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• zondag 30 juni 2024

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DH | Dr. Richardson presents caretaker PM Jacobs with legal reference book

HomeLandenSint MaartenDH | Dr. Richardson presents caretaker PM Jacobs with legal reference book

Dr. Linda Richardson (left) presenting her life’s work to caretaker Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs.

PHILIPSBURG–On Monday, Dr. Linda Richardson unveiled her latest literary contribution, “Trilingual Terminology in Criminal Proceedings”, to caretaker Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs.

This seminal work, crafted over decades of experience, stands as a guide for those navigating the intricate web of legal proceedings, ensuring a standard of translation and interpretation that upholds justice.

    With over half a century dedicated to the art of interpretation and translation, including more than 40 years entrenched within the justice system from interrogations to appeals, Dr. Richardson possesses unparalleled expertise. Her insights shed light on the profound impact of language rights on human rights, a sentiment she emphasised at the book’s official launch in October 2023: “Language rights are human rights”.

    In a multilingual society like St. Maarten, Dr. Richardson’s book serves as a cornerstone for maintaining language standards and upholding language rights. Offering precise translations of Dutch terminology used throughout the criminal justice process, from police detention to appellate proceedings, Dr. Richardson’s work bridges linguistic divides by rendering Dutch terms into both English and Spanish.

    This invaluable reference text, endorsed and refined by the Caribbean Court of Justice through the late Justice Bob Wit, underscores its significance in safeguarding linguistic integrity within legal realms.

    Dr. Richardson’s dedication to language rights extends beyond academia; as a former Minister of the Netherlands Antilles, she championed mother tongue education in schools. Today, her vision manifests as English becomes the predominant language of instruction in territories like St. Eustatius and Saba.

    A luminary in linguistics, Dr. Richardson’s advocacy for mother tongue education transcends academia. Her groundbreaking programme for court interpreters in the summer of 2021 has addressed the pressing need for qualified interpreters, with plans for further cohorts in response to escalating demand.

    Aligned with the celebration of Mother Tongue Day on February 20, Dr. Richardson’s presentation of her book to Prime Minister Jacobs signifies a pivotal moment in promoting linguistic inclusivity within the justice system. The prime minister’s endorsement, articulated in the foreword, underscores the imperative for legal literature to resonate with the populace’s language.

    Both caretaker Prime Minister Jacobs and caretaker Minister of Justice Anna Richardson have championed this vital work since its inception, underscoring its significance in societal discourse. “Trilingual Terminology for Criminal Proceedings” is now available at Van Dorp book store and Adolphus Richardson Office Supplies, marking a milestone in the journey towards linguistic equity in justice.

    For enquiries regarding the book, training programmes and services, e-mail [email protected] or message via WhatsApp at +1721-554-6979.

Bron: Daily Herald

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