat next to Chief Peter de Witte, as they tried to bribe me into silence with $1000 dollars cash. He has been SUBPOENAED! Him and De Witte can explain the attempted pay off, and they can explain why they felt the need to use my starving cats, and my pain medication to coerce and pressure me into a confession during interrogations, if they had so much evidence that I was a criminal and had committed a crime. I am not really blogging right now. But as you can see, as soon as they shackled me, at least 25 NEW BLOGGERS took my place, and continued the blogs.. as planned :)
Now I have to begin to scrub this house from top to bottom. If anyone has a Powerwash, please lent it to us. We want to powerwash and spray down the outside of the house, and repaint INSIDE and OUT!!! To the people who are helping me.. thank you.. and NO, I have NO idea who you are, or what your name is”
Seems like somebody’s cleaning house thouroughly :)
Update July 11, 06 Pm
Day 11 Judith Roumou free
Getting back on the feet
A pressrelease from Mr. Zylena Bary on 721News with some eyebrown rising questions in the bloggers case :
*** media release from the attorney of Ms. Judith Roumou ***

PHILIPSBURG – For immediate release – July 11, 2015. On behalf of my client Ms. J. Roumou, I would like to make the following known:
I have requested the public prosecutor to hear several witnesses, including some of my client’s accusers, officers of the St Maarten Police Force as well as the prosecutor who was handling this case (T. Kamps).
This request was extremely detailed and supported by facts and circumstances that question the potential ulterior motives behind said accusers and police officers to be willing to insist on an arrest and prosecution of my client in this case. In my previous media release I outlined what potential ulterior motives could be.
I also outlined the fact that I wanted to hear the individual who works at Stichting Justiele Inrichtingen Bovenwindse Eilanden who without motivating her reasoning, concluded that my client should be released but that she would have to (among other things) be subjected to talks and or tests by the Mental Health Foundation. I explained to the Judge of Instruction that I have noticed a deliberate attempt to have my client classified as crazy as a way to nullify her remarks and/or silence her.
I have also outlined that I find it unbelievable that simply reading the hard drive of my client’s laptops, etc has taken more than 10 days already whereas securing the information on a hard drive is a matter of maximum a couple of hours. The longer the laptops remain in police custody, the more I have reason to question what exactly is being done with my clients items. My client is considering filing an injunction case next week to obtain her items as she is dependent on those items to provide for herself.
The public prosecutor has (K Van Nie), despite sufficient reason to do so, has informed the Judge of Instruction yesterday (July 10th 2015) that she wants the Judge of Instruction to refuse my requests to hear witnesses because my client is no longer in custody, and according to her, my client would no longer have the right to call for witnesses as a consequence thereof.
Ms. Van Nie also indicated that she, who also has the right to hear witnesses regardless as to whether or not my client is [still] detained, does not see the need to hear the witnesses.
I informed the judge yesterday evening that I consider the response of the public prosecutor’s office to be alarming and concerning as the goal of the public prosecutor’s office in a criminal investigation is and must always be to find out the truth of the matter regardless as to who is the person filing the complaint and who is the person being accused of committing a crime.
I further informed the Judge of Instruction that I am beginning to seriously question who’s interests the public prosecutor’s office is protecting and if they are using their power to (continue) to hide the real reason my client was arrested and to continue to muzzle my client.
As my client is clearly being silenced by the public prosecutor’s office by them not returning her items to her, not hearing witnesses and not providing timely updates in this case, I was forced to bring these unfortunate developments to the public arena with my client’s permission.
*** EXCLUSIVE ***: Zylena Bary: Circumstances surrounding Judith Roumou arrest extremely bizarre.
Somewhat later Public Prosecutor Mr. Karola van Nie, who apparently replaces mr. Tineke Kamps currently, gave an interview to one of the complainants (!) mr. Bibi Hodge Shaw from St. Maarten News Network. Repeating the same words as before, suggesting again the blogger is crazy and already conficted.
Remarkably, alike mr. Tineke Kamps did earlier here (mark the URL, content was altered few days later, we saved an original here in PDF) the public prosecutors of St. Maarten seem to have a preference giving interviews to St. Maarten News Network of Bibi Hogde Shaw, one of the complainants.
Now, if public prosecutors are already being publically critized being seen partying and socializing with the most corrupt criminals of Sint Maarten in public, how about giving press interviews to complainants during the investigations? And eepeatedly. We wonder what would be the definition of a conflict of interest, according to the SXM prosecution?
Besides that, doesn’t giving 4 (!) press relases and interviews to the press for alleged ‘charges’ by already suspious complainants within 11 days to appear to a bit like a witchhunt?
And what is the agenda in lying to the public in two pressrelases about a alleged and already dubious mediaton agreement voilation, and about Roumou’s animals being taken well care of while if fact they we mistreated and neglected to be abused as emotional blackmail?
Are these prosecutors, who are suppose to represent Sint Maarten, appear to be dignified, respectful prosecutors representing justice and making sure corruption and criminals are being prosecuted in Sint Maarten? Or do they have all the time in the world to have an outspoken blogger prosecuted on trumping up charges?
Update July 12, 06 Pm
Day 12 Judith Roumou free
Operation ‘frivolous lawsuit’ with Italian fingerprints?

The following interesting post on Judith Roumou’s Facebook wall was found by the Knipselkrant Bloggerteam:
“Today is my first real day with a functioning laptop, where I can see everything and read everything. Since June 30th 2015 when they locked me up, I think that is the date, ALL media, ALL INFO, ALL newspapers were CENSORED.. (..) I had to buy some basics this morning, nothing left over. (..) always tells me to STOP with the CAPITALIZATIONS!! But I am an AMERICANIZED blogger, we can capitalize and shout to emphasize! :) You Europeans can remain subtle. But according to ‘blogging by-laws’ I can capitalize to stress and emphasize….
So I have NO PASSPORT, so I can’t flee. I have no ID to access money for food… Because Prosecutor Tinneke Kamp has made a HUGE mistake in her career, a mistake that will haunt her forever. She was an active part of my animals starvation and mistreatment. She was very much a part of the illegal tactics used to interrogate me, including using my Ritalin, and My Class X Pain Medication MS-Contin.. to FORCE me into a confession. Ask any Doctor what type of pain you need to have for them to prescribe you MS-Contin. MS-Contin is an Opiate so strong and powerful, that it can KILL the patient, if they are pulled off of it… Well guess what??? Angelique Ferrier They held me on Monday, and PULLED me off the medication to make me go into withdrawals…Something that can cause convulsions, seizures and kill you. They pulled me off of what My doctor of 17 years Doctor Michael Mercuur, and probably hoped that I would convulsed and die in my cell. Luckily Doctor Mercuur is a very smart doctor, who had me on TIME RELEASED MS-Contin and Time Release Ritalin….. So they waited and watched for a physical reaction.. :) They got NOTHING!!!!
Ms Tinneke Kamp already screwed herself by allowing herself to get caught up in this. People are already asking me here if Tinneke Kamp like many in the Prosecutors Office, is now also in the ’employ’ of Billionaire Criminal Casino owner Francesco Corallo…. I see Francesco Corallo’s FINGERPRINTS all over my arrest :) And there’s a lot I’m not saying. Someone please tell Tinneke Kamp, she already effed herself, now gave me my work equipment, and give me my ID. Tinneke Kamp, you holding back my ID, and trying to make sure I can’t get groceries in my own country, will NOT look good on your resume. And yes Tinneke Camp…. You know me, we’ve met and had LOOOOOOOONG Conversations :) I am very busy writing your resume right now. And according to the Judge.. I CAN BLOG MY ASS OFF, AND WRITE WHATEVER I WANT WITHIN LEGAL LIMITS!! I JUST HAVE TO PHYSICALLY STAY AWAY FROM BIBI HODGE SHAW, LEROY DE WEEVER, OLIVIER ARRINDELL, GIOVANELLA DE WEEVER, CORNELIUS DE WEEVER, AND MILLICENT DE WEEVER.. THOSE WERE THE PEOPLE WHO FILED CHARGES AGAINST ME.. …..OPERATION ‘FRIVOLOUS LAWSUIT” (..)….. :) I smell CHEAP Italian Cologne all over my “Criminal Arrest”.. TBC…..”
Stay tuned for more updates.
Source: Knipselkrant Curacao
Mr. Zylena Bary:
“I also outlined the fact that I wanted to hear the individual who works at Stichting Justiele Inrichtingen Bovenwindse Eilanden who without motivating her reasoning, concluded that my client should be released but that she would have to (among other things) be subjected to talks and or tests by the Mental Health Foundation. etc.”
Sorry hoor, mar aan dat idee kan ik me bij de soms wat ongenuanceerde yells ook niet helemaal ontrekken…..spoort ze een beetje ? :)
Het is opvallend dat smn-news alleen maar positieve geluiden publiceert over KPSM. In 2013 heeft de landsrecherche een inval gedaan bij het kantoor van BIR(Bureau Interne Relatie van de KPSM). Ze hebben computers en documenten meegenomen. Dit had smn-news ook kunnen publiceren. Smn-news weet toch dat de ene Carl John alleen maar vrienden naar voren heeft geschoven voor een ip en hip (inspecteur en hoofdinspecteur) functie. Met vrienden bedoel ik zonen van andere politie-agenten en ook agenten waarvan er een justicieel onderzoek naar een strafbaar feit tegen hun gaande is. De namen zijn toch allemaal bekend bij het OM. Hoe kan een minister van justitie en een korpschef ermee akkoord gaan terwijl ze weten dat er een juticieel onderzoek naar een strafbaar feit gaande is tegen sommige agenten die een ip en/of hip functie hebben gekregen. Normaal gesproken moeten deze agenten tijdelijk uit hun functie worden gezet. Op Curacao en in Nederland hadden ze het anders opgelost. Zulke agenten worden op non-actief gezet en niet naar voren geschoven voor een hogere functie. Dit bedoel ik met een DOOFPOT CULTUUR. Smn- news mag ook eens een keertje de waarheid publiceren.
Although I have the idea that there is something rotten in the OM, some police-officers and some judges : a dog which ate her passport….
You’d better take care of your important belongings Judith, so you can stay thrustworthy.. ( Cats….ok…. but now all of a sudden a dog appears…???) Mwahh…
Ik las dat de directrice van KIA Aruba met onmiddellijke ingang is opgestapt. Weg vrij gemaakt voor ene De Witte? Wee Aruba ! Hoezee St Maarten ! Maar eerst screening? Lokaal….? Het is me allemaal wat!
Mischien kan de heer Ronald van Raak en Andre Bosman ook aan het OM (Tineke Kamps) vragen stellen over de aangifte van de gouverneur. Want wij op de Antillen krijgen altijd een standaard antwoord. (Niet bereikbaar voor commentaar). Er is niks met zijn aangifte gedaan. Hoe is het mogelijk dat er in 2011 aangifte is gedaan en tot op de dag van vandaaag(2015) niemand is opgepakt. Zijn ze bang om de deksel open te maken? Natuurlijk want het gaat erg stinken als de deksel open gaat. Een gouverneur die aangifte moest doen tegen sommige politie-agenten. Vervalste ontslagbesluiten met vervalste handtekeningen er op. Een ex minister van justitie die een korpschef hielp om de hele smerige plan in gang te zetten. Met als eindresultaat: vervalste ontslagbesluiten en vervalste handtekeningen.
Moeten de politiecommissaris ,het hoofd van het O.M. en die R-C niet onmiddellijk van hun functie ontheven worden? En mogelijk na diepgaand onderzoek afhankelijk van de resultaten eventueel voor de rechter gedaagd worden?
Dit stinkt toch aan alle kanten. Hier worden toch alle democratische regels en human rights met voeten getreden ongeacht of Roumou wel of niet fout zit?
Ik hoop dat bovengenoemde personen een weerwoord op bovenstaand beschreven misère hebben! ( of misschien zijn ze op dit moment afwezig wegens een afspraak met ene T.H. en ene C. ?).
PS. Mr. Spong : ik mag het mij toch afvragen ? U wilt misschien the freedom of speech beknotten maar mijn gedachten zijn toch nog wel vrij? Of gaat u die ook aanpakken als u er geld mee kan verdienen?
Zowel Judith en de KKC zijn de vrijheid strijders van de voormalige Antillen. Samen staan wij sterk om hen te steunen. Maak samen met KKC en Judith de voormalige Antillen vrij van alle corruptie, intimidatie, het verbieden van de vrije meningsuiting, het constante intimideren door advocaten van de duivel ( de 3 stoogies (inmiddels beter bekend als Peppie en Kokkie + Eustia aka lawaaitrio) en Spong)) politici die de macht willen hebben op de bevolking. De Antilliaan moet nu wakker worden en samen met Judith en KKC strijden. Dat zijn de dingen die ik van o.a. Judith en KKC begrijp, Nederlanders en Antillianen die op (en nog) Curaçao, St. Maarten en Aruba hebben gewoond/wonen, en nu gezamenlijk strijden voor een vrij van corruptie, maffialeden/politici, en van in witwas/moord verdachte/frauderende politici. Zij steken voor alle Antillianen de nek uit voor een mens waardig bestaan.
Beste Leen,
Tekst in hoofdletters (doorgaans opgevat als schreeuwen) kunnen een oorzaak zijn van een automatische verwijdering uit de reacties door onze – helaas – nogal strenge maar broodnodige veiligheidssoftware. Het spijt ons, het zijn afwegingen vs weinig invloed op plugin-software, niets persoonlijk.
Met vriendelijke groet,
KKC redactie
De korpschef (peter de witte) is niet weg gegaan omdat hij plaats wil maken voor een lokale korpschef zoals hij beweerde. Nee. In 2011 heeft hij 3 politie-agenten laten ontslagen met een vervalste ontslagbesluit. De gouverneur Eugene Holiday heeft gelijk daarna aangifte gedaan omdat ze de handtekening van hem vervalst hebben. Dit allemaal is gebeurd met toestemming van de ex minister van justitie Ronald Duncan. De grond is te heet geworden onder de voeten van Peter de witte. Daarom wilt ie weg. Hij (peter de witte) moet gewoon de bevolking van Sint maarten de waarheid vertellen en niet steeds blijven voorliegen. De bevolking van Sint maarten wil graag weten wat er allemaal is gebeurd met de aangifte van de gouverneur. Er heerst een grote DOOFPOT cultuur op Sint Maarten.
Geacht KKC team,
Het was niet bedreigend maar wel de waarheid. ( toen de ene Weever geen minister kon worden stelde hij zijn zus als vervanger voor, toen dat ook geen doorgang kon vinden kwam hij met zijn oom op de proppen). Misschien was mijn tekst destijds wat onbegrijpelijk voor jullie omdat ik ook de gebeurtenissen op St Maarten op de voet volg. Maar: No hard feelings, kan gebeuren.
Weet dat ik heb heel veel waardering /respect heb voor wat jullie doen!
Beste Fr. Speach,
Ook al zijn we vanaf vorige maand aansprakelijk voor alle commentaren op KKC, we zijn ons niet bewust dat we reacties censuren. Het aantal reacties die we krijgen zijn tienduizenden, we zullen er ondertussen plusminus ca 20-30 hebben gedeleet, als ze echt te erg waren. In de zin als pure persoonlijke aanvallen op andere commentatoren, danwel haatzaaiend, opruiend en/of bedreigingen inhielden. En heel soms vangt onze spamsecurity iets af wat we niet zien. Geen idee of u daartussen zat, het spijt ons als dat het geval was,
Met vriendelijke groeten,
KKC redactie
Share is natuurlijk SHAME ON YOU KKC
Niet zo lang geleden schreef ik dat n mijn ogen niet alleen T.H. en grote delen van het ( veelal Nederlandse) O.M. corrupt zijn maar ook De Weever, De Weever en De Weever als u begrijpt wat ik bedoel . ( broer, oom, zus, tante en wat al niet meer) Helaas paste KKC censuur toe en werd mijn reactie niet geplaatst. Share on you KKC !
Het ergste is nog dat het OM en de rechters zich lenen hiervoor. Dat staat voor mij gelijk aan het eind van de rechtstaat.
St Maarten is vanaf nu een bananen republiek waar je nog niet dood gevonden wilt worden.
De rechters en het OM mogen wat mij betreft per direct worden opgepakt, inclusief de agenten die hier aan meewerken.
Dat dit in het Koninkrijk mogelijk is mag gerust een aanfluiting worden genoemd. Dat politici niet integer zijn wisten we al, maar dat de rechterlijke macht ook niet integer is ………..dat is diep en diep triest.
Uw verdere tekst geeft aanknopingspunten met de NSB.
In de vrijmetselarij ben ik niet thuis. Ik neem dan maar van u aan dat ook zij zulke uitgangspunten hanteren. ( welke regering moet overigens gedacht hebben : hou het vaag ?)
Kan betekenen de juiste koers houden of de zeilen hijsen. Er werd niet verwezen naar de betekenis die de NSB gebruikte. Wij bedoelden onder alle omstandigheden de juiste koers varen. Het is ook bekend uit de vrijmetselaarsrituelen.
Is Hilbert Haar wel DE man om Roumou aan de schandpaal te nagelen? Zie de onderzoekingen naar de integriteit van de pers.
Zit er een luchtje aan ?
Hou zee ! ? Waarom deze verwijzing naar een zwarte bladzijde in de geschiedenis?
Onze politieke deskundige TP meldde in Houzee (Jingo) dat de overheid meent iedereen te kunnen arresteren die samenzweert met schermutselen als oogmerk, die bewerktuigd is tot het plegen van misdrijven, verzet bij aanhouding, bedreiging, lanterfanten met misdadige intenties, lanterfanten in delinquente pleisterplaatsen, samenscholen om een misdrijf te plegen en het meevoeren van verborgen wapens. Houd het vaag en sla onverbiddelijk toe, moet de regering hebben gedacht. De vraag is wel of een dergelijke arrestatie wettig kan standhouden, maar als intimiderend middel werkt het misschien wel even. Het kan zich echter ook keren tegen de toepassende instantie. De bewijslast moet het daglicht kunnen verdragen. Renée van Aller&John de Vries
Dit is te schandalig voor woorden. Zijn we in Rusland, Cuba, Venezuela etc. aangeland?
Hoe kan het dat Rutte namens de regering zijn kaken stijf op elkaar houdt. Waarom trekt niemand op de eilanden hun muil open, staten, kabinet Asjes, ms Fraudelyne namens de regering bijv. enz enz.
Krek jullie heb helegaar gelyk
Ja en dat Engels van jou is ook niet al te best. Splended bestaat niet eens ! Het is splendid met een I…….. ia, ia, ia, ia.
Openbaar Ministerie Sint Maarten/ Public Prosecutor’s Office Sint Maarten
Blogster J. R. blijft nog een aantal dagen in voorlopige hechtenis
Blogger J.R. remains in pre-trial detention for a couple of days
De 40-jarige verdachte J. R., die afgelopen dinsdag 30 juni 2015 werd aangehouden in haar huis in Sint Peters, is vandaag voorgeleid voor de Rechter-Commissaris. De Rechter-Commissaris heeft de rechtmatigheid van de aanhouding getoetst en de inverzekeringstelling (ten aanzien van de verdenking voor belaging) goed bevonden. Er is geen reden om haar met onmiddellijke ingang in vrijheid te stelen.
De blogster werd aangehouden nadat er in de periode van januari 2014 tot heden meer personen aangifte hebben gedaan van diverse strafbare feiten. De aangiften betreffen niet alleen smaad, laster en belediging, maar ook bedreiging, belaging en afpersing. Deze strafbare feiten zijn gepleegd zowel via social media als in persoon (“face to face”).
Gelet op de bijzondere omstandigheden in dit onderzoek, te weten de werkzaamheden van de verdachte en de beperkte capaciteit van KPSM om een onderzoek naar zogenaamde “cybercrime” te doen, is aanvankelijk in plaats van een strafrechtelijk onderzoek een mediation-traject gestart waarbij met diverse betrokkenen (aangevers en verdachte) is gesproken.
Na een aantal maanden is gebleken dat de afspraken, gemaakt in het mediation-traject door verdachte niet werden nagekomen en dat opnieuw aangiftes tegen haar werden gedaan. Uiteindelijk zag het Openbaar Ministerie zich genoodzaakt om tot aanhouding van J.R. over te gaan. Na haar aanhouding op 30 juni jl. vond aansluitend een huiszoeking plaats in haar woning in Sint Peters. Daarbij zijn diverse gegevensdragers (zoals telefoons, laptops en computers) in beslag genomen voor nader onderzoek. Tevens is Animal Welfare ingeschakeld om zorg te bieden voor de hond en katten van de verdachte.
Gedurende de inverzekeringstelling van J.R. bleek het erg lastig om een piketadvocaat te vinden die beschikbaar was om de verdachte bij te staan. Uiteindelijk heeft de Rechter-Commissaris een advocaat moeten aanwijzen, een maatregel die geboden is, nu J.R. -net als iedere inverzekeringgestelde verdachte- recht heeft op rechtsbijstand.
De verwachting is dat de recherche van KPSM nog enkele dagen nodig heeft om de verdachte op alle aanklachten tegen haar te horen. Gedurende dat onderzoek zal zij nog in voorlopige hechtenis blijven. Overigens is er geen sprake geweest van mishandeling van J.R. gedurende haar detentie.
Blogger J.R. remains in pre-trial detention for a couple of days
The 40 year old suspect J.R., who was arrested at her home in Sint Peters, last Tuesday, June 30, 2015, had to appear before the judge of instruction this morning. The judge of instruction judged the arrest and pre-trial detention as lawful insofar as it relates to stalking. According to the judge of instruction there is no reason to release the suspect immediately.
The blogger was arrested after several person pressed charges against her for various offenses in the period from January 2014 until now. The reports cover not only slander, defamation and insult, but also threat, harassment (stalking) en extortion. These offense were committed both through social media and in person (“face to face”).
Given the particular circumstances in this investigation, namely the activities of the suspects and the limited resources and manpower of KPSM to conduct an investigation into “cybercrime”, a mediation process, rather than a criminal investigation, was iniated. During this mediation officials from as well KPSM as the Public Prosecutors Service spoke to the suspect, amongst to others.
After several months, it has shown that the agreements made during the mediation were not respected by the suspect. Above that, new statements against the suspect were done. Eventually, the Public Prosecutor was forced to proceed to arrest J.R. After her arrest, on June 30, a house search took place in her home in Sint Peters. Various data carriers (such as phones, laptops and computers) were confiscated for further investigation. Animal Welfare was called in to provide care for the dog and cats of the suspect.
During the pre-trial detention of J.R. it turned out to be very difficult to find a lawyer, who was available to assist the suspect. Ultimately, the judge of instruction had to appoint a lawyer. This measure was necessary since J.R., just as any other suspect in pre-trial detention, is entitled to legal assistance.
The Public Prosecutors Service expects that the investigation of KPSM needs a couple of additional days to interrogate the suspect on all charges against her. During this investigation J.R. remains in pre-trial detention. Finally, no abuse of J.R. took place during her detention.
Well, that’s up to the judge to decide. But its not just about defamation, it is also about threats, stalking, and extortion.
Her lawyer by the way is Zylena Bary – appointed by the Judge of Instruction.
Your written English is splended @CC
Can Hilbert Haar explain what exactly did she do wrong? How did she cross what line? Is having a not pretty reputation or too many people hating you a criminal offence nowadays?
This is simply intimidation.
What a joke this is. Roumou doesn’t understand a thing about freedom of expression and what is happening now – she had it coming. I support her right to freedom of speech, but when you cross the line in this field – as defined in the criminal code – you have to live with the consequences.
I sure hope this case goes to court so that we’ll get an independent judgment. Tight now, nobody knows what’s what, but Roumou’s reputation ain’t too pretty in sxm, no matter what anybody says. By the way, all charges against her were published shortly after her arrest, so nobody added anything ‘suddenly’ in a later stage
Free Roumou? Don’t make me laugh. I’ve got nothing against her, but like everyone else she has to abide by the law – or face the consequences.
This morning she’s at the Judge of Instruction for a decision about the lawfulness of her arrest and her detention.
There are a lot of supporters coming out of the woodwork suddenly, but I know plenty of people who hate her guts (I know plenty who hate my guts as well, by the way – so it is not per se a disqualifying remark).
Wordt er niet een tikkeltje van het onderwerp afgeweken, dames :) ???
@ Herman
Zoals ik nu al meerdere malen mijn typefout van een (e) achter willems heb kenbaar gemaakt ook voor u nog eens de ware naam Hans Willems de man die op Lagunasol woonde in zijn laatste jaren.
Als ik Deze informatie zo naar buiten breng zoals hij over het rechtssysteem heeft vergaard dan is mijn leven ook ten einde.
Ik ken mijn plichten maar ook mijn rechten en vertrouw op mijn juristen die me in deze zaken bijstaan. En als u dit als een complot theorie afstempelt moest u zich diep schamen daar een man die een levenswerk er van gemaakt heeft om het juridische maffia systeem op onze eilanden aan te pakken zo neer te zetten. Maar die uitspraak laat ik aan u over.
Mocht u de papieren in willen zien bel me even op en u bent altijd welkom.
864-3595 / 560-3914
Nogmaals maak ik duidelijk dat het om heer Hans Willems gaat waarvan in het politierapport staat dat hij zelfmoord heeft gepleegd, wat volgens de informatie die ik beschik MOORD was.
En ja heer Phil ik zou strafbaar zijn als ik niet de nodige aangiftes had gedaan. Helaas voor u, ik ken de wetten en regels en leef ze na zoals mijn juristen het aangeven.
En ja heer Phil ik heb wat van de 2 pauzen, plus klachtencommissie bisschoppen vatikaan vernomen en er komt een onderzoek.
En ja heer Phil het gaat over heer Hans Willems die op lagunasol woonde en in de rapporten van onze justitie staat “Zelfmoord” maar het is MOORD.
Ik heb de redactie van KKC enkele foto’s gestuurd helaas kunnen die kennelijk niet geplaatst worden.
En mocht u meer willen weten over de zaken, ben dan een ware man en bel even 864-3595 /560-3914 en dan laat ik u alle brieven en zaken zien.
Een fijne dag en meer volwassenheid van uw kant.
Als Baselmans weet heeft van een moord dan is hij wettelijk verplicht dit aan de autoriteiten te melden, zo niet dan is hij strafbaar. Maar Baselmans heeft zoveel rare verhalen dat ik vermoed dat hij een bepaalde disorder heeft. In ieder geval kletst hij constant uit zijn nek !
ps Baselmans : nog wat van de paus vernomen?
pps B. ; we hadden het over Willemse al dan niet bivakkerend in België. Niet over die zelfmoord van Willems op Curaçao die jij aanhaalt. Dat hebben wij net zo als jij ook in de media gelezen
Is het nou Willems of Willemse, of slechts een nuance verschil?
Ik ken alleen de Willemse die zei in Belgie te wonen van vergeperst. U zegt vermoord?
Wat moet er juridisch nog verder dichtgespijkerd worden, als alles wat u in het bezit hebt gedigitaliseerd is en de rest in het buitenland is lijkt het mij uw plicht als burger dit naar buiten te brengen.
Aan complot theories heeft niemand iets.
Graag gedaan W en mocht u zeken in willen zien neem even contact met me op.
Als al die ongelovige mensen onder een letter of zonder eigen naam de files in willen zien van heer Hans Willems nodig ik ze allemaal uit om ze te komen lezen. U ziet dan met eigen ogen hoe deze man vernederd en vermoord is geworden (wat hij zelf aangaf en zijn vertrouwensman ook verklaarde). Helaas laat KKC niet toe images te plaatsen anders zou ik wat zaken alvast kunnen laten zien.
Het respect naar een man toe die een eenzame strijd vocht tegen justitie is helaas vergeten en begraven. Maar dat zijn we gewend van de mensen die hier er alles aan doen om zaken belachelijk te maken.
Bij deze lettermensen u bent uitgenodigd om de zaak in te zien even bellen naar 864-3595 of 560-3914 en dan zet ik ook nog een bak koffie voor u klaar.
Een fijne dag toegewenst .
I love this woman! KLASSE! Denk dat ik haar een huwelijksaanzoek ga doen
Willems de zelf beëdigde Don Quichotte vechtend tegen alles wat windmolen was heeft eind 2011 besloten uit het leven te stappen. Nu gaat baselmans uiteraard beweren dat hij vermoord is natuurlijk, maar dat probleem heb je altijd met fantasten.
Die politiecommissaris heeft onroerend goed in Nederland ? Waar heeft hij dat van betaald? En wanneer heeft hij dat gekocht ? In zijn St. Maarten tijd? De man heeft zijn leven lang bij de politie gewerkt zie ik op internet en het is toch bekend dat het salaris bij de politie bepaald geen vetpot is. Dus wat is de waarde van dat onroerend goed, hoe heeft hij dat gekocht/ gefinancierd en past dat bij zijn inkomen/vermogen? – en past dat eventuele vermogen bij zijn jarenlange inkomen? Lijkt me dat dat eens door de bevoegden ( in Nederland ! want anders weet ik het wel) onderzocht moet worden. Zit hij midden in de laten we zeggen ” elite-kliek”. ???
@john baselmans Oracle, bedankt voor de uitleg.
Tot voor kort meldde Willemse zich nog vaak met ellenlange meestal dwarse en onsamenhangende commentaren waar geen breaking news in te vinden was. Dus internet heeft hij nog. En het maken van nieuwe websites is tegenwoordig een fluitje van een cent. De laatste tijd hoor je inderdaad niet veel meer van hem.
Maar Baselmans , je hele verhaal houd ik , zoals zo vaak, voor bazelarij. ( is Willemse een alias?).
@ W
In 3 landen vast gezeten, voor gek verklaard, alsmaar geschaduwd zelfs in zwitserland, websites offline gehaald waar hij zaken aankaarten over justitie curacao. Vele bedreigingen mee gemaakt. Zijn totale gezin vele jaren lang gestalkt door justitie. Alle papieren en rapporten van deze man zijn in mijn bezit. Ik kreeg ze via een vriend van hem waar hij aan vertelde dat hij die week vermoord zou worden en of hij ze aan mij wilde overhandigen. De 4 CD’s, 2 boekjes en vele kaarten en aantekeningen gaan over een lokale rechter die deze man kennelijk dood wilde hebben. DAT is wat ze doen als je gaat schrijven over de justitie op dit eiland. De rede waarom ik (nog) niet zijn gehele file naar buiten breng omdat ik eerst juridisch alles gedekt moet hebben. Zolang blijven de files veilig in het buitenland en zijn ze allemaal in ieder geval gedigitaliseerd. De tijd moet er voor zijn om deze smerige zaken openbaar te maken.
Die politiechef is die zuiver? Bijvoorbeeld:
NRC okt. 2014 :Amsterdam. De hoofdcommissaris van politie op Sint Maarten, Peter de Witte, heeft vorig jaar een conflict wegens paulianeus handelen ( een politiechef mind you !) AFGEKOCHT bij ABN Amro. ( wanneer koop je iets af ? Juist !).De bank zei financieel benadeeld te zijn en had beslag laten leggen op onroerend goed van de politiechef in Nederland.
Hij zou toch naar eigen zeggen per 1-1-2015 opkrassen om directeur KIA te worden of gaat hij toch naar Aruba of ligt iemand daar voor? ( terug naar Nederland is blijkbaar geen optie voor hem).
Is het een wraakactie van hem omdat Roumou te dichtbij kwam…? Onze onverschrokken blogster zet tenslotte veel vraagtekens achter zijn naam.
Hij zou niet de eerste politiechef zijn op het eiland die….
Als je de waarheid schrijft op sint maarten dan doet de politie een inval bij jou. Wat is er gebeurt met de aangifte van de gouverneur. NIKS. Natuurlijk niks. Er zijn hoge functionarissen betrokken bij deze GROTE FRAUDEZAAK. Dus wat doet het openbaar ministerie. De fraudezaak lekker in de doofpot stoppen. Niemand weet er niks van dus er is ook niks aan de hand bij de politie op sint maarten. Zo wordt alles opgelost op sint maarten. DE DOOFPOT.
The question of the EMANCIPATION….Joke
Do you feel FREE or semi FREE.
Money talks and we just follow….
We can not supervice our selves.
Now they are looking for a scape goat ( little MISS JUDITH ROMOU….
Just isn’t blind on sour ST MAARTEN.
JUDITH,keep your head up high for you are enlighting the blind that can not see. Thanking you FREDDY.
Er zijn 3 politie-agent ontslagen met een vervalste ontslagbesluit. De mensen die betrokken zijn: ex min. just. Ronald Duncan
korpschef Peter de Wit en diens collega Carl John
Bureau Interne Zaken
Daarom heeft gouverneur Eugene Holiday aangifte tegen hun gedaan.
Daarom zijn ze boos op roumou. Zij heeft de waarheid geschreven. Ze zijn allemaal bang dat deze fraudezaak naar buiten wordt gebracht. De politie vakbond abvo weet er alles van maar is te zwak om de fraudezaak naar buiten te brengen.
Iedereen op sint maarten is bang voor de politie.
@John Baselmans-Oracle, wat is er dan met Willemse gebeurd?
Gedachtenpolitie in actie. Kafka op St. Maarten. De Politieke Maffia slaat terug met door haar geregisseerde politie units. Maar. Het Vrije Woord zal uiteindelijk zegevieren. Moed houden en gewoon doorschrijven.
Dit is onbegrijpelijk! Dit kan gewoon niet! Waar is Nederland? Waar blijft de tweede kamer? Burgers worden vervolgd in het Koninkrijk voor het uiten van hun gegrondveste mening? Hoe moeten we ons hierbij voelen? Trek aan de bel! Dit is communisme op het zachts gezegd! DIT MAG NIET!
Onvoorstelbaar dat het OM zich hiervoor leent. Bij dit soort ‘vergrijpen’ wordt je uitgenodigd op het politiebureau, er komt geen politie langs. Vreemde prioriteiten voor de politie hebben ze geleerd van van de Nederlandse politie.
:-) Jip is nog maar het begin Judith Roumou. :-)
Kan er over meespreken alleen daar maakt de pers geen melding over. Alles wordt afgewimpeld als zijnde waanideeën en rijp voor Caprilles! Net zoals ze met heer Willemse hebben gedaan. Het werk van de CID gaat vele stappen verder samen met de rechterlijke macht.
En dan Judith Roumou mag u zich nog bij de gelukkige voegen want het is maar het simpel intimidatie spel wat ze spelen.
More to come.