28 C
• zondag 30 juni 2024

Democracy now! | Tuesday, June 25, 2024

 Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Democracy Now!’s War and Peace Report provides our audience...

Extra | Journaal 25 juni 2024

Elke werkdag het laatste nieuws van Extra, nu ook in het Nederlands. Bron: Extra

Democracy now! | Monday, June 24, 2024

 Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Democracy Now!’s War and Peace Report provides our audience...

Extra | Journaal 24 juni 2024

Elke werkdag het laatste nieuws van Extra, nu ook in het Nederlands. Bron: Extra

SM | 150 miljoen euro nodig voor batterijen, windmolens en zonnepanelen op Aruba, Curaçao en Sint Maarten

De Nederlandse rijksoverheid moet de komende jaren 150 miljoen euro uittrekken voor de uitrol van windmolens, zonnepanelen, en batterijen op Aruba, Curaçao en Sint Maarten. Dat blijkt...

PBC | Top 0.3% belastingplichtigen met schuld dragen 1/3e totale belastingschuld

Persbureau Curacao WILLEMSTAD – De Belastingdienst richt zijn focus op invordering bij zakelijke klanten. Zij zijn verantwoordelijk voor ongeveer 95 procent van de totale belastingopbrengsten. 0,3 procent van...
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CC | Ennia’s future central in December meeting between Silvania and unions

HomeLandenCuraçaoCC | Ennia's future central in December meeting between Silvania and unions

WILLEMSTAD – Minister of Finance Javier Silvania (MFK) will meet representatives of an alliance of unions and elderly organizations on December 1 to discuss the future of insurance company Ennia.

The alliance, with members such as union centers SSK and CGTC, healthcare union CBV, STS, and the union organization Usibo from Bonaire, expressed their plea for the preservation of Ennia in a recent press conference. They express serious concerns about potential cuts to Ennia pensions and the far-reaching consequences if the company were to collapse.

The alliance has sent a letter to Minister Silvania requesting a dialogue, and it has been agreed that the meeting will take place on December 1. Felipa emphasizes that the alliance aims to find a solution to make Ennia solvent by negotiating with the Dutch government, not only for the short term but for a sustainable future of the company.

Felipa also warns of the negative impact of terms like ‘death house construction’ and ‘liquidation,’ emphasizing that these can instill fear in both existing and potential Ennia customers. Finally, he mentions that several lawsuits are underway regarding alleged theft at Ennia and that, although it may not be immediate, the stolen money will eventually flow back to Ennia.

Bron: Curacao Chronicle

3 reacties

  1. I fully agree with the syndicate of labor unions, this point of departure to perserve the existence of the life insurance part of Ennia Caribe (ECL), is the soundest, most practical and certainly the most advisable construction to deal with this problem. Not only for the benefit of the policy-holders, but also for the whole of Curaçao.
    This point of departure, i.e. preservation of ECL with a loan from the Kingdom Government had already been agreed upon between the government officials from both Curaçao and The Netherlands, after they had calculated the financial implications and ultimate results of all available solutions.
    If, instead of accepting the loan, Curaçao would redress ECL’s involvency by financing the distributions of pensionfunds to the victimized policy-holders in the other manner, namely through the national budget of Curaçao, this would impose an enormous strain on the business community of Curaçao and on the SVB .
    SVB would have to provide for the lacking pension funds, and in order to be able to do so, it would be unavoidable to raise the contributions from the business community and the working community would be confronted with much higher deductions from their salary. I sincerely hope that the Minister of Finance will seriously consider the efforts of the labor syndicate as a feasible solution.

  2. If any (small fraction) of the stolen money flows back (it will not) it will end up in the pockets of other thieves, not in the pockets of the people who depend on and paid for these pensions. On the other side, the rest of Curacao and the Netherlands should not be paying for these stolen pension funds.

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