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SMN News | MP Silvio Matser arrested on Wednesday morning in Octopus Investigation (UPDATED)

HomeMediaSMN News | MP Silvio Matser arrested on Wednesday morning in Octopus...
MP Silvio Matser (foto), Eddie Fleming, Rogelio Koiman arrested --- Investigators did not get authorization from the courts to search MP Matster home | Foto SMN News
MP Silvio Matser (foto), Eddie Fleming, Rogelio Koiman arrested — Investigators did not get authorization from the courts to search MP Matster home | SMN News

PHILIPSBURG:— The budget debate that was scheduled to continue  in parliament of St. Maarten had to be posponed on Wednesday morning because the current coalition got a ‘monkey wrinch” thrown at them when the National Detectives and other law enforcement agencies conducted several house searches on Wednesday morning and arrested MP Silvio Matser.

The detectives wanted to  search the home of MP Silvio Matser, but MP Matser refused to allow the detectives to search his home because they did not get authorization from the courts to do so. However, the detectives arrested the Member of Parliament and are now pursuing the courts for authorization to search Matser’s home. The home of Eddie Fleming which is also located  in Dutch Quarter was searched  and the home of Rogelio Koieman  located in Simpson Bay and they too were arrested. MP Silvio Matser was arrested on the suspicion of election fraud  Fleming and Koieman are are suspected accomplices.

Spokesman for the Attorney General Norman Serphos confirmed the house searches which he said is related to the Octopus investigation. Serphos said the Octopus investigation started in October 2014 when a complaint was filed that indicated that persons on St. Maarten were paid to vote for MP Matser. He said in October 2014 the Attorney General started a fact finding investigation which was elevated to a criminal investigation in May 2015, which led to the arrests of the three suspects  Serphos identified the suspects as  S.M, E.F and R.K. Later Serphos said the detectives went to Matser’s home to conduct the search without obtaining authorization from the court. He also said they also went to MP Matser home to arrest him. Serphos made clear that there might be more arrests and house searches later today. SMN News will bring you more information on the ongoing house searches and arrests. Due to the arrest of of MP Matser, the budget debate had to be postponed for four days due to a lack of quorom. Right now the Marlin coalition is in limbo since one of the members of the coalition is behind bars and is accused of election fraud. The Minister of Justice of St. Maarten Edison Kirindongo was only informed of the house searches and arrests early Wednesday morning, something Chief Prosecutor Ton Maan would have to fully explain to the Minister of Justice.

Already there are indications that the move on Wednesday by the Attorney General seems to be more political and that the Attorney General seems to be working for a particular set of politicians in the Netherlands instead of the country. If the country do not have an approved budget by a certain time frame then this open the door for the Netherlands to march in and take over the country.

Questions are also now being raised as to why the national detectives and the Attorney General waited until the last day of the 2016 budget debate to throw a ‘monkey wrinch’ in the process. Several persons contacted SMN News and stated that the Masbango investigation took almost four years before it was taken to court and was thrown out by a judge who stated in his verdict that there seems to be class justice on St. Maarten because the politician that benefitted from the vote buying in that case was never charged or even arrested. Instead the late civil servant along with the three police officers and Roy Heyliger the person that was manning the UPP election office had to appear in court.

In the case of Matser (Octopus Investigation), it took the national detectives nine months to make the arrests, and while being in a hurry to trap the country they failed to follow proper legal procedures and obtain authorization from the courts to search the home of an MP.

Bron: SMN News

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