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• vrijdag 28 juni 2024

Blog Alex Rosaria - Laatste Nieuws

Blog Alex Rosaria | BRICS, the new power-hungry group in town

By Alex David Rosaria BRICS is emerging as a key bloc aiming to reshape the global landscape. BRICS comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. China sees itself...

Ingezonden | This is how we lost our autonomy

Uw ingezonden brief in de Knipselkrant Curacao? Stuur uw brief voor 21:00 uur naar emailadres INGEZONDEN. Wij publiceren uw brief zonder deze in te korten. De redactie van de...

Blog Alex Rosaria | Di ‘born again IMF-ers’ pa plan B

By Alex David Rosaria Kashaka a bòltu. E mesun partido ku awe ke pone Caribisch hervormings- en ontwikkelingsorgaan (COHO) un banda, a brasa Fondo Monetario Internashonal (IMF) ku di...

Meer - Blog Alex Rosaria

Blog Alex Rosaria | Can Biden win back hearts?

In less than three months after Mr. Biden is inaugurated, the US will host the Ninth Summit of the Americas from 11-14 April. The summit takes place once every...

Blog Alex Rosaria | Constitutionele toetsing

Dat onze rechtsstaat onder druk staat, is geen nieuws. Steeds meer mensen uiten hun zorg over de wijze waarop de politiek omgaat met de democratie en hoe er wordt...

Blog Alex Rosaria | Curaçao needs to cushion COVID-19 pain but, without real changes we’ll be back to square...

The nasty falling out among the members of the Boards of financial supervision (CFT) regarding Curaçao’s request for financial assistance boils down to one question. Will we regret not...

Blog Alex Rosaria | Distrust, fear of devaluation as our Central Bank loses its clout

In 2002, the Central Bank had the Court of First Instance on Curaçao institute an emergency measure with respect to Girobank due to solvency issues and protection of its...

Blog Alex Rosaria | ISLA doesn’t need a dead horse

The North American Dakota Indians have a saying: “When you’re on a dead horse, get off it”. Here, some people seem to have another strategy however: Invite the dead...

Blog Alex Rosaria | Come clear or lose relevancy: the Venezuela dossier

On 13th May 1969, Governor Debrot said something remarkable at the opening of the Parliamentary year. He stated that as we matured as an autonomous country we should tread...

Blog Alex Rosaria | Self-inflicted mistakes compromising Isla’s future

With the Venezuelan state owned PDVSA’s contract to run Curaçao’s refinery (Isla) expiring at the end of 2019, the Multidisciplinary Project Team (MDPT) was created in November 2013 to...

Blog Alex Rosaria | The new Cold War in the Caribbean

Writing about the two Russian nuclear-capable bombers that landed two weeks ago in Venezuela, I cautioned that we should expect more such moves as Russia and China seek to...

Blog Alex Rosaria | Referendum yes, but not without a referendum law

It’s amazing how some Dutch Members of Parliament (MP) keep busy these days. Some can be found promoting cartoons that insult the Prophet Muhammad. Others dream up proposals for...

Blog Alex Rosaria | Myanmar moving on with refinery without GZE: lessons for Curaçao

By Alex David Rosaria Since visiting Myanmar late 2016, I’ve written extensively about the failure of Guangdong Zhenrong Engergy (GZE) to deliver on promises made to this Asian country...

Blog Alex Rosaria | #MeToo Curaçao

By Alex David Rosaria As we reflect on Women’s Day this year, men and women can be grateful of the many strides we’ve made on women’s rights. Long gone...

Blog Alex Rosaria | The disappearing act of Plan B refinery Curaçao

By Alex David Rosaria The Multidisciplinary Project Team (MDPT) was installed by Decree on 29th November 2013 to be in charge of modernizing the oil refinery in Curaçao. This...

Blog Alex Rosaria | Lying Dutch top diplomat endangers international affairs

By Alex David Rosaria The Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Halbe Zijlstra, recently admitted that a lie he had told in 2016 “was not a smart move”. Mind...

Blog Alex Rosaria | Cancer Day 2018: a personal story

By Alex David Rosaria After my sister and I were told by her doctor that she had advanced cancer and only a few weeks to live, we never again...

Blog Alex Rosaria | Aruba’s move towards Venezuela commendable

By Alex David Rosaria Earlier I questioned the unilaterally imposed blockade by Venezuela when it closed its borders with the islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao (ABC). I believed...

Blog Alex Rosaria | The poison of fake news

By Alex David Rosaria You’ll never understand the pain of being at the opposite end of fake news until you are the one feeling it. Too many people have...

Blog Alex Rosaria | Rosaria: lessons from Myanmar

By Alex David Rosaria On September 15, 2016, just two weeks before elections in Curaçao, I sat in the first row for the signing ceremony of the MoU between...

Blog Alex Rosaria | Houd mensen niet voor de gek

By Alex David Rosaria Willemstad - Volgens Alex Rosaria, Statenlid van coalitiepartij PAIS, moet de oppositie ophouden met het voor de gek houden van mensen door te roepen dat...

Steun Knipsel Curacao

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