29 C
• maandag 1 juli 2024 22:21

CC | Parliament to debate on Minister Plenipotentiary Wiels this week

Parliament to debate on Minister Plenipotentiary this week
Parliament to debate on Minister Plenipotentiary Marvelyne Wiels this week

WILLEMSTAD – Next Thursday is the day. On that day the position of the current Minister Plenipotentiary Marvelyne Wiels will be on the agenda at a public meeting of parliament.

Independent MP Omayra Leeflang announced that she will file a motion with a clear message to Prime Minister Dr. Bernhard Whiteman saying that Wiels cannot count on the support of parliament.

The Prime Minister is directly responsible for the Minister Plenipotentiary. This is the problem with the meeting. Parliament cannot dismiss the Minister Plenipotentiary, but according to the Independent MP, Parliament can send a clear signal to the Prime Minister that Wiels no longer has their support.

Leeflang even said that this whole issue has taken too long. The Independent MP also announced that she will present a motion against Wiels during this meeting. She did not give details about the content of the motion.

Leader of the coalition party PAR, Zita Jesus-Leito indicated that her party is very critical of the situation at the Curaçao representation in The Hague. Jesus-Leito did say though that the last word is up to Prime Minister Whiteman.

Bron: CuracaoChronicle

1 reactie

  1. Prima als er duidelijk wordt gemaakt, dat zij niet meer op de steun van parlement kan rekenen. En dat zij haar krediet verspeelt heeft of dat het voordeel van de twijfel allang niet meer van toepassing is. Maar geloof me zij zal zich niets van aantrekken. Zij weet namelijk heel goed, dat ze zeker zal blijven zitten tot het volgende kabinet. Ministerpresident Ben Whiteman (PS) zal haar echt niet weg sturen. Goed is wel dat er een goed debat over haar en haar functioneren gevoerd wordt.

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