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• zondag 30 juni 2024

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 Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Democracy Now!’s War and Peace Report provides our audience...

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Democracy now! | Monday, June 24, 2024

 Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Democracy Now!’s War and Peace Report provides our audience...

Extra | Journaal 24 juni 2024

Elke werkdag het laatste nieuws van Extra, nu ook in het Nederlands. Bron: Extra

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DH | ‘Governor sending us to The Hague’

HomeMediaDH | ‘Governor sending us to The Hague’
No mas: Cijntje a bista ta BASTA ku korupshon den hunta di minister

WILLEMSTAD–During his dissertation in Curaçao’s Parliament fraction leader of “Pueblo Soberano” (PS) Melvin “Mac” Cijntje said that if Governor Lucille George-Wout in her letter suggests going to the Netherlands to talk about the elections, then they will do just that.

According to Cijntje, he laments that the impression he had two weeks ago became reality when he received the Governor’s letter, “confirming that the country’s democracy has been suspended.” The member of the “new” MFK/KdNT/PS/MP/Braam/Dannawi majority took note of the comment that Parliament could go to the Kingdom Council of Ministers in The Hague to request an annulment of the early election scheduled for April 28.

Cijntje argued that Parliament can do nothing else but follow the advice given by the Governor in her letter. “But it remains regrettable because here in Curaçao we believed that the majority can decide but now we received the confirmation that, whenever the Governor receives a letter from Parliament with a request, meaning to ask the Kingdom Council of Ministers something, she takes it upon herself not to comply.”

According to the PS-parliamentarian there is no other alternative than to go to the Netherlands, but it will be all worth it.

“Curaçao right now is at the risk of dissolving Parliament and calling elections every three months. We have to stop that. The people are divided. We have to show now that there must be respect for the majority in Parliament.”

President of Parliament Gilmar “Pik” Pisas (MFK) was still awaiting word from Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Minister Ronald Plasterk as to when the Kingdom Government can receive the planned delegation.

Pisas told TeleCuraçao they were aiming for the Friday Kingdom Council of Ministers meeting either March 10 or 17. He said he didn’t think the March 15 Second Chamber elections in the Netherlands should make a difference, considering the urgency of the matter.

Former Council of State member Robert Vornis told the Amigoe newspaper he expects the Kingdom Council of Ministers won’t suspend or cancel the national decree passed by the outgoing Koeiman Cabinet to dissolve the legislature and call snap elections, simply because the Kingdom Charter does not give it the authority to do so. In his view invoking the guarantee function should be seen as an ultimate remedy that is not yet warranted in this case.

Bron: Daily Herald

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8 reacties

  1. En er loopt een medewerker rond die tegenstanders will ophangen, PS supporters wilde makambas terug sturen in doodskisten en nietsnut Menki Rojer will graag dat mensen op straat gaan en de Gouverneur aanvallen. Met dat soort mensen hebben we te maken inclusief veroordeelden en ouders van drugscriminelen

  2. Op sluiten die saboteurs bende van 12 niet goed snik.Ze hebben allemaal
    zeer professionele hulp nodig en dat kan Curacao ze niet geven.Er zit zelfs een zeer gevaarlijke bij m.centje die graag de wandaden van Mengele over
    wil doen.

  3. Laten we ophouden deze onnozele criminelen “clowns” te noemen.
    Clowns maken je aan het lachen, maar deze ruggengraatloze figuren, met aan het hoofd een criminele psychopaat, zijn gewoon eng en levensgevaarlijk. Tijd dat naast de screening voor ministers ook een psychologisch onderzoek voor Statenleden wordt ingesteld.

  4. hij gaat naar den haag met 12 anderen imbecielen voor een vruchteloze poging dit maffia kabinet te handhaven.
    ze weten dat dit weggegooid geld is…
    De partij die zo voor het volk is net als MFK en KDNT steelt dit geld weer van het volk.
    Hun snoepreisje is belangrijker dan de ellende waar een groot deel van hun kiezers in verkeren.

  5. Cijntje does not think that the March 15 Second Chamber elections make a difference whether or not they are welcome in the Netherlands (in other words the Dutch elections are not that important), because their ridiculous anti democratic cause is oh so urgent? Really?

  6. The jobless son of this creep drove expensive cars and lived in expensive houses, however, when we was arrested for drugs trafficking Melvin Cijntje said he did not know that his son was involved in major crime.

    Fuck you Melvin Cijntje!

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