Uw ingezonden brief in de Knipselkrant Curacao? Stuur uw brief voor 17:00 uur naar emailadres: INGEZONDEN. Wij publiceren uw brief zonder deze in te korten. De redactie van de Knipselkrant Curacao is niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud. Ingezonden stukken die beledigende of discriminerende taal bevatten worden door ons niet gepubliceerd.
Vandaag laten we Tina Abbott aan het woord
AFTER READING about the police spokesman remarks concerning the e-gates, I had a few questions of my own as a frequent traveler through the Hato airport. It was said that the e-gates are only used during ‘peak’ times. What exactly constitutes peak times in their eyes? I have been through the arrival hall in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
During the afternoon, and evening flights the arrival hall is so full that we are kept upstairs and not allowed to go down the stairs. When we finally are allowed (because they realize we are residents, and the resident line is rarely full) the e-gates are not even operational. So are these not considered ‘peak’ times? I am also confused as to why even fill out the online entry card if I am not even allowed to use the e-gate when the airport considers my arriving flight not important enough, because it did not fall into the ‘peak’ time category.
Are these ‘peak’ times listed on the website, so travelers do not waste their time filling in these online cards? Do you know how frustrating it would be to take your time filling out a card that you thought would save you time in starting your fabulous vacation on a tropical island only to be confronted with a mass of hundreds of people in a line you have to stand in for over two hours looking at a machine that just sits there collecting dust. How do you think this makes Curaçao look?
Is this the first impression you want tourists to have? My second question is how are the e-gates being promoted. It must be a secret promotion, because through my travels from the United States to Curaçao on both American Airlines and InselAir I have never once seen nor heard of an online card that needs to be filled out.
I have booked both online and through a travel agent, yet again, no mention of this online card. I can not think of a single place where you have to go online BEFORE you arrive to a destination in order to use electronic gates.
To me… this system is absurd.
Vorige donderdag aangekomen op Hato met KLM. Vooraf via KLM mail gewezen op e-gate en immi formulier ingevuld.
Nog nooit zo razendsnel door de immigratie gegaan. Paspoort inschuiven,foto en doorlopen. Daarna bijna drie kwartier op bagage staan wachten, maar we waren snel door de e-gates.
Yep, weer zo’n typisch geval waar grote bedragen gespendeerd worden aan apparaten, consultants en technici zonder enig realistische planning, gebrek aan kennis v.w.b. logistiek en controle. Gebeurd al zo vaak!
Die was op dienstreis.. naar verre oorden.
De gehele logistiek van de airport is 10x slecht geregeld.
Vertek of aankomst , het maakt niets uit.
Voordat je dit soort belanrijke dingen bouwt moet de mensen, goederen , verkeer etc stroom simuleren. Ik denk niet dat dat is gebeurd.
En dan vraag ik mezelf weer af, waar was de overheid of de veranwoordelijke minister ?
Dit is inderdaad compleet idioot en een brevet van onvermogen voor de CAP directie.
Je zou gaan denken dat het gefinancierd is door Garcia en Capella van Giro.
Of course the system is absurd, you cannot be surprised after traveling so often to Curaçao!