WILLEMSTAD – From 2000 to 2012, the number of people who are receiving dialysis doubled from 125 to 250. At present there are 312 dialysis patients in Curaçao being treated, twelve of which that are currently in Colombia because of a lack of medical personnel and capacity.
Of the remaining 300 patients, 230 are treated in hospital and 70 at home. Based on the maximum costs a medical deployment to Colombia is about 18,000 dollars per patient per broadcast.
Dialysis is a treatment that is performed when the kidneys are not functioning properly. This has as result that the body waste does not leave the body sufficiently. A dialysis treatment means that the excess wastes and moisture is artificially removed from the body. This can be done by means of an artificial kidney (hemodialysis) or through a sterile liquid which is introduced into the abdominal cavity with the aid of a small tube (which is peritoneal dialysis abdomen rinse).
Several MPs asked about this high cost of sending patients abroad, especially when it can be done here on the island. Minister of Public Health, Siegfried Victorina explained during his dissertation that there is a capacity problem. There is a shortage of medical personnel. As a result more people are now being sent to Colombia.
Victorina says the problem will be resolved. The Social Insurance Bank (SVB) has namely invested in the purchase of three new seats. This means that sixteen additional people can be treated in Curaçao. The twelve individuals who are abroad, can then return to the island. In addition, there will be room for the treatment of four additional patients.
Bron: CuracaoChronicle