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Ingezonden | Theo Heyliger: let stability prevail

HomeAuteursIngezondenIngezonden | Theo Heyliger: let stability prevail
Ingezonden brief

Uw ingezonden brief in de Knipselkrant Curacao? Stuur uw brief voor 21:00 uur naar emailadres INGEZONDEN. Wij publiceren uw brief zonder deze in te korten. De redactie van de Knipselkrant Curacao is niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud. Ingezonden stukken die opruiende of dreigende taal bevatten worden door ons niet gepubliceerd.

Vandaag laten we Russell A. Simmons aan het woord.

Freedom of expression in our Constitution is for everyone, so automatically I do not dare mention to anyone that they do not have anything to say. But, when I read Haitian community (or for that matter any other ethnic organization or group) which is not implicated in the case, calls decision to prosecute Heyliger a “witch hunt”, I have a different opinion.

I do not agree with any ethnic group or organization calling on the population to join with them in a protest against the government (in this case the Justice department). Yes, I would always appreciate support and solidarity, but there is a right way to conduct the people’s business and there are sanctions in case the people’s business is not conducted in the right way.

Accountability is one of the main conditions. Theo Heyliger is not the first person with executive position in government to be prosecuted and, yes, this has been going on for years even in among the Dutch who I consider the ringleaders because it started with them and is still happening in Holland up to today.

I just read a list of names in a letter to you, of persons in high governmental positions from many years ago up to quite recently who have been prosecuted over those years. Some I had even forgotten. No matter who the prosecutors are, this practice has continued for years, even though we knew and still know that the Dutchman is out to get us for wrongdoing.

What I do not understand is why do not we single out those Dutch people who we suspect of also being involved in wrongdoing in return. Now, because it is the Haitian community (I am sure not all Haitians) who dare involve themselves, permit me to ask them why do not they organize themselves in their country to straighten out things in Haiti.

Where are we going, people. Is this going to become the trend, starting with peaceful demonstration and after that feeling empowered to be demonstrating anytime no matter which member of government, whether getting or buying the most votes or not, is being prosecuted?

I do not know who is behind this witch hunt stunt, but, I know that time and time again we have seen so many things come back to haunt us. I doubt if the members of the Haitian community know the details of the accusations against MP Theo Heyliger.

Since 10-10-’10 and years before that we have seen rows of people lined up during election campaign in specific places to collect bonds. Many of them telling and inviting their friends to join them and telling them the reason for being at that place. When we look at the ranks of that list which I would not have used to prove my point, a light should go up and enlightening whether those people on that list were prosecuted for trying to improve life for the people on Sint Maarten over the years.

The toppling of our governments is already a potential for instability, are we now going to use ethnic groups of which we know how they go about demonstrating in their country, to add another potential for instability?

What are they going to do during that demonstration, let the Justice department know that they have to permit our people in government to continue to commit fraud, make shady deals, use illegal ways to influence people to vote for them, or not to interfere with vote buying because that is our culture?

Are we so desperate that we need to use the Haitian community to be able to fight our battle? How low can we go?

In fairness to many Haitians who I know, many of them have refused to join the Haitian Community, because they are naturalized Dutch and refuse to go against anything that will harm Sint Maarten. On the other hand, there are others who remain loyal to those who according to them helped them to acquire their Dutch passport.

Some time ago the bus drivers association with a Haitian as president wanted special privileges for buses in Philipsburg.

When I read about this demonstration I thought “Hmmm. Okay.” So I am still asking myself, who is behind this? Let stability prevail.

Russell A. Simmons,
SInt Maarten

1 reactie

  1. Why don’t we let justice prevail ?

    If he is innocent he will be freed. If he is guilty……………he should go to jail.

    Schotte considered himself also innocent, the Netherlands were going after him, because he was too popular. At least those were his words. In reality he was (and is) an ordinary criminal and is convicted to 3 years in jail plus paying 1,8 million NAF to the state. So far for being innocent.
    Almost all of St Maarten know what Heyliger stands for and what his modus operandi is. Now he can explain in court what that is all about. Let the evidence speak.

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