30 C
• zondag 30 juni 2024

Democracy now! | Tuesday, June 25, 2024

 Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Democracy Now!’s War and Peace Report provides our audience...

Extra | Journaal 25 juni 2024

Elke werkdag het laatste nieuws van Extra, nu ook in het Nederlands. Bron: Extra

Democracy now! | Monday, June 24, 2024

 Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Democracy Now!’s War and Peace Report provides our audience...

Extra | Journaal 24 juni 2024

Elke werkdag het laatste nieuws van Extra, nu ook in het Nederlands. Bron: Extra

SM | 150 miljoen euro nodig voor batterijen, windmolens en zonnepanelen op Aruba, Curaçao en Sint Maarten

De Nederlandse rijksoverheid moet de komende jaren 150 miljoen euro uittrekken voor de uitrol van windmolens, zonnepanelen, en batterijen op Aruba, Curaçao en Sint Maarten. Dat blijkt...

PBC | Top 0.3% belastingplichtigen met schuld dragen 1/3e totale belastingschuld

Persbureau Curacao WILLEMSTAD – De Belastingdienst richt zijn focus op invordering bij zakelijke klanten. Zij zijn verantwoordelijk voor ongeveer 95 procent van de totale belastingopbrengsten. 0,3 procent van...
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DH | Weapons, drugs seized in Curaçao

HomeLandenCuraçaoDH | Weapons, drugs seized in Curaçao

WILLEMSTAD–Soldiers supported the Curaçao Police Corps KPC from December 11 last year to January 7, during its holiday season operation “Ta basta awor” (It’s enough now).

Various vehicles were checked a roadblocks, which resulted in the interception of weapons and drugs. In addition, fines were issued and cars seized.

page14beMilitary assistanceThe military assistance focussed on reducing firearms-related crime and increasing safety on the island. In a joint effort with KPC, the Curaçao Militia conducted patrols, set up mobile checkpoints and applied blue light prevention to increase visibility on the streets under the authority of the Prosecutor’s Office OM.

The campaign was held during this busy end-of-year period that is often accompanied by an increase in crime due to increased financial activities.

Twelve Curaçao soldiers were deployed each day for 27 evenings and nights, always in collaboration with KPC. The military itself has no investigative powers.

The assistance provided falls under the third main task of the Kingdom Armed Forces in the Caribbean: supporting civil authorities. In this way, the Dutch Defence Ministry contributes to security on the island.

Bron: Daily Herald

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