32 C
• vrijdag 28 juni 2024

Democracy now! | Tuesday, June 25, 2024

 Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Democracy Now!’s War and Peace Report provides our audience...

Extra | Journaal 25 juni 2024

Elke werkdag het laatste nieuws van Extra, nu ook in het Nederlands. Bron: Extra

Democracy now! | Monday, June 24, 2024

 Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Democracy Now!’s War and Peace Report provides our audience...

Extra | Journaal 24 juni 2024

Elke werkdag het laatste nieuws van Extra, nu ook in het Nederlands. Bron: Extra

SM | 150 miljoen euro nodig voor batterijen, windmolens en zonnepanelen op Aruba, Curaçao en Sint Maarten

De Nederlandse rijksoverheid moet de komende jaren 150 miljoen euro uittrekken voor de uitrol van windmolens, zonnepanelen, en batterijen op Aruba, Curaçao en Sint Maarten. Dat blijkt...

PBC | Top 0.3% belastingplichtigen met schuld dragen 1/3e totale belastingschuld

Persbureau Curacao WILLEMSTAD – De Belastingdienst richt zijn focus op invordering bij zakelijke klanten. Zij zijn verantwoordelijk voor ongeveer 95 procent van de totale belastingopbrengsten. 0,3 procent van...
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CC | Osepa criticizes Parliament’s handling of same-sex marriage initiative bill

HomeLandenCuraçaoCC | Osepa criticizes Parliament's handling of same-sex marriage initiative bill
Persbureau Curacao
WILLEMSTAD – Sheldry Osepa, a Member of Parliament representing the PNP party, has voiced strong criticism regarding the handling of an initiative bill proposed by fellow parliamentarian Rennox Calmes in the Curaçao parliament.

Calmes’ bill seeks to amend the Constitution of Curaçao to prohibit same-sex marriage. The parliamentary session discussing this bill was adjourned after just one hour. However, Osepa asserts that the session should never have commenced in the first place. He argues that any legislative proposal concerning human rights must undergo prior review by the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom, a step that was skipped in this instance.

According to Osepa, the failure to consult the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom regarding the initiative bill is a serious oversight. He contends that this omission undermines the process and potentially threatens human rights protections on the island of Curaçao. Osepa emphasized the importance of upholding fundamental human rights for all Curaçaoans, ensuring that they are respected and safeguarded without prejudice.

The debate over the initiative bill has sparked significant public and political discourse on Curaçao regarding the balance between legislative autonomy and adherence to international human rights standards. As discussions continue, the future of Calmes’ proposal remains uncertain amidst ongoing scrutiny and procedural concerns raised by Osepa and others within the parliament and civil society.

Bron: Curacao Chronicle

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