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• zondag 30 juni 2024

CNN - Laatste Nieuws

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CNN | Tropical Storm Dorian is expected to strengthen into a hurricane

(CNN) Tropical Storm Dorian is expected to strengthen into a hurricane by Wednesday morning and bring wind, rain and storm surges to the Lesser Antilles and Puerto Rico over...

CNN | Corruption in Venezuela has created a cocaine superhighway to the US

By Nick Paton Walsh, Natalie Gallón and Diana Castrillon Colombia and Honduras (CNN)Cocaine trafficking from Venezuela to the United States is soaring, even as the country collapses. And US and...

CNN | US willing to meet Maduro as military helps deliver aid to Venezuela

By Ryan Browne and Jennifer Hansler, CNN (CNN)As the US continues to work to bolster the administration of self-declared interim Venezuelan President Juan Guaido -- including using US military aircraft...

CNN | Trump recognizes Venezuelan opposition leader as nation’s president

By Jeremy Diamond and Boris Sanchez, CNN (CNN)President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced that he is recognizing Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as the legitimate president of Venezuela. "In its role...

CNN | Venezuelan government quashes military revolt

By Stefano Pozzebon and Hande Atay Alam (CNN)Venezuela faced more turmoil on Monday when a small team of soldiers, claiming to be members of Venezuela's armed forces, attempted an uprising...

CNN | Mike Pompeo calls Nicolas Maduro government in Venezuela ‘illegitimate’

By Claudia Dominguez (CNN)US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Saturday called the Venezuelan government of President Nicolas Maduro "illegitimate" and said the United States would use diplomatic efforts to...

CNN | Hurricane Michael, nearing landfall, could be Florida Panhandle’s ‘worst storm … in a century’

By Jason Hanna, Susannah Cullinane and Faith Karimi, CNN Incredible surf from Pensacola Beach approx 100 miles from the eye of Michael pic.twitter.com/SyKktTsh9g — Joe Durant (@joedurant06) October 10, 2018 (CNN)A...

CNN | Read the verdict sheet from the Manafort jury

(CNN)The verdict sheet from the Paul Manafort trial shows that the jury split 11-to-1 on 10 of the 18 counts. Manafort was convicted on eight counts; Judge T.S. Ellis...

CNN | Paul Manafort jury begins third day of deliberations

By Katelyn Polantz, Dan Berman, Marshall Cohen, Liz Stark, Kara Scannell Alexandria, Virginia (CNN) - Jurors in the trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort began a third day...

CNN | Polio has not returned to Venezuela, WHO says

By Debra Goldschmidt (CNN) - A child in Venezuela who was reported to have a common symptom of polio does not have the viral disease, World Health Organization said Friday. When...

CNN | Venezuela named world’s most dangerous country again, poll finds

By Rory Smith, CNN (CNN)Venezuela ranked as the most dangerous country in the world for the second straight year according to a new Gallup survey, falling below conflict-torn nations including...

CNN | US, France and UK strike Syria’s chemical weapons program

By Zachary Cohen and Kevin Liptak, CNN Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump announced on Friday he ordered strikes on the Syrian regime's chemical weapons facilities in coordination with France and the...

CNN | Dutch lawyer is first person to be sentenced in Mueller probe, gets 30 days in prison

By Katelyn Polantz and Liz Stark, CNN (CNN)A Dutch lawyer tied to former Trump deputy campaign chairman Rick Gates became the first person to be sentenced in Robert Mueller's investigation...

CNN | Jailed Venezuelan opposition leader escapes house arrest, flees to Spain

Ledezma had been under arrest since 2015 Venezuela is facing food and medicine shortages Marilia Brocchetto, Senior News Editor, International Desk (CNN) - The former mayor of Caracas -- who is a...

CNN | Amanpour: No free press, no democracy

Opinion Christiane Amanpour, Chief International Correspondent CNN Editor's note: "This is the next installment in the CNN Opinion series on the challenges facing the media, under attack from critics, governments...

CNN | 13 fun things to do in Curaçao right now

Lebawit Lily Girma, CNN (CNN) — Conveniently sitting outside the hurricane belt, just 50 miles east of busy Aruba, laid-back Curaçao boasts vibrant architecture and history, multicultural neighborhoods, white sand...

CNN | U.S. slaps sanctions on Venezuelan president Maduro

by Donna Borak and Patrick Gillespie The Treasury Department slapped sanctions on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Monday, sending a clear signal of the Trump administration's opposition to his regime. The move...

CNN | Venezuela’s former National Guard chief charged, street clashes continue

By Rafael Romo, Elwyn Lopez, Marilia Brocchetto and Ray Sanchez (CNN)Venezuela's Attorney General Luisa Ortega on Thursday announced charges against the former head of the national guard, accusing him of...

CNN | Venezuela bars attorney general from leaving country

By Rafael Romo, Elwyn Lopez and Marilia Brocchetto (CNN) -- Venezuela's Supreme Court has banned Attorney General Luisa Ortega from leaving the country, and has frozen her assets, ahead of...

CNN | Venezuela is down to its last $10 billion

Caracas is running out of cash | Patrick Gillespie - @CNNMoney Venezuela only has $10.5 billion in foreign reserves left, according to its most recent central bank data. For rest of...

PFM | Venezuela haalt CNN uit de lucht wegens ‘directe agressie’

Venezuela heeft uitzendingen van CNN verboden, omdat het nieuwsberichten heeft verspreid die als “directe agressie” tegen dat land worden beschouwd. Dat meldt de NOS. CNN bracht begin deze maand...

PanamPost | Maduro kicks CNN out of Venezuela for report on school food shortages

Sabrina Martin President Nicolás Maduro has expelled CNN after accusing the international news outlet of “manipulating” information about Venezuela. Maduro said Sunday he wants CNN “outside” Venezuela after he claimed the...

CNN | Who’s who in the alleged Venezuela passport fraud case

By Scott Zamost, Drew Griffin, Kay Guerrero, Rafael Romo, CNN Investigations (CNN)A joint investigation by CNN and CNN en Español uncovered serious irregularities in the issuing of Venezuelan passports and...

CNN | Homeland Security suspends travel ban

By Laura Jarrett, Rene Marsh and Laura Koran, CNN Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's government moved swiftly Saturday to comply with a federal judge's order halting his travel ban -- even...

CNN | US President’s immigration ban suspended

By Kevin Liptak, CNN White House Producer Washington (CNN)The rapid halting of President Donald Trump's immigration order has given him his first exposure to the limits on his presidential power,...

CNN | Homeland Security to comply with orders not to deport travelers

By Ariane de Vogue, Eli Watkins and Alanne Orjoux, CNN (CNN)The US Department of Homeland Security said on Sunday it will comply with judicial orders not to deport detained travelers...

CNN Live | Donald Trump Inauguration

Bron: USA News Live

CNN | Venezuela bribery scandal in US widens

by Patrick Gillespie @CNNMoney U.S. prosecutors filed new criminal charges against a Venezuelan man living in the United States who they allege bribed officials at Venezuela's state-run oil company, PDVSA. The...

CNN | Venezuela’s oil giant PDVSA warns of default next week

Venezuela's government-run oil giant -- the country's largest source of cash -- is warning that it could default on its bonds as early as next week. Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.,...

CNN | China is cutting off cash to Venezuela

by Patrick Gillespie | CNNMoney After pouring billions into Venezuela over the last decade, China is cutting off new loans to the Latin American nation. It's a major reversal of...

CC | Curaçao part of world’s fastest growing tourism markets, according to CNN

WILLEMSTAD – Curaçao once again appeared in an international report on tourism. This time on CNN Travel. According to CNN Travel, Jet Blue was the Caribbean’s biggest fan, adding flights...

CNN | Venezuela health care crisis: Shooting is just the first pain

Venezuela's health care crisis | Flora Charner and Paula Newton Valencia, Venezuela (CNN)When Jose Luis Vasquez was brought to the emergency room last Monday with a gunshot wound to the...

CNN | Venezuela blackouts: ‘We can’t go on living like this’

By Osmary Hernandez and Rafael Romo, CNN Caracas, Venezuela (CNN) - About the only thing that can be counted on around the clock at Gustavo Diaz's home these days is...

CNN | Oil-rich Venezuela is now importing U.S. oil

The shipment was sent to a facility located on the Dutch island of Curacao. Major oil producer in turmoil | by Patrick Gillespie for CNNMoney Venezuela has more...

CNN | Venezuela is running out of cash and selling its gold

The cash-strapped country could default by next year when lots of debt payments are due. Venezuela's reserves, which are mostly made up of gold, have fallen sharply this year...

CNN | El Faro Press Conference

Coast Guard Capt. Mark Fedor holds a press conference for the search efforts for a missing container ship, El Faro, and it's crew at Coast Guard Air Station Miami,...

CNN | ‘El Faro skipper had plan to deal with storm’

(CNN)- The owners of a cargo ship presumed to have sunk insist that the captain of El Faro had a "sound plan" to avoid Hurricane Joaquin, but that...

CNN | Coast Guard: El Faro ship likely sank, 1 body found

The U.S. Coast Guard says they believe the missing cargo ship El Faro sank during Hurricane Joaquin. They are no longer looking for the ship but instead they're searching...

CNN | Leopoldo Lopez, imprisoned Venezuelan opposition leader, remains defiant

By Ben Brumfield, Rafael Romo and Ralph Ellis | CNN (CNN)- A day after being sentenced to nearly 14 years in prison, Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez took to social...

CNN | Venezuela’s disastrous course

Toxic politics, collapsing economy | Opinion by Frida Ghitis (CNN) - For a fleeting few years the South American nation of Venezuela and its histrionic late President Hugo Chavez made...

CNN | Supreme Court rules same-sex couples have right to marry

WASHINGTON (CNN) — In a landmark opinion, a divided Supreme Court ruled Friday that states cannot ban same-sex marriage, establishing a new civil right and handing gay rights advocates...

CNN | Possible new lead in Natalee Holloway case

CNN's Martin Savidge sat down with Natalee Holloway's father, 10 years after she disappeared in Aruba while on spring break. Bron: CNN

CNN | Harrison Ford hospitalized after plane crash

CNN's Kyung Lah reports from the scene outside of a golf course in Los Angeles. A small plane piloted by Harrison Ford has crash-landed at an L.A. golf course....

CNN | Maduro opponent in jail ‘for his words,’ pleads wife

By Christiane Amanpour Leopoldo Lopez has been in a Venezuelan jail for more than a year. His wife, Lilian Tintori, tells Christiane Amanpour "dissent is not a crime."  His five-year-old daughter...

CNN | Kosher grocery employee, a Muslim, hailed as hero for hiding customers

Hostage describes chilling ordeal, by Dominique Debucquoy-Dodley, CNN Lassana Bathily, an employee at the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket in Vincennes, helped guide a group of hostages into a downstairs walk-in freezer...

CNN | Kosher grocery employee, a Muslim, hailed as hero for hiding customers

Hostage describes chilling ordeal, by Dominique Debucquoy-Dodley, CNN Lassana Bathily, an employee at the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket in Vincennes, helped guide a group of hostages into a downstairs walk-in freezer...

CNN | Venezuelan President seeks prisoner swap with U.S.

(CNN)—President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela said he is seeking the release of a jailed opposition leader if the United States agrees to release a Puerto Rican nationalist. "The only way...

CNN | Venezuelan President seeks prisoner swap with U.S.

(CNN)—President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela said he is seeking the release of a jailed opposition leader if the United States agrees to release a Puerto Rican nationalist. "The only way...

CNN | Pope Francis: Modern slavery is 'becoming worse and worse every day'

By Mick Krever, CNN (CNN) -- Pope Francis said on Tuesday that modern slavery is a "crime against humanity" and is "unfortunately becoming worse and worse every day." "This takes place...

CNN | Pope Francis: Modern slavery is ‘becoming worse and worse every day’

By Mick Krever, CNN (CNN) -- Pope Francis said on Tuesday that modern slavery is a "crime against humanity" and is "unfortunately becoming worse and worse every day." "This takes place...

CNN: Malaysian airliner’s flight ended over Indian Ocean, PM says

(CNN) -- Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went down over the southern Indian Ocean, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said Monday, citing a new analysis of satellite data by a...

Steun Knipsel Curacao

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