GreenTown is more than goodwill and co-mun sense. GreenTown is unification of ge…nerations into making natural means create the human potential for survival!
GreenTown stands for:
• Transforming polluted oil refinery grounds into thriving vibrant communities while creating a functioning ecosystem
• Restoring Schottegat Bay’s water quality and allow the return of native plant and animal species
• Transfer present cheaply leased public space and transfer it into a sustainable, greener and broader economic prosperity for all Yu di Kòrsou (Curaçaoliños)
• Leverage a $500 million clean up into more than $4 billion private investments using Curaçao’s own natural resources and providing 20 years of work for tens of thousands.
• Incorporate culturally important design principles into modern state of the art design
• Combining our top gained refining technology expertise with sustainable green and durable principles and teaching it to others
• Working and developing closely with local governmental agencies to transform the Isla refinery property and Schottegat Bay While we do this we will: Create thousands upon thousands of dismantling, clean-up and construction jobs for years to come Create 16,000 permanent jobs in new industries, the entertainment & marine industry, the Free Zone Increase government income with about $300,000,000 annually
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door: Nyrone Otto