28 C
• zondag 30 juni 2024 07:50

SXMToday | No Limit Soldiers gang leader acquitted of membership criminal organization

Appeals court gives Wawoe much lighter sentence

Urvin Wawoe, leader of No Limit Soldiers in Curacao is detained behind one of these doors at the Karelskamp prison in Almelo
Urvin Wawoe, leader of No Limit Soldiers in Curacao is detained behind one of these doors at the Karelskamp prison in Almelo

St. Maarten – Urvin Wawoe, leader of the No Limit Soldiers gang in Curacao, does not have to serve 6 years in prison for drugs and weapons possession and for membership of a criminal organization.

On appeal, the Common Court of Justice acquitted the 34-year-old defendant of membership of a criminal organization and handed down a sentence of 40 months instead of the 72 months demanded by the prosecution.

Wawoe, known as a rapper under the name Nuto, has already served 22 months since his arrest on September 17, 2013. Based on the new penal code, he has to serve two third of his sentence – close to 27 months, which means that he could be released towards the end of December.

Wawoe is currently detained at De Karelskamp, a prison in Almelo in the Netherlands. He was moved there after Carlos Richardson made an attempt on his life with a gun in the Pointe Blanche prison. At the time, Wawoe got the better of Richardson – the hitman of a drugs gang led by Omar Jones – and injured him badly with a makeshift machete.

On September 17, 2013, police officers found Wawoe in the possession of 3,844 gram of cocaine in a car on the Keys Road in Sucker Garden. He also carried a small amount of marijuana. The court furthermore sentenced Wawoe for firearm possession, based on photos detectives found on his cell phone.

Wawoe told investigators that he is a rapper, that the pictures were for the jacket of a new CD and that he did not know whether the weapons were real or fake. The court ruled however that the weapons in the picture are “suitable for making threats” and that this is the only requirement in the law to convict a suspect for firearm possession.

The court acquitted Wawoe of membership of a criminal organization. He denied in court that he managed or was a member of such an organization.

The prosecution based its evidence on the interpretation of chat messages taken from Wawoe’s phone. Because these reports were not certified as “copy conforms original” these messages could only serve in connection with other evidence. Because there is no other evidence, the court acquitted Wawoe of this charge.

Bron: SXMToday

1 reactie

  1. “Because these reports were not certified as “copy conforms original” these messages could only serve in connection with other evidence.”
    Wat een mierenneukerij !!!

    which means that he could be released towards the end of December”
    Recht is niet altijd rechtvaardig ; happy New Year alvast :(

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