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Ingezonden | Open our eyes and hear what’s going on

HomeAuteursIngezondenIngezonden | Open our eyes and hear what’s going on
Ingezonden brief

Uw ingezonden brief in de Knipselkrant Curacao? Stuur uw brief voor 21:00 uur naar emailadres INGEZONDEN. Wij publiceren uw brief zonder deze in te korten. De redactie van de Knipselkrant Curacao is niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud. Ingezonden stukken die opruiende of dreigende taal bevatten worden door ons niet gepubliceerd.

Vandaag laten we Avril Gumbs aan het woord.

I, the undersigned, would like to let the people of St. Maarten know this. Any time someone is doing the right thing in St. Maarten he is no good.

Why are the people picking on Mr. Lee? They don’t see the good of this man. If he could do more he would. But you know it is not like in Mr. Claude Wathey’s days when he could give you a piece of brown paper and help you to feed your children or pay your water bill and light.

If you just help someone you are buying votes. You can’t even speak to your sister and brothers, you are money-laundering or you are taking bribery. When is this going to stop?

You give a man a fishing line and a boat and he will learn how to fish. That is what Mr. Lee is doing – you can go back to school and learn a trade and you can get work to help build back the island.

Yes, what he says is true: the people take advantage of people who come on the island; they don’t give them a payslip, no doctor card, they get sick they can’t take them nowhere because they don’t have a payslip. When the Minister says it is wrong they get angry; he is no good. But he tells the truth.

If he could have put up all the people without homes he would have done that. The shelter that they have in Sucker Garden they help the people to get a place to put their heads. Nobody speaks about it.

Please, people of St. Maarten, open your eyes. Mr. Lee does a good job and I would like the people to check there are so many things that he would like to do.

But again it has to do with the leader. The Dutch, they want to lock up all the leaders. If you help someone you are buying votes. Paul in the Bible used to do the same thing to the followers of Jesus and I know the prosecutor and the judge do the same.

Thank God that the people of St. Maarten are peaceful people or this city is on fire. When Mr. Wathey said “People, be careful with the Dutch” nobody heard. They did not listen. It took a hurricane to fool them and this is what we get.

I see that my two friends have gone dumb. I don’t hear them anymore. Where are they, on vacation?

Thanks again for Mr. Lee. He looks out for the people, he doesn’t care what color they are, what party they are in, he has a job to do and he does it well. He doesn’t sit in the office only; he drives around to see what happens to people.

Please, in the name of Jesus, people, stop people, stop the fighting and put your hands in Jesus’ hands. Get to the play let’s get things done.

A next thing I see happening in St. Maarten: everybody want to be the leader. It is almost 2 years after Irma and who has the Government really helped? World Bank, thanks to the Red Cross Mr. Franker. I who don’t have a home, I help people, give them a bath, put clean clothes on them.

The people that walk on the street go on the boardwalk and you will see what happens. How sad it is.

I wish that the people would open their eyes and understand what happens. You see what they do to Theo, France, Mingo and Oneil, and there is a lot more that they are after. They feel that St. Maarten people are living good so they have to make us beggars. They say we are kipen and wonning in kippenhokkee. But when they came and see big homes, you are money-laundering people of St. Maarten.

Hold on God’s hands, give Him your all and He will see us through.

I know how it feels when you are homeless; if anyone needs help with a bath and clean clothes, check me out on the Sucker Garden main road.

God Bless Mr. Lee

Avril Gumbs,
Saint Martin

3 reacties

  1. Op Sint Maarten is iedere persoon die je tegenkomt of wel familie, of een buur, oud klasgenoot, collega, of familie of kennis van een van de eerdergenoemde opties.

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