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• dinsdag 2 juli 2024

Democracy now! | Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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Extra | Journaal 25 juni 2024

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Elke werkdag het laatste nieuws van Extra, nu ook in het Nederlands. Bron: Extra

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DH | Dutch government does not recognise itself in UN committee criticism

HomeLandenArubaDH | Dutch government does not recognise itself in UN committee criticism
According to the Ministry of Social Affairs SZW and the Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations BZK, there is no question of unequal treatment and disadvantage.

THE HAGUE–The conditions attached by the Dutch government to corona support for the autonomous countries Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten result in unequal treatment of people in the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom compared to the European Netherlands, a United Nations (UN) committee stated August 25. The Dutch government does not agree.

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) stated that the strict conditions attached to aid result in “less aid to alleviate the negative impact of the pandemic on the ethnic minorities in the Dutch Caribbean countries.”

CERD came with its report after the Parliament of St. Maarten filed a complaint with the UN about “neo-colonialism” and “racism” in the relationship between the Netherlands and the Dutch Caribbean islands.

The UN investigation falls under the responsibility of caretaker Minister of Social Affairs and Employment Wouter Koolmees. Civil servants at his ministry have been heard by the UN committee, according to Koolmees’ spokesperson Coen Gelinck.

According to the Ministry of Social Affairs SZW and the Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations BZK, there is no question of unequal treatment and disadvantage.

“From the start of the corona pandemic, the Netherlands has provided assistance in various ways, directly or indirectly, to all autonomous countries within the Kingdom. In addition to a financial track … support is also provided in a humanitarian track via the Red Cross, among others, granted to the most vulnerable households. Medical personnel have also been sent to the countries and medical goods have been sent,” reads the joint response of SZW and BZK.

Furthermore, Gelinck stated to the Amigoe newspaper that the kingdom consists of four autonomous countries, with governments that bear responsibility for the well-being of their Dutch citizens.

“This autonomy also means that there are differences in approach in times of crisis and that there can be different responses to challenges that present themselves during a crisis. Nevertheless, the countries assist each other as much as possible during such crises within the Kingdom and offer each other help and assistance. This has resulted, among other things, in the above-mentioned aid from the Netherlands to the autonomous countries.”

The UN committee has stated that the Netherlands must apply the principle of equality as mentioned in Article 1 of the Dutch Constitution to all Dutch nationals throughout the entire territory of the kingdom, including in the autonomous countries.

Gelinck responded in stating that, “from the moment that the Caribbean countries became autonomous countries within the Kingdom – for Aruba this was in 1986 and for Curaçao and St. Maarten it was in 2010 – the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination applies to all autonomous countries within the Kingdom.”

On the question whether the Netherlands follows the recommendations of the UN committee to promote equality between Dutch citizens born in the Caribbean and their European counterparts, and to enter into a dialogue with representatives of the population of the Caribbean part of the kingdom who have been discriminated against because of perceived race or ethnic origin, Gelinck replied that “equality between everyone, regardless of background, is guaranteed in Dutch legislation and where necessary promoted in Dutch society” and that, where necessary and possible, dialogue is entered into with Dutch people with a Caribbean (migration) background.

“There are ‘dialogue tables’ about the impact of COVID-19, slavery history and equal treatment in which residents of the Caribbean Netherlands also participate and are invited to do so,” said Gelinck.

Caretaker Prime Minister of Aruba Evelyn Wever-Croes stated in a response to questions posed by the Amigoe that Aruba has taken note of the report. She said that equality is the key principle of the kingdom.

“There is and should be no room for racism and unequal treatment of residents. The right to self-determination is the building block of international law and, therefore, also of Aruban society. The results of this report will soon be discussed with the kingdom partners,” said Wever-Croes.

Bron: Daily Herald

6 reacties

  1. @Knoek Koe:
    Jij schijnt te denken dat ik op afroep antwoord moet geven op je domme vragen. Daar kunnen we kort over zijn: Ik beantwoord never nooit je domme vragen.
    Jij hebt meer kans dat ik antwoord op wat Max mijn hond vraagt, dan dat ik antwoord ga zitten geven op wat Knoek Koe vraagt dus.
    En ook die Bram schijnt te denken dat ik op afroep inga op de uitermate domme en holle frasen die hij debiteert.
    Ook daar kunnen we kort over zijn: Neen!!

  2. @Knoek Koe:
    Ik ben de byside van je V…. Ach laat maar: I’m a gentleman.. I don’t kiss and tell.
    En,what if? Jij hebt er klaarblijkelijk problemen mee indien ik de byside ben van onze Premier? Wil jij misschien mijn plaats innemen? Wij hebben een naam voor jou slag Knoek Koe: Mauricio. Whuahauahahahaaaaa

  3. Drechi is misschien wel de byside van Pik !
    Daarom neemt hij het zo voor hem en M(affia) F(randula) K(orta sinta) op!
    Het is zijn suikeroompje! Wordt waarschijnlijk goed toegestopt!

  4. Drechi,

    Toch heel apart dat jij niet wilt reageren op vragen die jou vorige week zijn gesteld, maar dat je iedere keer wel weer opduikt wanneer er te klagen valt over Nederland.

    Beetje selectief reageren zullen we maar zeggen. Je bent net Greet, die doet ook net alsof haar neus bloedt wanneer er informatie is die haar niet van pas komt. En dan nog vreem staan te kijken wanneer niemand jou en Greet nog serieus neemt ?

  5. Tja, sommige mensen verdienen nu eenmaal hun geld met het in leven houden van dit soort non-discussies. Iets met appels en peren,..

  6. But of course not…… Whuahauahauahhaaaaa… Who do they think they are fooling?
    Drechi pa bosnan Tur? Try again ladies…

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