SIMPSON BAY–The yacht “Mitsuha” that has been floundering in the surf on Simpson Bay Beach since it broke free from its anchor line in rough seas two days ago has unexpectedly changed owners before it has even been refloated or salvaged.
Voluntary Corps of St. Maarten VKS Officer San Francisco Lake told “The Daily Herald” that he is the new owner after the French owner gave the yacht to him when he had to return to France. Lake was in the right place at the right time for this unlikely turn of events. Nobody was on board the yacht at the time when it drifted onto the beach.
“We got a call that a yacht was sinking which I responded to and that’s how I came to be talking to the French owner and I speak French,” Lake related. “The owner said he was not concerned about materials things and had to go back to France anyway and would I like to have the yacht. I said, ‘No, I don’t have the money to buy it,’ and he said, ‘No, I’m serious, I’m giving it to you.’”
Lake added that someone had offered to tow the yacht back into deeper water and offered the owner US $40,000 but he declined, saying he had already given the yacht away to the officer and the paperwork was in process.
“It’s not every day that something like this happens to you,” Lake said. He plans to get the yacht refloated when this spell of stormy weather is over, probably Friday or Saturday.
He did not know the yacht’s type, but estimated it was about 40ft in length. As far as damage is concerned, he anticipated the rudder would be damaged and some water getting inside, but the keel and everything on deck and the mast should all be fine.
Bron: Daily Herald
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