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• maandag 1 juli 2024

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DH | More students from Saba, Statia to the Netherlands

HomeMediaDH | More students from Saba, Statia to the Netherlands
The students from St. Eustatius with their guidance counsellors shortly after their arrival at the Amsterdam Schiphol Airport on Monday, somewhat tired and weary, but mostly happy | Suzanne Koelega

SCHIPHOL–Eight Saba and six St. Eustatius students arrived safe and sound in the Netherlands on Monday morning. Together with 34 students from Bonaire, they will be guided this week by the Student Support division of Aalse and Partners.

The 48 Caribbean Netherlands students arrived at a busy Amsterdam Schiphol Airport where 211 students from Curaçao arrived that same morning, divided between two flights.

A large team of the Curaçao Study Financing Division SSC welcomed the Curaçao students on one side of the exit doors of the arrival hall, and Aalse and Partners Student Support division team on the other. The Saba and Statia students were on the same flight as 95 students from Curaçao who boarded KLM flight 789 at Hato Airport during a stopover from St. Maarten.

Holding the flags of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, the volunteers cheered as the students walked into the arrival area with their luggage. After all students had been accounted for, it was time for a group photo and then off to WOW Hotel in Amsterdam for a two-day orientation event in preparation for student life.

The students will receive their insurance policies and, together with their guidance counsellor, the newly arrived youngsters will go over the documents they need, such as the paper writing them out of the Census registry on their island, their birth certificate, study-financing and school papers, and their housing contract, explained Student Support coordinator Roos Leerdam-Bulo.

The students will stay at the hotel for two days and leave for the cities where they will be studying on Wednesday. Coaching them in their new surroundings will be a guidance counsellor who will be there for practical aspects such registration at the municipality and opening a bank account. Together they will also do some planning and become acquainted with the city and public transportation.

Most of the students already have a room. Those who do not will stay with family until they have a room. Some continuing students are making their rooms temporarily available to new students in need, a gesture that received a big compliment from Leerdam-Bulo.

page8d063The Saba students and one of their guidance counsellors proudly display their flag outside the arrival hall at the Amsterdam Schiphol Airport | Suzanne Koelega

A few of the older students also volunteered to assist on Monday. The mother of two more senior students, Aquilla van Putten of Statia, volunteered as well, and proved to be a true asset. “She is a role model for the students, and they know her and that makes them feel more at ease,” said Leerdam-Bulo.

The guidance counsellors are a good mix from all three islands, said Leerdam-Bulo. Wherever possible, the students are coached by someone from their own island. “It is important that the students feel comfortable with someone who speaks their language and with whom they can identify. We have also asked the group to speak English as much as possible so the students from Saba and St. Eustatius don’t feel excluded.”

This year’s group from the Caribbean Netherlands is larger than last year’s. The higher number of students from Saba contributed to the increase. Last year, there were three students from Saba and eight from St. Eustatius. The guidance offered by Student Support and the guidance counsellors is especially for the Saba and Statia students, most of whom have no family or network in the Netherlands.

The eight students from Saba are Añez Arenas, Ethan Caines, Kloe Hassell, Heidy Johnson, Kavita Leverock, Briana Nous, Paloma Thodé and Hilary Zagers. From Statia came Milagros Carrascal-Moreno, Ninoushka de Graf, Jensey Hernandez, Elvira Redan, Rafiq Simmons and Czaigany Woodley.

The majority of the Caribbean Netherlands students will be going to The Hague and Rotterdam, while some individual students will go to Maastricht, Leeuwarden, Alkmaar and Nijmegen. Most will be studying at the higher vocational level; there will be two at university level, one being Woodley from St. Eustatius.

The 35 students from St. Maarten already arrived on Saturday and started their orientation week on Monday, organised by Unified St. Maarten Connection (USC) and the St. Maarten government Study Financing Division DSF (see related article). Last year, the Windward Islands students came on the same flight.

The students from Aruba will be arriving later than the other Dutch Caribbean students. On August 5, 170 students will arrive from Aruba on a single flight, not divided over two flights as was the case with the Curaçao students. The orientation programme for the Aruba students starts the next day, on August 6.

Bron: Daily Herald

1 reactie

  1. Deze dagen heb ik heel wat beelden gezien van blije jongeren en trotse ouders dat de kinderen gaan studeren. Aan die blijheid kwam gisteren abrupt een einde toen ik Cali Manuel, althans ik denk dat hij Cali Manuel heet, de reporter die praat alsof hij aan hyperventileren is, de reporter met twee maanden rechtenstudie die zich een rechtenexpert noemt.

    Hij had een interview in Nederland met een man die ouders afraadde om hun kinderen in Nederland te laten studeren. Hij had als reden, in een ander land als je met je studie stopt, wordt je visum ingetrokken.

    Blijkbaar vond deze gek dat als deze kinderen hun studie niet voltooid dat ze gelijk op het vliegtuig gezet moeten worden om hier werkeloos rond te lopen.

    De man ging nog verder en dat schokte mij, hij had het over dat studenten hun lichaam verkopen om de studiebeurs aan te vullen. Daar moet ik niet aan denken zeg, terwijl je als ouder hier trots zit te zijn dat je kind in Nederland studeert, zit hij of zij op een pik te zuigen voor geld.

    Ik had de hele uitzending af gekeken want ik dacht wellicht komt na afloop een telefoonnummer in beeld van stichting correlatie of een psycholoog of zo, om dit schokkende nieuws te verwerken.

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