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Column JGD | An island hijacked

HomeNieuwsColumn JGD | An island hijacked

By Jacob Gelt Dekker, opinion columnist for Curaçao Chronicle

Column JGD |
Column JGD | An island hijacked

The architects of Curacao’s 10-10-10 perceived that The Hague had gained inordinate influence or control over the Netherlands Antilles Islands and its people. Nationalism for Curacao would bring a long awaited liberation in the form of sovereignty; a golden age for the island was beckoning.

A fast track scheme of nation building, from national language, flag, anthem to Olympic team was quickly developed, and imposed on the passive masses.

That the song and dance of symbol politics towards 19th-century nationalism could not deliver a nation overnight and would leave a dangerous vacuum for opportunists, never occurred to the new leaders.

But almost instantly, opportunists slipped into the power void. After a bloody coup d’état that cost the life of Curacao’s nation builder, Helmien Wiels, shady characters infiltrated all levels of society and took over the island. In the dark niches of a fast growing shadow economy, ruthless gangs battle for what they consider their piece of the pie. A grotesque display of gang terror to intimidate the wavering weak and meek became daily routine. Soon, even the bravest, most diligent and best were shaking in their boots.

High hopes of the disillusioned for The Public Prosecutor and The Courts to correct the unforeseen slip-up turned out to be clinging to straws while drowning.

But even the mightiest foes will have an Achilles heel which the diligent can exploit.

Jacob Gelt Dekker

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6 reacties

  1. So true, en met Irma Lipsen op justitie hoef je daar ook weinig van te verwachten. Irma Lips spreekt Schotte dadelijk van valse opgaaf van vermissing van zijn diplomatiek paspoort omdat Schotte geen enkel diploma heeft en daarom ook geen diploma-tiek paspoort gehad zou mogen hebben.

    Maar vergeet niet dat het volk van Curacao, veelal mondi bewoners die hun dag doorbrengen met het aftellen naar de volgende onderstand cheque en het lezen van de Vigilante, zelf voor onze huidige bestuurders gestemd hebben.

    Elk volk krijgt het parlement dat het verdient, en dat ik blijkbaar de criminele MFK en PS porkeria.

  2. Wat een oeverloos gelul weer. Dit weet en kent iedereen al. Kom eens met oplossingen en daden zou ik zeggen. De tijd van lullen is voorbij, actie moet er komen.

  3. Questions arising
    How come these shady characters did take over the island, where were they before? Why did they receive such a warm welcome? How long have they been building up an evil empire? Are we willingly going to our doom or not? Instead of continuous complaining, one can decide that words are not enough without corresponding deeds. Many people are showing us how to battle unwanted developments. But are we willing to do something ourselves or are others consequently and always better situated to do so, because we do not want to put ourselves out? Valiant deed & decisions are in short supply, are they not?

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