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Opinion | The Netherlands give in to Narco-terrorism

HomeLandenArubaOpinion | The Netherlands give in to Narco-terrorism

By George Lichtveld

Column mr. George Lichtveld| Persbureau Curacao
Last Sunday we took notice of the secretly undertaken mission of our new minister of Foreign Affairs, Stef Blok to Venezuela, with the goal to improve the relationship with that country and to achieve the cancelation the blockade with the ABC islands.

The mission appeared to be a success now that a principle-deal was agreed upon between the Netherlands and Venezuela. An agreement that still needs to be worked out by the technical commissions of both sides. Honestly speaking, it does not matter what is stated in this principle agreement, let alone what bells and whistles will be attached to that. The agreement is purely window dressing. A cosmetic story to mask the real reason of this now cleared conflict, to keep the real subject out of public sight.

In my prior letter to the editor about the death threats of the research journalist, Maibort Petit, I already pointed out that the continuation of the border blockade only had to do with the Netherland’s resistance for the accreditation of mr. Carlos Mata Figueroa, the man that was nominated by the Venezuelan government as the new consul for Aruba. It was justly that the Netherlands were objecting against this because this ex-military, that has no diplomatic experience whatsoever, but also who is well known for his connections to the Cartel de los Soles, and who is also suspected to have committed a couple of murders.

Ex-generaal en kartelsoldaat Carlos Mata Figueroa is thans kandidaat-consul van Venezuela op Aruba. In de marge van de ondertekening van het akkoord over het opheffen van de grensblokkade benadrukte vicepresident Tarek el Assami in bijzijn van minister Blok van Buitenlandse Zaken dat Figueroa de nieuwe man op Aruba wordt

Recently, it was mentioned that while being the governor of the Nueva Esparta county he gave orders to the local Tupamaros gang to threaten all persons who dared to vote for his rival candidate Henrique Capriles Radinski. The Tupamaros gang members did that with heavy weapons in hand, so a real terror group.

Now it turns out as a spin-off agreement, that the accreditation of Mata Figueroa will still continue. From the beginning was that the reason of the blockade, as a pressure method to have this criminal installed as Consul in Aruba. Now that that has been achieved it would not interest the Venezuelan narco government one bit how they dress up the approach for opening the blockade, a “Somos Hermanos” (we are brothers) story ending with a nice sounding agreement is of course fantastic keeping in mind that no matter what kind of agreement is achieved with this narco government, will be dumped if it does not suit them. Thanks to mr. Blok, Aruba is now stuck with a narco consul that is enjoying his (unfairly acquired) diplomatic immunity and can concentrate now on looking after the logistics and financial interests of the drug cartels.

This is the second time the Netherlands are caving into Venezuela’s narco regime. In July 2014 Maduro tried to install ex-general, ex-head of the military intelligence and drug dealer Hugo ‘Pollo’ Carvajal as a consul of Venezuela. On behalf of the American justice department he was arrested by Aruba authorities, and while waiting for deportation was incarcerated. Carvajal was accused of large-scale drug trafficking. However, under pressure of the Venezuelan government (an in and outcoming flight ban was set up by the Maduro Government) he was released and freed.

Ex-militair, vermeend wapenhandelaar en kartellid Hugo Pollo Carvajal was in 2014 de kandidaat consul Venezuela op Aruba

The then minister of foreign affairs (Bert Koenders) said that the imprisonment was not justified because Carvajal had diplomatic immunity while that was absolutely not the case. When asked about that he even lied to the Dutch parliament about that. I never understood why the Dutch lawyers of the Senate never investigated this, the agreement regarding consular services are clear as glass. Fact however was, that Carvajal was released and was picked up immediately by a plane commissioned by Maduro. As a band-aid he was declared persona non grata which in reality does not mean a thing since he is living in a super deluxe apartment a stone throw from the consulate where his former colleague will be sitting soon.

Carvajal will go on whistling happily without the authorities bothering him let alone deporting him. Now this Capo of the Cartel de los Soles, thanks to Blok’s diplomatic mission will get the support of his subordinate cartel soldier Figueroa. Our own Secret Services Department is since the shutdown in 2011 basically inoperative, but don’t try to tell me that both the Dutch AIVD and the MIVD are not aware of the in’s and outs of mr. Mata Figueroa.

Even then the Dutch government accredits this bandit offering Aruba the drug maffia on a golden plate.

Het appartementencomplex Coral Pyramid waar Hugo Pollo Carvajal op steenworp afstand van Venezolaanse ambassade op Aruba een groot deel van het jaar woont

The question is what does the Dutch government get in return for this offering?

One can only guess. It is clear that once again the WIC/VVD merchant has won from the preacher.

On the islands they are celebrating because the blockade has been lifted, everybody happy, the islands once again have a connection with Venezuela, the Dutch VVD government their hidden agreements and the drugs mafia their wanted expansion of their operational platform. It is almost creepy to see how Blok unabashedly and smiling is shaking the hand of vice president Tareck El Aissami, the man whose assets the USA has frozen because of alleged terrorist activities and his close relations with the Cartel de los Soles. The current Dutch neo-political standpoint and strategy regarding Venezuela where their (commercial) interests will primarily be put first will have further narcotizing of the islands as a result. The future looks worrisome and will make it harder to choose between “Plata o Plomo” (money or lead).

By George Lichtveld,

Bron: CuracaoChronicle

Naschrift KKC:

Bron: 24Ora

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