WILLEMSTAD – Concrete steps to ensure housing for children are yet to be taken, according to the Ombudsman, who holds Minister Charles Cooper accountable for this matter.
The Curaçao Ombudsman has sent a reminder letter to the Minister of Traffic, Transportation, and Spatial Planning, urging the government to act promptly in fulfilling its duty regarding housing. Particularly concerning the rights of children, the Ombudsman demands the government to take concrete action.
In a previous letter of concern dated September 6, 2022, the Ombudsman advised Cooper to implement urgent measures to bring about fundamental changes in legislation and policies related to housing.
Duty of Care
The government’s duty of care to promote sufficient housing is enshrined in Article 25, paragraph 2, of the Curaçao State Regulation and is also rooted in international law, such as the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).
The Ombudsman emphasizes that the government must particularly focus on citizens in vulnerable positions. When citizens are forced to leave their homes, it is essential for the government to be actively involved and provide adequate support to this vulnerable group based on their specific situation.
Merely relying on the self-sufficiency of citizens is not sufficient. This also applies to underage children who, by definition, belong to the vulnerable group, as stated by the Ombudsman.
According to Article 27, paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), every child has the right to a standard of living adequate for their physical, mental, intellectual, moral, and social development.
Access to adequate housing is part of this right. While parents are primarily responsible for the well-being of their children, it is the duty of the member states, including the Curaçao government, to ensure that the rights and interests of children are protected when parents do not or cannot fulfill this responsibility adequately.
Recent jurisprudence emphasizes that a governing body should not only ensure sufficient housing but also take into account the obligation to protect the rights and interests of children in decisions, such as in cases of placement outside the home. In essence, the aim of a governing body should be to prevent homelessness and ensure that citizens have a place to live if they are unable to provide for it themselves.
Bron; Curacao Chronicle
Ja Brian, terwijl meer Curaçaoenaren in dat landje wonen dan in Curaçao, inclusief de boefjes en moordenaars die we toch graag kwijt willen, ze al onze financiële misstappen oplossen, en een idioot die zich stoort aan bubbeling en dat hoog van de toren blaast terwijl de gemeente Rotterdam nu overweegt die hele parade maar te verbieden omdat het jaarlijks eindigt in vecht- en schietpartijen, lijkt het inderdaad niet verantwoord je kinderen daaraan bloot te stellen.
Misschien ligt het toch genuanceerder gezien de uitvaart van onze bevolking naar Nederland en studenten die niet terug komen na het afronden van hun studie.
@Loes, U bedoelt ze gaan naar het meest racistische en neo koloniale land waar men het bubbling wil verbieden terwijl dit onze cultuur is. Manier om ons te onderdrukken. En daar sturen we onze kinderen heen.
Er is net een groep naar NL verstrokken waarvan 85% niet meer terug komt.
Ze zijn gered.
Naar mijn mening heeft dit toch meer urgentie dan dat hele gedoe mbt een beeld van Tula en de zogenaamde herstelbetalingen wegens iets van 150 jaar geleden. Mogen de slachtoffers van nu ook straks herstelbetalingen ontvangen?
En zo spoedig mogelijk die geraffineerde cooper.
Zich volvreten en reizen , de racist uithangen en criminelen ‘n fijne job geven.
Take the responsible Ministers to court!