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Ingezonden | Is election fraud already happening in Curaçao?

HomeAuteursIngezondenIngezonden | Is election fraud already happening in Curaçao?
Ingezonden brief

Uw ingezonden brief in de Knipselkrant Curacao? Stuur uw brief voor 21:00 uur naar emailadres INGEZONDEN. Wij publiceren uw brief zonder deze in te korten. De redactie van de Knipselkrant Curacao is niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud. Ingezonden stukken die opruiende of bedreigende taal bevatten worden door ons niet gepubliceerd.

Vandaag laten we Josefina Josepha (LKKK) aan het woord

The Supreme Electoral Council (KSE) Commissioner, Mr. Pacheco Romer and his Vice-Chairman Charles doRego apparently seemed to intentionally ensure that The Eu-NeoClassical Liberal Leader Josefina Josepha would not be in attendance to the first meeting presentation of potential candidates for the election. Pacheco had no response as to why the leader was not sent the updated information on the meeting as well as he had no response for the intentional malware attack that came from one of his committee vice-chairman.

Is election fraud already happening in Curaçao?

Today they announced that there was a meeting for the new Parties in the 2017 preliminaries – Pre-election, KSE had my contact and never sent any information of such, and I registered to receive such information as a potential candidate. I spoke with Pacheco Romer last Friday complaining about the KSE vice-chairman Charles do Rego sending malware to my e-account, Mr. Romer said he would contact me back. He never did.

One of Curacao’s English Online Newspaper whom has always been super critical of my entry by misleading the voting populous, has become the political propaganda tool for the corporate plutocracy. Trying to influence voters to become disinterested in my campaign with supposedly and apparently the assistance of The Vice Chairman of KSE, Curacao Election Commission apparently colluding with The Curacao English Online News media.

This is not democracy this is plutocracy! They intentionally attempt and are trying to ensure that I do not enter into the election. This is unfair treatment and express a dictatorial behavior stating who can get the information and who will be publicized and marketed. This is not democracy!

Mr. Pacheco Romer is obviously in charge and responsible yet he stumbles looking for a response to try and explain the behavior of himself and his KSE committee. This is most commonly referred to as ELECTION FRAUD!

Mr Charles do Rego apparently has a lot to answer for and so does Pacheco Romer, playing as though he does not know what is going on with his own committee, this will not work anymore for their mistreatment towards me.

This committee is supposed to be unbiased and impartial and from February 17th before the announcement, I communicated with the KSE chairman about my intent to participate, yet this blatant act by the KSE Committee is inexcusable!

And maybe they are trying to be impartial so as to give Schotte and the new majority in parliament full reason, for me to file a complaint with the Governor, to have the KSE decommission and replaced based on their biases and impartially which have been tremendously in violation of election ethics and morals. Because, what has happening to my candidacy is an atrocity and it was completely intentionally executed by a group of persons with an intention to influence the election, with the use and abuse of the propaganda tool of the news media, especially 2 of the 3 online news media newspaper covering Curacao.

I understand everyone makes money from election. This election Koeiman budgeted almost 2,000,000 guilders.

I would like to know the breakdown of this money and where does it all go?

Based on these actions, it is more than apparent that an oversight election committee should be invited to oversee the election and the counting of the ballots for the 2017 pre-election (Preliminaries) and the National General Election.

Shame, shame, shame on you all, why so many goliaths need so much help, I am more than able and willing to discuss and debate the future of Curacao on my own without the help of anyone else, according to my Platform Vision 20/20, even though the hacking malware sent to my account by such a low down unethical act!

Josefina Josepha Leader & President Liberalismo Klasiko Komunidat di Korsou (LKKK),

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2 reacties

  1. Last friday was the day to register your party and candidates.
    Failing to do so rules you out.
    “Sending malware by mail” is very vague. Was it false information?
    Was it software that infected your computer? Or was it news that did not please you.?
    The acusation of election fraude is very serious and needs a thourough investigation, to assure that this is not yet another rabbit out of the hat of some unhappy Statenmember.

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