SXM Bobol Politics blog | by Judith Roumou
What this morning’s session in The Netherlands was about ….
- The Dutch WON’T allow our government to form their own Integrity Committee to investigate themselves.
- The Dutch SXM and The Dutch Nederlanders are at an impasse (they cannot come to an agreement)
- Sxm, Marcel and our government has NO leg to stand on, they can’t win.
- The Dutch are giving our government 2-3 months, until June- and then they’re coming in anyway.
- They stated that they will decide in June on the full intervention, but that is just a FORMALITY, it has already been decided.
- The Dutch Integrity Committee will be… well… Dutch…..and I don’t mean the Antillian kind.
- They intend to eventually bring in their own RST investigators (55 of them), a few Judges and Prosecutors.
- These Special Police are not here for you or me, They are here for our GOVERNMENT.
- Our government appears to be panicking
- Our government is panicking because once the investigations are concluded a lot of people in government and the police dept. etc will be locked up for millions in missing funds and more.
- The SXM government’s strategy, and I guess Curacao too is “THE BEST DEFENSE IS A GOOD OFFENSE”
- Our government has forgotten that Holland has a Military, but St Maarten doesn’t.. in fact we RELY on their Military, which would make any offensive strategy ridiculous- but try telling that to our government.
- Somebody sent Cornelius to Holland, I don’t know who………. bad idea……..that’s all I’m gonna say… Lot’s going on in your government.
Bron: sxmgovernment
Judith Roumou – In’s en outs van SXM. Rauwe, authentieke blogs van een onafhankelijke Sint Maartsense die het Sint Maartense parlement en rechtbank frequenteert en politieke misstanden en corruptie aan de kaak stelt op een geheel eigen manier.