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BBC - Laatste Nieuws
BBC | British Virgin Islands: UK should take back rule
By Doug Faulkner | BBC News
The British Virgin Islands' (BVI) constitution should be suspended and its government dissolved, a review says, amid concerns about corruption. The overseas territory would...
BBC | British Virgin Islands: Premier Andrew Fahie arrested in US drug sting
By Adam Durbin
The leader of the British Virgin Islands (BVI) has been arrested for alleged drug smuggling and money laundering in the US. Premier Andrew Fahie was detained in...
Hoyer2 | Knops over falend toezicht op goksector: ‘Hele grote fouten gemaakt’
Raymond Knops in antwoord op vragen van Radio Hoyer 2
In het toezicht op de goksector zijn grote fouten gemaakt. Dat stelt minister Raymond Knops van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties...
BBC | Trump impeachment: President ‘a clear and present danger to democracy’
Top Democrats have urged Republicans to cross party lines and side with them in impeaching their own leader, US President Donald Trump.
Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler, who are leading...
Meer - BBC
BBC | Hugo Carvajal: Venezuelan ex-spy chief’s disappearance ‘a scandal’
The US envoy for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, has called the disappearance of a Venezuelan former intelligence chief from Spain "embarrassing".
Hugo Carvajal disappeared after a court in Spain ruled he...
BBC | Venezuela crisis: El Salvador diplomats expelled amid row
Venezuela has expelled El Salvador's diplomats in a tit-for-tat response after El Salvador on Saturday told Venezuelan diplomats to leave.
The El Salvadorans have 48 hours to leave the country.
Ingezonden | “Knipselkrant Curaçao: schaamteloos racistisch”
Uw ingezonden brief in de Knipselkrant Curacao? Stuur uw brief voor 21:00 uur naar emailadres INGEZONDEN. Wij publiceren uw brief zonder deze in te korten. De redactie van de...
Ingezonden | Knipselkrant Curacao
Uw ingezonden brief in de Knipselkrant Curacao? Stuur uw brief voor 21:00 uur naar emailadres INGEZONDEN. Wij publiceren uw brief zonder deze in te korten. De redactie van de...
CuracaoNieuws | Gaming Legal Group in Nederland wil Knipselkrant Curacao uit de lucht
Persbureau Curacao
Willemstad – Gaming Legal Group in Nederland wil de website van de Knipselkrant uit de lucht. Hoofdredacteur Nardy Cramm kan zich volgens advocaat Jongmans opmaken voor een juridische...
Blog Arthur Donker
Blog Arthur Donker | Mama’s Boy
Ik lig aan flarden hier want zoals ik al voorspelde is de goksector in paniek omdat de BBC met een stuk kwam waarin ze de gokmaffia op Curaçao (want...
CuracaoNieuws | Online goksector Nederland wil Knipselkrant aanpakken
Persbureau Curacao
De Gaming Legal Group in Nederland wil de website van de Knipselkrant uit de lucht. Hoofredacteur Nardy Cramm kan zich volgens advocaat Jongmans opmaken voor een juridische procedure.
DolfijnFM | Online goksector Nederland wil Knipselkrant aanpakken
De Gaming Legal Group in Nederland wil de website van de Knipselkrant uit de lucht. Hoofredacteur Nardy Cramm kan zich volgens advocaat Jongmans opmaken voor een juridische procedure.
Net als...
ParadiseFM | Gezamenlijke aangifte tegen Knipselkrant Curaçao
Advocaat Bas Jongmans doet namens verschillende bedrijven aangifte tegen de website Knipselkrant Curaçao.
Dat meldt het Antilliaans Dagblad vandaag. Volgens de advocaat doet de persoon achter de Knipselkrant, Nardy...
AD | Aangifte advocaat tegen website Knipselkrant Curacao
Willemstad - Bas Jongmans, naar eigen zeggen ‘gamingadvocaat’ bij Gaming Legal Group in Nederland, doet namens verschillende bedrijven aangifte tegen de website Knipselkrant Curaçao.
Dit naar aanleiding van de column...
KRR | Advocaten van gokbedrijf op Curaçao proberen Kamerlid zwijgen op te leggen
Rene Zwart | Koninkrijksrelaties.nu
Den Haag – De op Curaçao gevestigde uitbater van online gokspellen mBet Solutions heeft het Tweede Kamerlid Ronald van Raak (SP) gesommeerd zich niet meer uit...
TPO | Opnieuw een dreigende brief van een gokbaas uit Curaçao
De Gaming Legal Group meldt ook nog dat zij er niet voor zullen terugschrikken om de media te informeren | Column Ronald van Raak
Onlangs kwam bij de SP een...
NOS | Oud-minister Curaçao 28 jaar de cel in voor moord op Helmin Wiels
Met vonnis + video | Dick Drayer
De Curaçaose oud-minister George Jamaloodin is veroordeeld tot een celstraf van 28 jaar. De rechtbank acht bewezen dat Jamaloodin opdracht heeft gegeven om...
ParadiseFM | CIGA ontkent beschuldigingen BBC-documentaire over goksector
De Curaçao Internet Gaming Association (CIGA) ontkent beschuldigingen zoals die zijn geuit in een recente documentaire van de BBC. Daarin werd gesteld dat er achter deze bloeiende industrie internationale...
DolfijnFM | Egaming licentiehouders vereniging CIGA boos op BBC
De Curaçao Internet Gaming Association, CIGA, is boos op de BBC. De omroep zou de goksector op Curaçao in een kwaad daglicht hebben gezet in een radioserie op BBC...
KRR | Curaçaose goksector boos op BBC
Rene Zwart | Koninkrijksrelaties.nu
Willemstad – De Curaçao Internet Gaming Association (CIGA) vindt dat haar leden ten onrechte door de BBC-radio in een kwaad daglicht zijn gesteld. De omroep besteedde...
PB | Ciga geeft inzicht in online gaming op Curacao
De Curaçao Internet Gaming Association, “CIGA”, is een belangenvereniging van partijen die werkzaam zijn in de online gaming sector op Curaçao. Het ledenbestand van CIGA bestaat onder meer uit...
KRR | Hoe de goksector Curaçao kocht
Rene Zwart | Koninkrijksrelaties.nu
Londen – Onder de titel ‘How gambling interests bought a country’ heeft de BBC Radio vandaag een nieuwe aflevering over de goksector op Curaçao uitgezonden.
Programmamaker Jolyon...
AD | BBC duikt in gokindustrie
Willemstad - BBC Radio 4 heeft een serie rapportages gemaakt over illegaal online gokken. In de derde aflevering komen de programmamakers op Curaçao terecht, waar ze proberen de mistige...
BBC | The Gamble Network: How gambling interests bought a country
Vandaag 11 uur zendt de BBC de derde aflevering van een
radioreportage serie uit over de online gokindustrie vanaf Curaçao.
The Gamble Network | Producer: Jolyon Jenkins
Over three programmes, Jolyon Jenkins...
BBC | The Gamble Network: Spin till you win
Vandaag 11 uur zendt de BBC de tweede aflevering van een
radioreportage serie uit over de online gokindustrie vanaf Curaçao.
The Gamble Network | Producer: Jolyon Jenkins
Over three programmes, Jolyon Jenkins...
BBC | The Gamble Network: The Loot Box scandal
Vanaf vandaag 11 uur zendt de BBC de eerste aflevering van een
radioreportage serie uit over de online gokindustrie vanaf Curaçao.
The Gamble Network | Producer: Jolyon Jenkins
Over three programmes, Jolyon...
BBC | Juan Guaidó: ‘We want genuinely free elections in Venezuela’
Venezuela's opposition leader Juan Guaidó has dismissed allegations that he has sabotaged the country's electrical system.
He told the BBC's Will Grant he had the backing of the people and...
BBC | Venezuela: Thousands join rival rallies as power cuts continue
Rival demonstrations are taking place in Venezuela in response to calls by opposition leader Juan Guaidó and President Nicolás Maduro.
In the capital Caracas, some supporters of Mr Guaidó scuffled...
BBC | Venezuela crisis: Guaidó sets up possible confrontation over US aid
Venezuela's self-declared interim leader has set up a confrontation over US aid by calling for Venezuelans to cross borders and bring it into the country next week.
Juan Guaidó wants...
BBC | Venezuela crisis: US sending aid ‘at Guaidó’s request’
The US says it is sending aid to crisis-hit Venezuela following a request from Juan Guaidó, the opposition leader who has declared himself interim president.
Mr Guaidó's move last month...
BBC | Juan Guaidó: US backs opposition as Venezuela president
US President Donald Trump has said he recognises Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó as interim president.
Tens of thousands of Venezuelans are taking to the streets in protest against President...
BBC | The godfather of fake news
Meet one of the world’s most prolific writers of disinformation |
By Anisa Subedar
Christopher Blair takes a sip of his coffee. Then he carefully focuses on one of the three...
BBC | Venezuela crisis hits food markets and a morgue
Herminia Fernandez, filmed by Omar Garcia
Millions of Venezuelans have left the country in the last two years, fleeing the oil-rich nation’s economic collapse.
Shortages of food and basic goods, years...
BBC | Gold, rabbits and crypto: Venezuela’s strange economic plans
For years, Venezuela has been in the headlines for its economic woes, including chronic shortages of food and medicine.
Inflation may hit the one million per cent mark this year...
BBC | Venezuela’s migration crisis: Is enough being done?
It has been called one of the worst migration crises in Latin America's history. The United Nations has said it could reach a "crisis point' comparable to what was...
BBC | Venezuelans rush to Peru to beat passport deadline
Venezuelans trying to emigrate to Peru are rushing to get there before Saturday when new rules will come into force requiring them to have valid passports.
So far, Venezuelans have...
BBC | Venezuela vice-president Delcy Rodríguez banned from EU
The European Union has imposed sanctions on 11 Venezuelan officials following elections in May which the EU says were "neither free nor fair".
Among those sanctioned is newly nominated Vice-President...
BBC | President Trump bans deals in Venezuela’s crypto-currency
President Donald Trump has signed an executive order barring US companies and citizens from dealing in Venezuela's crypto-currency, the Petro.
Mr Trump said the currency - which was launched in...
BBC | Spain expels Venezuela’s ambassador in tit-for-tat move
Spain has declared Venezuela's ambassador to Madrid, Mario Isea, persona non grata. On Thursday Venezuela announced it was expelling the Spanish ambassador to Caracas, Jesús Silva Fernández.
It accused him...
BBC | Venezuela expels Spanish ambassador after EU sanctions
Venezuela has expelled the Spanish ambassador to Caracas, Jesús Silva Fernández, accusing him of interfering in its internal affairs.
Spain has rejected the allegations and said it would reciprocate.
The announcement...
BBC | Venezuela helicopter attack pilot Oscar Pérez buried
The Venezuelan authorities have allowed a rebel police officer who was killed by the security forces to be buried.
Oscar Pérez was labelled a "terrorist" by the government after he...
BBC | Venezuela releases 80 anti-government activists
The Venezuelan government says it is releasing 80 people detained during demonstrations as a Christmas goodwill gesture.
By Sunday morning 36 prisoners had been released, a local NGO said. About...
BBC | Russia’s Rosneft wins gas licences in Venezuela
Venezuela has awarded licences to Russian energy giant Rosneft to develop two offshore gas fields. The deal allows its subsidiary, Grupo Rosneft, to export gas produced at the Patao...
BBC | Venezuela opposition banned from running in 2018 election
Venezuela's president, Nicolas Maduro, says the country's main opposition parties are banned from taking part in next year's presidential election.
He said only parties which took part in Sunday's mayoral...
BBC | Venezuela’s ex-oil minister and ex-PDVSA head arrested
Two powerful Venezuelan former oil officials have been arrested as part of a sweeping anti-corruption operation.
The arrests came just days after the two, oil minister Eulogio del Pino and...
BBC | Hurricane Irma: Florida braces for storm arrival
Wind gusts close to hurricane force are battering islands in Florida's south as Hurricane Irma is due to hit the mainland in the coming hours.
Water levels are already rising...
BBC | Venezuela investigates sacked prosecutor Luisa Ortega
Venezuela's chief prosecutor says the government is investigating a corruption scheme involving his predecessor, Luisa Ortega.
Tarek Saab alleges that Ms Ortega, who fled abroad after being sacked, knew about...
BBC | Venezuela to vote on constituent assembly amid protests
Voting begins in Venezuela shortly to elect a new assembly with powers to rewrite the constitution. The opposition is boycotting the vote which it says is a power grab...
HLN | Venezolanen op de vlucht: “Thuis konden we niet meer overleven”
Terwijl hun land verder wegzakt in een humanitaire crisis door economische problemen en politieke onderdrukking, vluchten steeds meer Venezolanen naar de buurlanden om te kunnen overleven.
Ze nemen er...
BBC | Venezuela National Assembly stormed by Maduro supporters
About 100 government supporters burst into Venezuela's opposition-controlled National Assembly, where they beat up several lawmakers.
Witnesses said the confrontation came after an assembly session to mark the country's Independence...
BBC | Venezuela reopens border with Colombia after eight days
Venezuela has reopened its border with Colombia, eight days after President Nicolas Maduro closed it in order to combat smuggling.
Hundreds of Venezuelans have been crossing into Colombia to buy...
BBC | Venezuela issues new banknotes after inflation
Venezuela is issuing new higher-value notes to help deal with some of the practical problems of soaring inflation. A backpack full of cash is often required to pay bills...
BBC | Venezuela: Vatican-backed talks are ‘last chance’ for peace
Talks between Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro and the opposition are the "last best effort" to finding a peaceful solution to the country's political impasse, a US official says.
US Undersecretary...
BBC | Venezuela: General strike staged against Nicolas Maduro
Opposition leaders in Venezuela have staged a general strike to push for a referendum on removing President Nicolas Maduro from power.
Many shops, businesses and schools stayed closed on Friday...
BBC | Trading bloc Mercosur gives warning to Venezuela
The South American trading bloc Mercosur has threatened to suspend Venezuela if it does not comply with a series of trade and human rights rules.
Paraguay's foreign minister said demands...
BBC | Venezuela opposition leader Daniel Ceballos sent to prison again
One of Venezuela's main opposition leaders, Daniel Ceballos, has been sent back to jail.
Ceballos had been released from prison last year and placed under house arrest for health reasons.
Algemeen nieuws
BBC | Colombia and Farc rebels sign historic peace agreement
The Colombian government and the Farc rebel group have signed a historic peace accord, putting an end to more than five decades of conflict.
Both sides have agreed to work...
BBC | Venezuela first lady’s nephews ‘confessed’ in drug case
Two nephews of Venezuela's first lady confessed to conspiring to import cocaine into the US after being arrested last year, court filings by US prosecutors on Friday said.
Efrain Campo,...
BBC | Venezuela recall referendum: Voters told to confirm identities
Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) has ruled that 1.3 million people who signed a petition for a referendum to oust President Nicolas Maduro will need to turn up at...
BBC | Venezuela opposition leader Capriles says army must choose
Venezuelan opposition leader Henrique Capriles has urged the army to choose whether it is "with the constitution or with (President Nicolas) Maduro", after a state of emergency was declared.
BBC | Venezuela introduces two-day week to deal with energy crisis
Venezuela's government has imposed a two-day working week for public sector workers as a temporary measure to help it overcome a serious energy crisis.
Vice-President Aristobulo Isturiz announced that civil...
BBC | Venezuela’s National Assembly passes amnesty bill
The government denounced the plans as an attempted coup
The Venezuelan National Assembly has passed an amnesty bill which could free dozens of jailed opposition leaders. The opposition-controlled assembly passed...
BBC | Venezuela students protest against Supreme Court ruling
Venezuelan students clashed with police in the western city of San Cristobal on Wednesday. The students were protesting against a ruling by the Supreme Court on Tuesday.
The court curtailed...
BBC | Venezuela shopping centres halve opening times as crisis bites
Shopping centres in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, say they will be halving their opening times to four hours a day. The move will allow them to comply with government...
Steun Knipsel Curacao
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