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Column JGD | Three strikes and you are out

HomeMediaColumn JGD | Three strikes and you are out
Column Jacob Gelt Dekker voor Curacao Chronicle | Three strikes and you are out

My lymphoma that developed in June 2014, has relapsed for the third time, and this time with a fury. A 10×20 cm large tumor grew into the lower right, abdominal area, with multiple, large metastasis in the pelvic bone, bladder, prostate, nerves and blood vessels, as well as in the soft tissue toward the spinal cord. The pain is only manageable with morphine 24/7.

It is the way it is. I will complete diagnostics in the next few days, and maybe I try another round of chemo. If not, there is not a lot of time left; 2-3 months.

As any experienced patient knows, battling the medical, industrial complex has proven to be the biggest of all challenges; the bureaucrats, the insurance companies, and then the demi-gods of research and experimental therapy who make decisions over you is to live, and who is to die. This slow, sluggish, arrogant apparatus is supposed to care for the sick and suffering, but it is so self-absorbed with union rules, or by research fame and glory, that it often seem: for the patient there are but two places, the waiting room and the cemetery. The pretense of caring, rather than caring, sets the tone.

Patients are instantly turned into institutionalized numbers, complete with barcode, are there to support the gigantic medical industry, and not the other way around. Profit is one and only motive power that drives the machine.

Do I sound like a frustrated patient? Yes, I am, and I am also angry, which is not abnormal, considering my circumstances. This is my seventh encounter with cancer, since 1976. A lot has changed over time, and a lot more is changing but too late for me to benefit from it.

As an experienced patient, I can only recommend one thing; insist on medical service, and forget their pretense; what counts is your life, not your reputation of politeness. You may yet hear from me again, or not.

Bron: CuracaoChronicle

7 reacties

  1. Sad but True maar zo werkt de gezondheids maffia. Zieken mensen kosten veel geld, Niet handig voor de verzekeringsmaatschappij dus alles extra langer laten duren. De heer Dekker heeft geld en kan eventueel dingen voorschieten maar de normale burger kan dat niet en zal moeten wachten wat vaak betekent ten dode zijn opgeschreven.
    Jammer dat de meeste mensen hier pas achterkomen wanneer ze ziek zijn en hulp nodig hebben.

  2. @ Jacob,

    Sorry to hear your cancer has returned. It doesn’t sound very positive, but perhaps you can pull one last ‘hail Mary passes’ out of your bag of tricks.

    If not I wish you strength in the upcoming period, try to enjoy the time which is left for you. And as for Curacao ? You created something incredible and many people are thankful for that. Some on this island still cannot appreciate what you did, but mostly because you did not give them an opportunity to profit from you.
    No matter what happens, your name will always be linked to this part of Curacao and therefore to Curacao itself. You have done more for the island in a relatively short period of time than others will do in their whole life. That is a legacy you can be proud of.

    I wish you strength and hope you can beat death one more time.

  3. @ Hoedanook,

    Jacob rebuilt a large part of Otrabanda by himself, without any outside financing (if I am correct). The only thing Curacao had to do was to maintain it, but instead they declared him ‘Persona non Grata’ ! Strange way to say thank you for doing an incredible job.

    I think that Jacob has done enough, let him fight his own battle and let Curacao promise him that we will take good care of what he built in Otrobanda. Since he built it I don’t think it is strange he has some demands, after all it was his vision, his effort, but most of all his money.

    However, I fear that in a few years Kura Hulanda will be completely negleced and ultimately destroyed. That is how we treat our heritage on this island. It is sad, but it is the truth.

  4. @Jacob,
    It may seem that you are at the point of ‘striking out’, but the chance you hit the ball out If the ballpark is also still present. How? Particularly when pain is the all encompassing sentiment. Well, because time is limited, do not waste energy by fighting the ‘medical machinery’, but try “to come clean”. One little example; there is a small neighborhood on Curaçao Otrabanda that has been transformed by you. Attempts to keep this area thriving run into some roadblocks. Some of these ‘roadblocks’ are connected to you. You can take away this hindrance, and by doing so link your name forever (in a positive way) to this piece of real estate. Something may grow and blossom there that is not detrimental to life. By doing so, you’ve not only used the remaining energy in a positive way, but you also would also do something that will benefit you until the end of time. Definitely a “Home Run”!!!

  5. Jacob, even though i dont agree with 99,9999999% of thing that you write i would to wish yoy godspeed recovery. I would like to read your next column! Saludos

  6. Mr Dekker i have a proven solution to your problem. Not asking for money, just saying there is a proven option for you. No cure no pay. This option(called MMS for short) has been around for over 20 years proving itself me included.
    This is not a joke, no cure no pay, email me for full support extending your life.
    Email [email protected]

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